Thursday 2nd of May 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

inhumanity to humanity...


Oliver Stone: America's brutality started the day we dropped the bomb

between a US rock and a spot in the tundra...


On Sunday night, Edward Snowden asked for political asylum in Russia, and in a matter of hours President Vladimir Putin agreed to grant it. But there was just one catch: the NSA whistle-blower had to hang up his whistle. “If he wants to stay here, there is one precondition,” Putin said on Monday, a few hours before Snowden’s asylum request was made public. “He has to stop doing work that is aimed at harming our American partners.”In other words, no more leaks. Whatever secrets Snowden has left to expose would have to be locked away (except maybe for a private Kremlin showing)...

the clacking of the needles...

fudge one

There is a picture doing the round amongst the LNP Queenslanders, denigrating Mr Rudd... So Gus thought of improving the picture as he did above...

Meanwhile there is a misconception in the mind of most of the public that we elect our Prime Ministers the same way as the American Presidents... This confusion of course is firmly cultivated by the cult of personalities presented to us in a bucket by the macMedia... 


kerry in middle earf...



Kerry in the Mideast: Tilting at Windmills

By Mitchell Plitnick...


the theatre of the absurd —


TONY: Hey Ruddy, you've just robbed me of the most sadistic pleasure to knock her off her perch... Three bloody years on my arse I waited for this...

RUDDY: What 'bout me?... Three and a half years in purgatory, she put me in... Even after I stabbed her in the dark with the help of Laurie Oakie... and on many other occasions after that... I was trying to give you the gig!...

TONY: why would you do that?

RUDDY: So I could punch you in the gonads from behind...

flying pigs...

presidential suite...

This is a repeat of part three of the (unabridged unedited) introduction to the book "The Age of Deceit" by Gus, a work still in progress.... 

a day of the future...


knitting a guernsey...

Julia Gillard says she has no regrets about calling the election so many months in advance and believes Labor can still win, despite repeated polls showing the party is set for an historic defeat.

the gutter-press syndrome...

garbage journalism...

Never before has Australia’s political coverage been so poorly regarded by the public; Tom Orren says this reputation is well-deserved — and here he explains why.

snubs and counter snubs...


We are at the beginning of the exposure of a long haul of deception and deceptive manipulation... Deception is not new. What is new in this world of goggling each others is the scope and the ramifications of such deception.

forest fires...


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