Monday 10th of March 2025

the west's modern crusades, or what is yours is mine.....


"The Geographical Pivot of History" is an article submitted by Halford John Mackinder in 1904 to the Royal Geographical Society that advances his heartland theory. In this article, Mackinder extended the scope of geopolitical analysis to encompass the entire globe (see original 1904 map above). THE WEST IS STILL ACTIVELY PURSUING THE "PIVOT"...


According to Mackinder, the Earth's land surface was divisible into:


• The World-Island, comprising the interlinked continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa (Afro-Eurasia). This was the largest, most populous, and richest of all possible land combinations.

• The offshore islands, including the British Isles and the islands of Japan.

• The outlying islands, including the continents of North America, South America, and Oceania.

The Heartland lay at the centre of the world island, stretching from the Volga to the Yangtze and from the Himalayas to the Arctic. Mackinder's Heartland was the area then ruled by the Russian Empire and after that by the Soviet Union, minus the Kamchatka Peninsula region, which is located in the easternmost part of Russia, near the Aleutian Islands and Kurile islands


Later, in 1919, Mackinder summarised his theory thus:


Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland;

who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island;

who rules the World-Island commands the world.

                       — Mackinder, Democratic Ideals and Reality


Any power which controlled the World-Island would control well over 50% of the world's resources. The Heartland's size and central position made it the key to controlling the World-Island.


The vital question has been how to secure control for the Heartland. This question may seem pointless, since in 1904 the Russian Empire had ruled most of the area from the Volga to Eastern Siberia for centuries. But throughout the nineteenth century:


• The West European powers had combined, usually successfully, in the Great Game to prevent Russian expansion.

• The Russian Empire was huge but socially, politically and technologically backward — i.e. inferior in "virility, equipment and organization".

Mackinder held that effective political domination of the Heartland by a single power had been unattainable in the past because:

• The Heartland was protected from sea power by ice to the north and mountains and deserts to the south.

• Previous land invasions from east to west and vice versa were unsuccessful because lack of efficient transportation made it impossible to assure a continual stream of men and supplies.


Mackinder outlined the following ways in which the Heartland might become a springboard for global domination in the twentieth century (Sempa, 2000):


• Successful invasion of Russia by a Western European nation (most probably Germany). Mackinder believed that the introduction of the railroad had removed the Heartland's invulnerability to land invasion. As Eurasia began to be covered by an extensive network of railroads, there was an excellent chance that a powerful continental nation could extend its political control over the Eastern European gateway to the Eurasian landmass. In Mackinder's words, "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland.” (Think Ukraine)

• A Russo-German alliance. Before 1917 both countries were ruled by autocrats (the Tsar and the Kaiser), and both could have been attracted to an alliance against the democratic powers of Western Europe (the US was isolationist regarding European affairs, until it became a participant of World War I in 1917). Germany would have contributed to such an alliance its formidable army and its large and growing sea power.

• Conquest of Russia by a Sino-Japanese empire.


The combined empires' large East Asian coastline would also provide the potential for it to become a major sea power. Mackinder's "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland…" does not cover this scenario, probably because the previous two scenarios were seen as the major risks of the nineteenth century and the early 1900s.


One of Mackinder's personal objectives was to warn Britain that its traditional reliance on sea power would become a weakness as improved land transport opened up the Heartland for invasion and/or industrialisation (Sempa, 2000).


A more modern development to which the heartland theory can still be attributed to exist is through Russia's oil pipelines scandals. Heartland theory implies that the world island is full of resources to be exploited. "Any initiative by the United States to open the market access in Central Asia implies that this state is targeted for the exploration of multinational energy companies. The efforts of domination for the exploration of natural resources are also apparent in the case of Russia. Study found that Russia wants to have pipelines be transported through its territory. However the Russian energy companies are working on behalf of market interests, they often constrain the behaviour of the state”.





The Mackinder theory is still at the centre of US/Anglo-Saxon desire: the USA want to control (and own) the world. Putin refuses to play the US Empire game. He thus must be a thug... and act so.


NATO and the US are liars. This is obvious. I suppose that for the sake of "balance", we could say that Putin is a liar. At this level, there is NOT a single verifiable truth to this proposition, except the Western media is trying to portray Putin as a despot — with hidden moneys everywhere and as being corrupt. Putin is smarter than this, but “his” 144 million Russians have to be ready to counterbalance 350 million Americans plus 750 million Europeans — all these numbers including the kids, the infirm and the old. An this level, the “Heartland” (mostly Russia) is weak. Some of the Heartland also encompasses Western China. The Rimland includes East China (the Crescent) — and the Eastern European countries, which until 1991 were under Russian control. 


When the USSR dismantled itself under Gorbachov, there was euphoria in the populations of the World: the Cold War had ended with a victory for the West and we could breathe better. NATO and the USA made the solemn and catalogued promise NOT TO MOVE ONE INCH TOWARDS EASTERN EUROPE. THIS WAS A LIE. This lie is at the core of the present battle for Kiev. And this lie has its origins in the Mackinder doctrine/theory which itself has its origin on previous wars waged against China and Russia.






In the documentary THE COMING WAR ON CHINA of John Pilger, Li (check), a Chinese entrepreneur and social commentator — makes the point that the Christian beliefs underlies this spirit of conquest as the Western nations sent warships and missionaries. The FOREVER WARS concept was explored by George Orwell, in the prescient novel, 1984. This had been the attitude of the American Empire since George Washington had become president of the United States of America. Since 1776, the USA has been at war/has declared war somewhere on the planet, except for about 20 years (containment of sorts was still happening)…


And most of our media, mostly bourgeois of the left and warmongers of the right, do not seem to be aware — NO, I MEAN DO NOT WANT TO KNOW — of this US Empire push to conquer every corners of this world. And this conquest is done with various means — wars being a main component. But even these wars need to be “justified” and this is where lies and massive deception come in. 


The majority of the Western media still claim for example that “intelligence failures” led to the war on Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction. As indicated on this site since its inception, such intelligence failures CANNOT HAPPEN. Such "INTELLIGENCE” IS DESIGNED/INVENTED/PROMOTED/FABRICATED/SOLD as to make the population of bourgeois and underpaid workers believe that they are under threat and “justice shall prevail”. 


As explained on this site, to manufacture such deceit on such a large scale demands a powerful dedicated manipulative core from which tentacular filaments of selective INFORMATION are fed to the media. The Western media are whores, including the left and the centrist public outlets such as NPR, PBS in the USA and the BBC in the UK and the ABC in Australia. The governmental information on such subject as war is picked up by ALL MEDIA  and republished with different flavours, including “caveats”.


For example, even a site like P&I, will publish articles with caveats as:


"Don’t believe what you read in the mass media. It is also an instrument of war.


War is an obscenity. It is not an instrument of policy, it is a failure of policy. War is not only morally indefensible, it is politically counterproductive.


Russia claims to have invaded Ukraine because it is afraid of NATO expansion. By invading, it has virtually guaranteed that it will have a permanent enemy, heavily armed by US/NATO, even if not a full member, on its Western border.


Australia’s constant war-mongering is equally shameful and equally damaging to our security. Peace can only be secured through negotiation and the development of mutually beneficial relations."




Words all very worthy of a PEACE AWARD… But. But the "The Geographical Pivot of History" by Halford John Mackinder IS STILL PART OF THE WESTERN THINK. And why are our heroes like Blair being given Knighthood rather than prison terms for the rest of their life?


Since last year, Putin has tried to negotiate a treaty that would ensure Russia’s security… It had three points: Ukraine shall remain a neutral country; the Minsk Agreements shall be respected by Ukraine on the Donbass region; Crimea is Russian as prior to 1954 as overwhelmingly voted for by the population of Crimea. THE ANSWER BY THE US and the West in general was FUCK OFF PUTIN!!!


As well, Ukraine, under the little Jewish Nazi Zelensky vowed NOT TO RESPECT the Minsk agreements and Zelensky goons had assembled a 60,000 strong army to invade the Donbass region in early March. The documentation shown by the Russians is clear. Yes, we know this could be Russian disinformation… The West will say this off course, until the “genocide” of Russians in the Donbass region is enacted under the banner of FREEDOM and UKRAINE Territorial integrity… PUTIN KNOW THE GAME BEING PLAYED and took a gamble. 


IN MANY WAYS, Putin did not have any choice. The next step after the genocide of Russians in Ukraine by the Nazi battalion was to get NATO to install NUCLEAR WARHEADS on the Ukraine/Russia border. This was a given. Putin is not a fool despite the assurances by the West… We know that these assurances are worth NOTHING. 


Many commentators are now saying that by the invasion of Ukraine, Putin as created a bad situation that eventually will lead to Ukraine having US nukes on its soil. Remember, the HEARTLAND IS THE LOLLY THE US is after. Putin will defend the Heartland tooth and nail, including demilitarising Ukraine, with strong threats to NATO. Don’t come and interfered or YOU WILL BE DESTROYED. Ukraine will not have US nuclear weapons on its soil or the next 30 years and this is the promise made by PUTIN. The next leader of Russia will be formed in the art of defending the Heartland. The alternative is simple: Kaput.


Here some journalists in the West will argue that with intercontinental missiles, the West does not need to have nuclear missiles in Ukraine. This is unverifiable controversy. 


It takes a long time for these ballistic missiles to reach destination and preventative shields can destroy them before reaching their targets. The Russian “shields” are made of S300, S400, S500, and S600, plus an array of unmanned drones and manned aircrafts. As well the hypersonic missiles (the bear claws) are a step ahead in delivery of explosives. No shield so far can stop them as they do not follow a set trajectory.


So, the idea of the "The Geographical Pivot of History” is only a secular version of what the West had been up to with the CRUSADE, on a smaller scale, yet still with the spirit of spreading the good words of Christ with guns and bibles to the rest of the world… This has been used as a cover and us, the naive bourgeois finance the project with money and good intentions. 


The pope should have shut his big mouth about the Russian “invasion”… Catholic Rome is not a position to form an opinion on who is right or wrong. El Papa should limit himself to pray for the souls of the dead and for the quick recovery of the injured. Nothing else. 


MEANWHILE, in regard to CHINA… Our Duttonic minister of defence is braying like an idiotic ass about the Chinese wanting to invade Taiwan… Looking at the map of the American bases encircling China, I’m sure the Chinese government has no desire to invade tomorrow nor in twenty years. But in real terms, China is now far more technologically advanced than Taiwan, so the only way Taiwan can survive is by being host to US bases and become a third world space. In the West, we’re only see things in terms of competition in which we are "exceptionally the best" and clubs to bash people with. We see unilateralism as our right, while Russia and China want multipolarity… We declare Xi to be autocratic because he restrains the power of the multibillionaires to abuse people. We value the "Freedom” illusions while we submit to the nightmare of the rules-based order.


For the last 10 years, the gap between the rich and the poor in China had widened like in the West. This is capitalism at work. The difference as explained in John Pilger’s documentary is that in China, the capitalism does not rule to political power. In the USA and to some extend in many of the Western nations, including Australia, CAPITALISM CONTROLS THE GOVERNMENT.


More to come, including the Crimean wars in parallel with the Opium wars — and the crusades...








See also:


defending the heartland...

good questions...

Some moderate journalists ask then, considering the threat Russia is facing (read above), why did not Putin just stop at protecting the Donbass region? And retain some titbit of moral high ground?


Until the invasion, I was of the belief that Putin's intention was to stop at protecting the Donbass area. I think this was Putin's intention as well. According to some report, he made the decision to go the full hog, the night before... I am not a military person, but I understand some basic tactics... Putin would have been given advice from his military analysts: The Russian in Donbass, already facing 60,000 Ukrainian troops, would have been seen this number swell to near the full force of the Ukrainian army (around 400,000) within a week or so. Fighting such a "war" on a front-on combat would have been like going to hell. The "correct" decision was thus made to destroy the Ukrainian military before it was assembled facing the Donbass


Considering the Russians power, they went in with precision. Sure, there has been some civilian casualties, but in real terms, these poor people are quite in a small number compared to say Iraqi casualties when Bush invaded under false pretences. Some innocent Ukrainians may have been killed by friendly fire. THIS NOT UNCOMMON in such situation, including trying to create a false flag event. As well some of Azov troops "hide" amongst civilians and use them as "shield". But overall, so far despite a disastrous public relations exercise to which Putin would give raspberries — the mission has eliminated 90 per cent of the Ukrainian military equipment and untold number of Ukrainian soldiers death. So far the Russians would have lost about 700 soldiers.


Soldiering is a risky business. War is an ugly business, but we have to understand how NATO lied to Gorbachov — who is considered a honest man by the western media...


Another journalists' question is in a form of a statement that "Surely, Zelensky is not a Nazi..."

Of course not, but his bases are with a few caveats. If Zelensky CARED about "his" people and the future of the planet, he would sign a peace treaty with Russia forthwith. HE CANNOT WIN THIS WAR, EVEN WITH TWITTER WINDS IN HIS SAILS. Not only he should sign a treaty, he should stop making demands of a no-fly zone above Ukraine — a no-fly zone which would be enforced by US and NATO military. Either he is deluding and think this is a comedy show, either he wants to start WW3, in a stupid dare... At this level, Zelensky is dangerous. Even if the US congress approves a "no-fly zone", the US military, known for their brazenness, would not go there...


The next problem will be to manage "a defeated Ukraine"... It won't be easy, even for the best of negotiators... Lives have been lost, displaced and injured. Compensation and a new political reality will have to take place. It will take 20/30 years to heal, but there will be longer terms scars. This was Putin's sophie's Choice... 



the anarchy of the jungle...

BEIRUT (Sputnik) - Discrimination that the West is now perpetuating against Russia is unprecedented in world history and infringes on the principles of international law, turning the world into "a jungle," Syrian President Bashar Assad said on Thursday.


"Western discrimination of Russia is unprecedented in world history... The West lies in every word in pursuit of world power and thievery... The West has proved that international law is worthless and has crossed out all the principles of the world agreements turning the world into a jungle," Assad told a meeting with teachers from all Syrian provinces, as quoted by Syrian news agency SANA.

The president noted that there are means of confronting the West, and called for a "dynamic thinking" and a strong will to find economic solutions amid unilateral sanctions.


The president said that the world turned into "a wild forest run by Western thieves in the absence of international law" after the collapse of the Soviet Union.


"The West is experiencing a historic reversal of its global role after the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine... The conflict in Ukraine has exposed the true face of Western powers to their people," Assad said.










protecting the heartland…..

AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!,, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman.

President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke for nearly two hours Friday, with much of the discussion focused on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Biden reportedly warned Xi that China will face “consequences” if it provides material support to Russia. It was the first call between the two leaders of the world’s two largest economies in four months.

In February, Russian President Vladimir Putin traveled to Beijing for talks with Xi ahead of the invasion. Earlier this month, China joined India, Iran, Pakistan and 32 other nations from the Global South in abstaining from a United Nations vote condemning Russia’s war in Ukraine. On Saturday, China’s vice foreign minister criticized NATO as a, quote, “Cold War vestige” and criticized Western sanctions on Russia, saying globalization is being used as a weapon.

To look more at China’s evolving relations with both Russia and the United States, we’re joined by Alfred McCoy, professor of history at University of Wisconsin-Madison, author of numerous books, most recently, To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change. His recent article for The Nation is headlined “Russia and China, Together at Last.”

Welcome back to Democracy Now!, Professor McCoy.

ALFRED McCOY: Thank you for having me.

AMY GOODMAN: Why don’t you start off by responding to the talk that President Biden and Xi Jinping had on Friday, what we learned of what they said?

ALFRED McCOY: Apparently, what President Biden was hoping to accomplish in his phone conversation with Xi Jinping was to draw on their successful video meeting last November and kind of encourage or even pressure President Xi to back away from China’s strong support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. And that did not happen. President Xi’s quote, the most memorable, the most important quote, was he wanted the United States to “untie the knot” of Ukrainian and Russian security. And that was a kind oblique reference to the idea that the United States and NATOare responsible for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by expanding NATO right up to the borders of Russia and threatening Russian security. And that’s also a reference to the historic meeting between Putin and Xi Jinping on February 4th of this year, when the two met during the Winter Olympics and they issued an historic 5,300-word declaration that laid claim to establishing a kind of new global order to attacking U.S. global hegemony and to build upon their strong bilateral alliance, their very close economic integration in the field of energy, and to simultaneously block NATOfrom threatening Russia and block the United States from supporting Taiwan against China’s legitimate claims to Taiwan. And so, in effect, what that meeting failed to accomplish was it simply failed to break this emerging alliance between China and Russia, which is literally shaking the current world order.

AMY GOODMAN: I wanted to turn to Qin Gang, the Chinese ambassador to the United States, appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation Sunday. He was questioned by Margaret Brennan.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Has Xi Jinping, your president, told Vladimir Putin to stop the invasion? Do you condemn it?

QIN GANG: Actually, on the second day of Russia’s military operation, President Xi Jinping did talk to President Putin —

MARGARET BRENNAN: Was that their last phone call?

QIN GANG: — asking President Putin to think about resuming peace talks with Ukraine. And President Putin listened to it, and we have seen four rounds of peace talks have happened. Let me continue. China’s trusted relations with Russia is not a liability. Actually, it’s an asset in the international efforts to solve the crisis in a peaceful way. And China is part of the solution. It’s not part of the problem.

AMY GOODMAN: Professor McCoy, can you respond to the significance of what the Chinese ambassador to the United States said?

ALFRED McCOY: Of course. He is again kind of affirming what President Xi said in that meeting last Friday with President Biden — in essence, that China is not going to rupture its relations with Russia, it’s not going to apply pressure on Russia, it’s not going to blame Russia, it’s not going to call the Russian invasion of Ukraine an invasion, and it is going to affirm that Russia has legitimate security concerns in Ukraine that must be met, and that if China is going to do anything, it is going to apply its considerable international power and prestige to support Russia in establishing its security in Eastern Europe.

I think what’s going on more broadly is that we’re saying a sense of extraordinary confidence from Moscow and Beijing that, literally, history — and, more importantly, geopolitics — is on their side. They believe that their alliance gives them such dominance, such power on the massive Eurasian landmass, that they can prevail, that they can not only dominate the landmass, they can dominate international politics. In essence, they are pursuing a geopolitical strategy to break U.S. control over the Eurasian landmass, and thereby break U.S. global power. They think that they are witnessing the birth, the historic birth, of a new world order in which the great global hegemon, the United States, which has dominated the world for the past 70 years — in which its global power is broken, and its dominance over Eurasia, something the United States has maintained since the start of the Cold War in the early 1950s, but that is coming also to an end.

AMY GOODMAN: This is the White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki talking about Biden’s meeting with Xi Jinping on video phone call.

PRESS SECRETARY JEN PSAKI: The movement of China to align with Russia or to — yeah, the movement of them to align with Russia or their proximity of moving closer together is certainly of great concern to us, as we have expressed, and we are not the only country that has expressed that concern, including many other members of the G7 have expressed exactly that concern. So this is part of the discussion, has been an ongoing part of the discussion, expect it certainly would be when the president goes to Europe next week. But we’re not in a place at this point to outline the specifics. We’re still discussing.

AMY GOODMAN: So, if you can talk more about, Professor McCoy, what Biden threatened, if it has an effect? You know, he is going to Europe this week. He’s speaking with a lot of European nations today, then meeting in Brussels with other NATO members, then going to Poland to hold bilateral talks Friday and Saturday. What this means for Russia, and then for Russia and China?

ALFRED McCOY: The United States is concerned, I think, in two areas — one, that China will provide weaponry and financial support, and, in fact, China can break the financial embargo that the United States is trying to impose upon Russia in order to restrain them in their invasion of Ukraine. And so, what Washington is monitoring is flows of weapon and flows of financial support from China to Russia. That’s what the United States is trying to restrain. And that, the weapons may have a short-term impact; the financial flows, a medium-term impact. That’s the U.S. concern.

But I think we need to sort of analyze the situation in dual tracks — one, focus on the diplomacy, the military activity in Ukraine, the course of the war on the battlefield. OK? And that may or may not go Putin’s way. But underlying that, there is this extraordinary confidence in Moscow and Beijing that the geopolitics of Eurasia are on their side, that because of their alliance and their dominant position in this great landmass that comprises 70% of the world’s population and productivity, that it almost inevitably — that they are going to emerge as the new centers of global power on the planet. And that, I think, is underlying their boldness and their resistance to Washington’s pressure.

So, we can — from their perspective, we can provide weapons, we can mount financial pressure, we can even impact the situation on the battlefield by providing anti-tank missiles and handheld weapons that can bring — Stinger missiles that can bring down Russian helicopters and aircraft. We can do all, that but that is not material. That’s not what’s going to matter. They believe, because of the theory of geopolitics, that being the dominant powers in this great Eurasian landmass, that they can slowly break the controls that the United States has imposed over Eurasia since the start of the Cold War, and they can break U.S. global power, and they, together, can construct a new global order.

Every global hegemon — and that’s the word that Beijing and Moscow use — every global hegemon for the last 500 years, from the Portuguese to the Spanish, the Dutch, the British, the United States, and now the Chinese, have done one thing in common: They have all dominated Eurasia. Their rise to global power, including the U.S. rise to global power after World War II, was accompanied by dominance over Eurasia. And decline of all of these global powers, including the United States, has been marked by their declining control over Eurasia.

And together, Beijing and Moscow are pursuing a strategy that I call, you know, push, push, punch. So, they are pushing at these great chains of geopolitical control that the United States has ringed around Eurasia since the Cold War — naval fleets, air bases, mutual defense pacts — they’re pushing slowly at the east and west ends of Eurasia, hoping to strain and break those chains of control that the United States has imposed over Eurasia, until, in the succession of these punches, those chains of control snap, U.S. dominance over Eurasia comes to an end, and, correspondingly, in the theory of geopolitics, U.S. global power also declines.

AMY GOODMAN: So, Professor McCoy, one of the key reasons binding Russia to China, in addition to what you’ve been talking about, is that Russia is a major energy exporter. China is one of the world’s leading energy importers. Put that together with, The Wall Street Journal reporting last week, Saudi Arabia is in active talks with Beijing to price some of its oil sales to China in yuan, a move that would dent the U.S. dollar’s dominance of the global petroleum market. China buys more than a quarter of the oil that Saudi Arabia exports. If priced in yuan, those sales would boost the standing of China’s currency. Can you talk about the significance of both the currency and energy politics?

ALFRED McCOY: Sure. One of the foundations of U.S. global powers, right since the end of World War II, has been that the dollar has been the functional global reserve currency. That was set at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. And in 1971, when President Nixon ended the automatic convertibility of dollars to gold, Saudi Arabia announced that they would keep conducting their petroleum transactions in dollars. And since oil is the most negotiated of all international commodities, if the world is doing its oil business in dollars, that means the dollar has that continuing support as global reserve currency.

Since 2015, the Chinese currency has become a part of the international basket of currencies recognized by the International Monetary Fund. And as China’s dominance over the global economy grows and it becomes the world’s largest economy, the Chinese currency’s role in that international economy is going to increase. And once the dollar declines — that is the most negotiable, the most visible part of U.S. global dominance — that global dominance will follow the decline of the dollar downward.

AMY GOODMAN: How do you see all of this playing out, Professor McCoy?

ALFRED McCOY: Short term, I think that what we’re looking at is a kind of a parallel of what happened with the last time China and Russia were aligned. In the early 1950s, Mao Zedong went to Moscow. He was a supplicant. He formed an alliance with Joseph Stalin. And Joseph Stalin cashed in that alliance very quickly by using China to enter the Korean War. China fought in Korea for three years. It cost them about 40% of China’s budget, 200,000 dead Chinese soldiers. What we’re looking at is kind of a reprise of that. You know, Putin comes to Beijing in February in the Winter Olympics. He’s now the supplicant. He needs China’s diplomatic and economic support for his Ukraine invasion. And so, at the moment of this very strong alliance again, this time Putin attacks. He’s sacrificing his budget, his soldiers, in this strategy of pushing and pushing and breaking the U.S. dominance over Eurasia.

I see, long term, the growing power of China over the Eurasian continent. Their Belt and Road Initiative, this trillion-dollar development program that now incorporates around 70 nations in Eurasia and Africa, laying down infrastructure — pipelines, railroads and roads — across the whole Eurasian landmass, if this development project succeeds — and it’s 10 times the size of the Marshall Plan that the United States used to rebuild Europe after World War II; it’s the biggest development scheme in human history — if this scheme works in laying down infrastructure of rails, pipelines and roads across the Eurasian landmass, and that draws the commerce of Eurasia, home to 70% of the world’s population, towards Beijing, then, almost as if by natural law, power and prestige and global leadership will flow towards Beijing.

And so, what we’re witnessing is the violent eruptions of a great tectonic shift in global power. As U.S. global power declines, China ascends. Power shifts from the West — Europe and the United States — towards Asia. And what we’re witnessing then, an historic change that is for the — I’d say, by 2030, by the end of this decade, it will become clear that U.S. global power has eclipsed, that power has shifted to Beijing on the Eurasian landmass, and they are the new global hegemon, constructing a new kind of world order, far less concerned with human rights, far less concerned with law, a kind of transactional world order of mutual convenience.

AMY GOODMAN: We’re going to leave it there, but it’s certainly a discussion that we will continue. Alfred McCoy, professor of history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, author of numerous books, most recently, To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change. We’ll link to your piece in The Nation, “Russia and China, Together at Last.”

Coming up, we go to Western Sahara, Africa’s last colony, for an exclusive interview with a leading Sahrawi human rights defender, Sultana Khaya, who’s been under de facto house arrest for almost 500 days. A group of U.S. activists have just broken the siege on her home. Stay with us.


Read more:







history does not repeat but goes in circles…..



FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sign the peace, mr clownsky...

Could we have predicted this war in Ukraine? And could we have prevented it? The simple answer to both these questions is yes. 

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is illegal and has to be condemned by the international community. And it has been condemned. As a former Ambassador to the United Nations, I fully understand and support the need to protect the principles of the UN Charter. Yet, in geopolitics we must always do two things simultaneously. We must moralise. And we must analyse. Since geopolitics is a cruel game and follows the cold and ruthless logic of power, we must be cold, dispassionate and hard-headed in our analysis. The only iron law of geopolitics is that it punishes those who are naïve and ignore its cold logic.

So could we have predicted this war in Ukraine? And could we have prevented it? The simple answer to both these questions is yes. Indeed, many leading statesmen in the West correctly predicted this disaster in Ukraine.

Probably the greatest strategic thinker that the US produced in the 20th century was George Kennan. He fashioned the famous containment strategy which ultimately succeeded in defeating the Soviet Union. He passed away on 17 March 2005.

On 21 February 2022, the famous New York Times correspondent, Tom Friedman, requoted at great length what George Kennan told him in 1998. When asked about the impact of the expansion of NATO into former areas of the Soviet Union, he said, very presciently, “I think it is the beginning of a new cold war. I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their policies. I think it is a tragic mistake. There was no reason for this whatsoever. No one was threatening anybody else. This expansion would make the founding fathers of this country turn over in their graves.”

So why did NATO continue expanding despite the clear warnings of George Kennan? In some ways, the correct answer was also endorsed by George Kennan. On 1 December 1997, the famous and legendary editor of the magazine The National Interest Owen Harries wrote an article explaining why NATO expansion was unwise and then gave the reasons why it was happening. He cited several reasons, but let me just quote the first two: “the strength of the Polish-American vote, as well as that of other Americans of Central and East European origin” and “the enormous vested interests–careers, contracts, consultancies, accumulated expertise–represented by the NATO establishment, which now needed a new reason and purpose to justify the organization’s continued existence”.

In short, short-term domestic political interests of gaining voters and narrow economic interests trumped geopolitical wisdom. Immediately, after Owen Harries published this article, George Kennan immediately wrote a letter endorsing all the points made by Owen Harries. He said “It was in some respects a surprise because certain of your major arguments were ones I myself had made, or had wanted to make, but had not expected to see them so well expressed by the pen of anyone else.”

What is striking about the project to expand NATO is that many leading American thinkers, both liberal and conservative, opposed it, including Paul Nitze, James Schlesinger, Fred Ikle, John Mearsheimer, Jack Matlock, William Perry, Stephen Cohen, Bill Burns, Vladimir Pozner, Bob Gates, Robert McNamara, Bill Bradley, Gary Hart, Pat Buchanan, Jeffrey Sachs, and Fiona Hill among others.

The greatest living strategic thinker in the US today is Henry Kissinger. He didn’t oppose the expansion of NATO to the former Warsaw Pact states of Eastern Europe. But he strongly counselled against admitting Ukraine into NATO. As a good student of history, Kissinger pointed out why Ukraine was viewed differently by Russians. In a 2014 article published in the Washington Post, this is what Kissinger said, “The West must understand that, to Russia, Ukraine can never be just a foreign country. Russian history began in what was called Keivan-Rus. The Russian religion spread from there. Ukraine has been part of Russia for centuries, and their histories were intertwined before then. Some of the most important battles for Russian freedom, starting with the Battle of Poltava in 1709, were fought on Ukrainian soil.”

As a wise statesman, Kissinger proposed a sensible compromise solution. On the one hand, he said, “Ukraine should have the right to choose freely its economic and political associations, including with Europe.” On the other hand, he said (in 2014), “Ukraine should not join NATO, a position I took seven years ago, when it came up.”

The real tragedy about Ukraine is that if the then American President, Barack Obama (a Nobel Peace Prize winner) had heeded the advice of Henry Kissinger, the war in Ukraine could have been avoided. Kissinger’s formula emphasised that the Ukrainians would be free to choose their own political system and regional associations. Indeed, the strong Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion was not anticipated. This strong resistance confirms their strong desire to join the European Union. And they should be allowed to do so. And, as advised by Kissinger, Ukraine can stay out of NATO and remain “neutral”. In the past ‘neutral’ states were allowed to join the European Union. Ukraine could follow that precedent. Such a win-win solution could have prevented a war. Indeed, two days after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, President Zelensky (who has emerged as a real hero after the invasion) said, “We are not afraid of Russia, we are not afraid of engaging in talks with Russia, we are not afraid of discussing anything, such as security guarantees for our state, we are not afraid of talking about neutral status.” If neutral status had been agreed to, the war could have been avoided.

When future historians write about this Ukraine episode, one big question they will surely ask is why the clear and explicit warnings of leading Western statesmen, like Kennan and Kissinger, were ignored? They will also ask why our world doesn’t have distinguished peacemakers today who could have prevented the conflict.

This may well be the most important lesson that the world should learn from the Ukraine episode. Wars are tragic, as they always have been. Peace must be preserved. And the world needs to develop a class of globally respected statesmen who could emerge as global peace-makers.

Curiously, we used to have such globally respected statesmen, including people like Nelson Mandela, Kofi Annan and Desmond Tutu. Many of them were members of a council of “The Elders” which has tried to provide calm and sensible advice from time to time. Clearly, we seem to lack such distinguished statesmen today.

And the risks continue to grow. Recently, the former US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo said in Taiwan that the US should “immediately take necessary, and long-overdue, steps to do the right and obvious thing, that is to offer the Republic of China (Taiwan) America’s diplomatic recognition as a free and sovereign country.” One doesn’t have to be a geopolitical genius to figure out that his prescription would lead to a war over Taiwan.

Since his provocative suggestion could lead to a war, a war that could be even more destructive than the war in Ukraine, one would expect a global chorus of voices to emerge and condemn the reckless statement of Mike Pompeo which could lead to a war.

So far I have not heard any leading voice on our planet condemn his statement. And that’s the nub of our global problem. Where are the global peacemakers when we need them more than ever?


By Kishore Mahbubani — a Professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the author of ‘Has the West Lost It?



The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore








follow the petro-money...


the war criminals in Washington and in Europe...


 history does not repeat but goes in circles…..


a red rag to a bear...


pointing the finger...


the bourgeois kids…...


straussian full-spectrum dominance...


why the chinese won't invade taiwan in the near future.....


propaganda, fake news, bias and gross misinformation from the west...


and you trust this country of thugs, torturers and liars...


the US should not throw stones from inside their own glasshouse...




dear volodymyr...



FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW••••••••••••••••••


the USA is a fascist country…..

President Joe Biden on Tuesday described the conflict in Ukraine as a historic “inflection point [that] comes along every six or eight generations,” and described the US’ role in the conflict as fighting the first “real battle” in a civilizational struggle versus Russia and China. Biden also promised to send billions more dollars worth of aid to Kiev.

“We’re at an inflection point in history. It comes along about every six or eight generations,” Biden said, during a visit to a Lockheed Martin factory in Alabama, adding that “things are changing so rapidly that we have to be in control.”

It is unclear what the last “inflection point” referenced by Biden was, with six to eight generations describing anywhere between 100 and 200 years ago. However, Biden went on to describe the US’ mission in Ukraine in grander terms than simply shipping arms to an ally.

“There’s an ongoing battle between autocracy and democracy,” he said, referring to China and Russia as enemies of supposed Western “democracies.” The conflict in Ukraine, he added, is “the first real battle” in this clash of civilizations