Friday 7th of March 2025

Gus Leonisky's blog

ancient innovation: steal from the poor and give tax break to the rich...


Labor has called on the National Audit Office to investigate Centrelink's controversial debt recovery scheme that has been criticised for mistakenly targeting vulnerable Australians.

free lunch for special guests...

free lunchfree lunch

Two of the Coalition's leading conservatives have been named as "special guests" at $150-per-head dinner being held by anti-Islamic group, the Q Society of Australia.

cross-bench bullshit expertise...

bullshit from whatisnamebullshit from whatisname

Crossbench senator David Leyonhjelm says people who receive pension payments should not be proud because it shows they are poor.

a tremendous godly creature stirs jealous passions...


The announcement that controversial TV evangelist Paula White will perform a special role at the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump has angered many Americans, especially Christians on the conservative right.

merde alors !...

Mischief by Gus Leonisky



tantrum kid...


United States President Barack Obama has announced a coordinated series of punishments against Russia over hacking allegations, expelling dozens of diplomats and naming intelligence operatives.

kisses from the kremlin...

clothed of the peg...

US President-elect Donald Trump's transition team have released a letter that they say was sent to him by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"A very nice letter from Vladimir Putin; his thoughts are so correct," Mr Trump said about the note, which is dated 15 December 2016.

merry christmas...

merry chistmas

schultz sees the light...

Ed SchultzEd Schultz

exiled in their own mind...


a plastic PM...

the lion...the lion...

santa did it...

santa did it...santa did it...

NBC News is now pushing a story that unnamed “senior intelligence officials” told them that Russian President Vladimir Putin was personally involved in hacking the US election.

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