Wednesday 22nd of January 2025


the prince of peace ....

the prince of peace ....

President Obama, who has boasted of ordering military strikes on seven countries, chastised Russia and China for not abiding by the rules of international behaviour, a breathtaking example of hypocrisy or self-deceit.

the americans learn about russian plans...


Once again Vladimir Putin has seemingly outmanoeuvred the White House. A senior US diplomat said to me the other day that when Obama leaves office he will be roundly applauded for the way he negotiated and ultimately delivered a deal on Iran, but will be justifiably vilified for the vacillation and vagueness over his Syria policy.

Putin, on the other hand, has been totally consistent. He wants to protect Russia's only deepwater port on the Eastern Mediterranean and will do what it takes to protect it.

none so blind ....

none so blind ....

A lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client, or so the saying goes. But what of a democratically elected prime minister who wilfully refuses to represent the broad sweep of the people, and particularly those who didn't vote for him?

more bombs for bombshell blond...



When Carly Fiorina told a Republican debate audience what the country needs to have “the strongest military on the face of the planet”—50 Army brigades, 36 Marine battalions, at least 300 naval ships, a rebuild of the Sixth Fleet and an upgrade of “every leg of the nuclear triad”—it sounded a bit familiar.

no bark no bite but...


bone of contention

The former prime minister thanks Ray Hadley and his listeners for their “support and encouragement”. Obviously. They are in furious agreement that nothing has changed with the change in the prime ministership. Hadley seems to concur with Abbott that he would have won a presidential-style victory at the next election. By implication – that whole leadership-change thing was pointless.

religion is not like sex...


Jonathan Freedland is a babe... I mean he is a youngster. A young kid in an old lollypop shop. He traipse the already trodden path of why religion is blah blah blah... This was sorted out a long time ago in the "age of enlightenment" by mighty brainiac philosophers, including David Hume... 

je suis karen ....

je suis karen .....

Thanks to the ludicrous yet frightening Living Safe Together booklet most of Australia knows about Karen, the women who became a ‘radical activist’ (whatever that is) by listening to ‘alternative music’ (whatever that is).

a familiar face ....

a familiar face ....

Events have conspired against Malcolm Turnbull in his first week in power in a way that may be irredeemable, writes Bob Ellis.

medicare still under attack from the libs (CONservatives)...



As the Abbott government casts around for a third version of its Medicare copayment policy, it’s surely time for it to ask the basic question: “Why are we doing this again?”

self-righteous exceptionalism ....

self-righteous exceptionalism ....

Amidst all the handwringing across the political spectrum, commentators of every type decry the deplorable conditions that prevail in the parts of the world that have been under attack by the US, NATO, and the historic colonial powers of Europe: Britain and France. That is to say jointly and severally the wealthiest countries on Earth concentrated in the North Atlantic region of the world. However, the vast majority of the text generated on this subject is truly tiresome.

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