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Blogsdavid cameron comes out ....Social media users have barely been able to contain their delight at claims in a new biography that British Prime Minister David Cameron put "a private part of his anatomy" into the mouth of a dead pig at an initiation ceremony while he was a student at Oxford University.
blowing trumpets for a glorious abbott D-day landing on a bicycle but unfortunately the game was golf...Here the drivel by today's Miranda (20 September 2015) reaches the top of amazing graceful Abbottitude... We are told that Abbott was self-flagelling on his bicycle while playing a game of golf with Hockey as his old number 7 iron... His infinite loyalty could only stretch so far and he was about to dice Joe with his dignity intact by making a dirty deal with his number 4 iron called Morrison...
the old landscape of rich CONservatives have to rethink their compost ...1. Rupert Murdoch Rupert Murdoch media mogul and prolific tweeter, has made no secret that he preferred Tony Abbott as leader of the Liberal Party. Murdoch's tabloids made no secret of it either. "Malcolm Turncoat," said the Herald Sun, "Smiling Assassin," said the Daily Telegraph after the party room spill.
neo-con, repackaged with elegance...Malcolm Turnbull projects himself as urbane, cultured, intellectual, intelligent and a devoted family man who can play the prime minister role. He has also paraded values of respecting science, man of the future and a concerned citizen. He may live at Point Piper but he is a good and decent man. Despite being filthy rich, he is here to serve. These are face-book snapshots that we are invited to like. But as for depth of conviction? This will only be revealed by actions matching rhetoric. But which rhetoric? The old or the new?
full of their own boots...
zinging it .....A day can be a long time in politics. The election of Malcolm Turnbull as leader of the Liberal Party on Monday night and his installation on Tuesday as Prime Minister has turned bourgeois politics in Australia on its head.
oh boy...
US presidential candidate Donald Trump appeals to veterans on Tuesday, saying a Trump administration would take better care of them while also building up the US military. In a 14-minute speech that had been billed as a major national security address, the real estate mogul chose to stage the event aboard a decommissioned battleship, the USS Iowa.
old sugar daddy tells Abbott he should have sweetened his first budget with saccharine...
The Tony Abbott-led government should have done a better job at laying the groundwork for big reforms before it released its first federal budget, the father of the house, Philip Ruddock, said on Thursday.
kids, don't listen to the stupidity of a senator...analysis
the cuckoo's nest in an aquarium called orstralya...It is getting difficult to express in a cartoon all the emotions and trends following the removal of Tony Abbott by Turnbull. But I have tried. Better cartoonist can do better. Here we have to first note the reaction of the Murdoch Press. Mostly negative. Abbott was the Murdoch's chosen puppet — no-one else. Straight away, the Murdoch Press mentions a $4 billion deal to keep the Nationals happy: a bigger hole in a national budget already in tatters. But all is not as it seems.
murder by drone ....The ability to execute its own citizens has been a mark of tyrannical government from Rome in the days of the Caesars to Moscow during the Great Purge in the 1930s.
leading from way behind...Indeed, the only concrete policy issue touched on on Monday night was to confirm the Abbott regime's whacky "Direct Action" climate policy. It looks like Malcolm has learned from his mistakes as it was his commitment to an emissions trading scheme (ETS) that allowed Abbott to take his job as opposition leader by one vote. That is a slight worry – an early example of Liberal Party politics trumping policy from the get-go of his prime ministership. Analyse Turnbull's first public words as PM and they were as much about hosing down his party's right wing as promising the nation better government.
Game of Tone's .....
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