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Gus Leonisky's blogthe daily horror telecrap show... who would have expected any less?...Images from Media Watch ABC TV... Saved me some time at making up a full toon... Actually one could not do ANY better at deriding, lampooning, satirising, debasing, stupidising the Daily Telegraph than the DAILY TELEGRAPH ITSELF.
don't trust this rubbish in this lousy paper. YOU want better faster NBN? YES? simple. don't vote for malcolm...Once more, the merde-och press attacks Labor for thinking ahead. You NEED a better NBN than what Malcolm is delivering with his mixed up bag of nineteenth century technology, wires pre-world war two, and a bit of optic fibre. Labor still wants you to have the best and it's AFFORDABLE. But Murdoch and his troops don't want you to have it because it's likely to be BETTER than his cable TV... So the exclusive is now about "budget blow", as if Malcolm had not blown the budget on trying to fix something that won't work well and will cost three times as much. Don't vote for Malcolm if you want a BETTER NBN.
the outrageous behaviour of the empire... getting worse than dubya's disastrous "mission accomplished"...
what they are hiding from you...A report that recommends putting a price on emissions from the electricity sector has been held back by the Climate Change Authority until after the election, prompting calls from Labor and the Greens that it be made public to inform debate. The independent authority, whose board is now dominated by appointments made last October by Environment Minister Greg Hunt, was to have released its policy options paper for the power industry by the end of April.
tricklely trickolo...
Mr Fraser said Treasurer Scott Morrison spoke to him personally at about 6pm on Thursday to instruct him to publish the full 10-year costings, following days of the government refusing to confirm the figure. "You've finally been dragged kicking and screaming to fess up," Labor Senate leader Penny Wong said. Mr Fraser said he had only been permitted to release the costing of two of the 11 prongs of the plan: reducing the company tax rate to 25 per cent, and increasing the threshold at which small businesses qualify for a lower tax rate.
election day 2016... freezing your tits orf...
The day that Malcolm wants to take you to the cleaners — I mean vote for himself — in the next Federal election, could be the "coldest" of the year. It's not a fluke.
... and real work for the dole...You could have been dazzled by this budget to end all budget since even Mr Morrison does not call it a budget but a way of life or such... Impressive. So many rabbits, one does not know where to look. Even Leigh Sales was so impressed she asked ScotMo what was the point of the Liberals (CONservtives)' three years in government. I believe she thought the Libs could have released the rabbits earlier... Another economists tells us that this budget asks "for an act of faith"... I suppose that the big earners that will be hit by the budget will find loopholes in the rabbit warrens as one would tunnel towards the Cayman Islands to deposit some cash. The clincher for me is "real work for the dole"... I am in tears....
blaming someone else is a trait of a psychopath nazi who does not have the elegance of torture refinement...
extortion business...It seems Oz Post CEO Ahmed Fahour might have found the perfect way to finally kill off the business. Paying millions to his executive team while laying off 900 postal workers who actually did something useful like, you know, delivering the post, was a good start. But shaking down punters to collect packages that have already been paid for by the sender is the coup de grace.I think it's almost certainly illegal. Oz Post has no contract with the recipient of the package, you see. The contract to deliver, for which payment has been made, was with the sender.
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