Monday 10th of March 2025

history does not repeat but goes in circles…..


Japan expansionism in the 1930s, which led them to bomb Pear Harbor in 1941, was about resources. Japan had invaded China to gain access to coal and oil. When the Japanese were stopped by the Chinese somewhat, they turned their sights onto the south-east Asian nations, from Thailand, Indochina, The Phillipines, Indonesia and Papua/New Guinea. 


From there, Japan had the resources needed, but they decided to prevent the USA from interfering. At the time the USA, under Roosevelt, had declared neutrality and “no weapons sales” to nations at war — especially to the UK…


Soon after the French and the English had once more declared war on Germany, only England was left to defend Europe. The Anglo-Saxon exclusive hegemony was under threat.


The Japanese added to the threat by bombing Pearl Harbor 7 December 1941. Here it is said by some historian that the Japanese attack forces had been spotted by some Australian crews who alerted the Americans. Some Historians go to the extant that the US Military dismissed the information, in order to suffer spectacular damage and spur the nation to go to war, despite its declared neutrality.


The Bombing of Darwin, also known as the Battle of Darwin, on 19 February 1942 was the largest single attack ever mounted by a foreign power on Australia. But it would appear that this was mostly to prevent the Australians from interfering with the Japanese desire in the East-Asia.


From then on it was a war of attrition, the USA gaining footholds on Pacific Islands until the atom bombs on Japan. 


Like most adventures of warring nations against Russia, the Japanese efforts had floundered there as well. On the other front, Germany was trying to invade Russia, via enrolling the Ukrainians as fighters.


A certain portion of Ukrainians had not been happy under the thumb of Stalin, and they joined the Nazis. This mentality is still pervading many Ukrainians, the descendants of the non-Slavic (proto-Nordic) population, while the Slavic portion remains mostly aligned with Russia. And it’s a question of population mix. 


Meanwhile, the US/UK Anglo-Saxon hegemony is playing the old game of conquering the Heartland, considering the US have already acquired much of the Rimland — on their way to own the entire world…


Putin and Xi have placed a couple of spanners in the works. The US hypocrisy is for all to see, except for the blind mice of the Western media. They are not interested in the undercurrents of history, which in the long run are plans to destroy Russia and China by whatever means, to acquire the “Heartland". The Western media only see the “colour” stories of poor people suffering — a suffering which all of us do not like — but these stories in the Western media are one-sided as they do not want to see the long suffering of the Russians in Ukraine under the “Little Boy" (Zelensky-y).


Presently about 2.4 million of Ukrainians are seeking refuge in … Russia. They would know that their suffering is not from the threats of Russian bombs which fall nearly exclusively on military installations — but comes from the Ukrainian Nazi battalion that see them as traitors to the cause and being used as "human shields". The Donbass region is close to be fully liberated. The Ukrainian military that had amassed 60,000 troops to attack the region is nearly wiped out. 


We won’t see or read about this in our Western media. 


The (say temporary) carving of Europe (and the world) was decided at the Yalta Conference, also known as the Crimea Conference. The US and the UK held back from “invading” Russia, though Winston Churchill had privately expressed thoughts of bombing Moscow with atom bombs….


Codenamed Argonaut, held 4–11 February 1945, the meeting of the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom, France and the Soviet Union,  was to discuss the postwar reorganisation of Germany and Europe. 


Four states were represented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Général de Gaulle and General Secretary Joseph Stalin, respectively. The conference was held near Yalta in Crimea, Soviet Union, within the Livadia, Yusupov, and Vorontsov Palaces.


The aim of the conference was to shape a postwar peace that represented not only a collective security order but also a plan to give self-determination to the liberated peoples of Europe. Intended mainly to discuss the re-establishment of the nations of war-torn Europe, within a few years, with the Cold War dividing the continent, the conference became a subject of intense controversy. Here and later European Western and Soviet spheres of influence were discussed.


The carving had begun.


Roosevelt wanted the Soviets to enter the Pacific War against Japan with the Allies, which he hoped would end the war sooner and reduce American casualties.


One Soviet precondition for a declaration of war against Japan was an American official recognition of the Mongolian independence from China (the Mongolian People's Republic had been a Soviet satellite state from 1924 to World War II). The Soviets also wanted the recognition of Soviet interests in the Chinese Eastern Railway and Port Arthur but not asking the Chinese to lease. Those conditions were agreed to without Chinese participation.


The Soviets wanted the return of South Sakhalin, which had been taken from Russia by Japan in the Russo-Japanese War in 1905, and the cession of Kuril Islands by Japan, both of which were approved by Truman.


In return, Stalin pledged that the Soviet Union would enter the Pacific War three months after the defeat of Germany. Later, at Potsdam, Stalin promised Truman to respect the national unity of Korea, which would be partly occupied by Soviet troops.


key points of the meeting were as follows:


• Agreement to the priority of the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany. After the war, Germany and Berlin would be split into four occupied zones.

• Stalin agreed that France would have a fourth occupation zone in Germany if it was formed from the American and the British zones.

• Germany would undergo demilitarisation and denazification. At the Yalta Conference, the Allies decided to provide safeguards against a potential military revival of Germany, to eradicate German militarism and the Nazi general staff, to bring about the denazification of Germany, to punish the war criminals and to disarm and demilitarise Germany.[15]

• German war reparations were partly to be in the form of forced labor. The forced labour was to be used to repair damage that Germany had inflicted on its victims.[16] However, labourers were also forced to harvest crops, mine uranium, and do other work (see also Forced labor of Germans after World War II and Forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union).

• Creation of a reparation council which would be located in the Soviet Union.

• The status of Poland was discussed. The recognition of the communist Provisional Government of the Republic of Poland, which had been installed by the Soviet Union "on a broader democratic basis," was agreed to.[17]

• The Polish eastern border would follow the Curzon Line, and Poland would receive territorial compensation in the west from Germany.

• Stalin pledged to permit free elections in Poland.

• Roosevelt obtained a commitment by Stalin to participate in the United Nations.

• Stalin requested that all of the 16 Soviet Socialist Republics would be granted UN membership. That was taken into consideration, but 14 republics were denied. Truman agreed to membership for Ukraine and Byelorussia while reserving the right, which was never exercised, to seek two more votes for the United States.


• Stalin agreed to enter the fight against the Empire of Japan "in two or three months after Germany has surrendered and the war in Europe is terminated." As a result, the Soviets would take possession of Southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, the port of Dalian would be internationalised, and the Soviet lease of Port Arthur would be restored, among other concessions.


• For the bombing of Japan, agreement was reached on basing U.S. Army Air Force B-29s near the mouth of the Amur River in the Komsomolsk-Nikolaevsk area (not near Vladivostok, as had earlier been proposed), but that did not eventuate. General Aleksei Antonov also said that the Red Army would take the southern half of Sakhalin Island as one of its first objectives and that American assistance to defend Kamchatka would be desirable.


• Nazi war criminals were to be found and put on trial in the territories in which their crimes had been committed. Nazi leaders were to be executed.


• A "Committee on Dismemberment of Germany" was to be set up. Its purpose was to decide whether Germany was to be divided into several nations. 


The Cold War soon began thereafter...


In the end, Germany was carved up artificially between West and East Germany, until the “reunification”. According to some local sources, the part of former east Germany is where most of the ultra-right wing adherents, including pseudo-Nazis, reside. 


There is a certain parallel between Ukraine now and Germany’s situation then. The situation has been made complicated by the presence of NATO, which in itself is a US conquering device, with a subtle fascist leadership… We all (we all should) know that NATO lies, tells porkies, bullshits and sells polished turds.


The demands from Putin are simple: four points.


Crimea is Russians as it was until 1954, when a silly Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev gave it away to Ukraine for being a good communist satellite, without the approval of the Soviet Supreme nor the Duma. There was a condition though, that Sevastopol was to remain a Russian port in a semi-perpetual lease. Crimeans voted to return to Russia in 2014.


The new Donbass republics to remain Ukrainian but to be given autonomy as per the Minsk Agreement signed between Ukraine, Russia, France and Germany (something that the "little pretty boy” refuses to accept).


As per Germany in 1945, the de-Nazification and de-militarisation of Ukraine are paramount.


The NATO clause in the Ukrainian constitution needs to be remove and Ukraine has to sign an agreement NEVER to join NATO. Easy.


Do people have to die for this? NO! But it’s up to the “pretty little boy” to sign and stop “his” people being displaced/or killed. If he cared about his people, rather than territories, he would sign forthwith  — (but unfortunately face the prospect of being assassinated by his own Nazi troops. THIS IS WHY HE LOOKS DESPERATE…)


Assassination is a risk, and for him the only viable solution would be to seek exile in Russia. In the West, his life would be in danger, after having agreed to what he will agree to, eventually.


Meanwhile, the US and the West are pledging weapons, but are unable to ship them to Ukraine, even when disguised with “emergency food and medicine aid” packages, as unionists in Italy have found out.



FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

japan empire...
