Wednesday 22nd of January 2025


border farce ....

border farce ....

A brilliant demonstration of hundreds of protesters in Melbourne, organised in a hour or so against the launch of Operation Fortitude, the Australian Border Force and Victoria Police drive to check people’s visas, has stopped both the launch and, for now, the campaign.

morality plays ....

morality plays ....

Not so long ago it was the white man’s burden to civilise the world by killing hundreds of millions, stealing their land and resources and sending many into slavery.

the same old shell game ....

the same old shell game ....


Two major media outlets are hosting a "Reform Summit". It's an empty gesture from a political elite that no longer commands the loyalties of voters, writes Ben Eltham.

There’s no emptier word in contemporary politics than “reform”. The word is used so often and so loosely that it scarcely means anything at all.

budgie-smugglers dreaming...


Sometimes you do have to bash down the doors of prejudice with blunt force. But quotas won't help women who have turned away from certain careers because they were designed by men with no other demands, writes Michael Bradley.

long live the republic...



Prime Minister Tony Abbott says Treasurer Joe Hockey did not consult him before leading a new push for Australia to become a republic.

brilliant moir cartoon: the sausage-makers try to make a cake...

the bakers

Simply brilliant... making a mess of everything... The best cartoon of the year by a long shot...

beware of advertising...

advertising on a xtian website

This Christian Post website is of course full of morality and zealotry. It also explores all issues including those of a sexual nature that are not conform to those abstinence "dictums" of the bible even if they are made up, since the new bible was written by liars and forgers... Meanwhile the older book allows slavery, concubines and many wives for more sex in accordance with the word of god... 

not QandA on the ABC...

not Q&A on the the ABC....

Every week, Scott Morrison has an on-air chat with radio honcho Ray Hadley.

It is a cosy affair, full of agreement between the two men, where bright copper kettles and warm woollen mittens would fit right in.  

is heydonism, the art of enjoying inflicting pain and torment on others by interpretation of the law?...


Richard Ackland in the Saturday Paper gives us a picture of Heydon that, in his public life so far, Heydon has received little brickbats for... Today is the day. Richard even describes him as a Joh Bjelke-Petersen with a finer understanding of the separation of powers and the law of promissory estoppel... Ohlallalalala... 

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