Once again, our prime minister has shown Australia and the world that he is a spineless weed, carelessly blowing in the wind. Or in this case, in the backdraft from a Trump brainfart.
While the rest of the civilised world recoils in horror at the travel ban the US President has unilaterally – and probably illegally – imposed on Muslims, Malcolm Turnbull and most of his senior ministers are lining up to congratulate themselves for thinking of it first.
Turnbull has used weasel words to avoid criticising Trump, claiming it is not his job to comment on the internal politics of other countries.
The Government wants to boost childcare payments to most families but has consistently argued the extra funding must be paid for by cuts to family tax benefits.
When Parliament resumes this month, the Government will formalise that by combining the two elements into one piece of legislation.
The Prime Minister has urged the Senate to support the bill.
"We keenly understand how many families are just managing right now," Mr Turnbull told the National Press Club.
"So this year we'll be asking the Senate to support our childcare reforms, they will deliver the highest rate of subsidy to those who most need it.
"A family on $60,000 a year will pay around $15 a day per child for care."
But the Greens and Labor have already rejected the proposal.
Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young said it was another attack on families who are already doing it tough.
"To link the much-needed injection of money into child care to cuts to family tax benefit … is really holding the Parliament and the Senate to ransom," she said.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has vowed to make energy security the defining political debate of the year, while raising the prospect of building low-emission coal-power stations.
Key points:
Malcolm Turnbull said the South Australia blackout last year was a "wake-up call"
Says coal will continue to play a major role in Australia's energy supplies
The Prime Minister outlined a new plan for child care, renewed calls for business tax
In a speech to the National Press Club, Mr Turnbull also renewed his push for corporate tax cuts while warning against economic protectionism.
"Our greatest days are ahead of us but we've got to believe in ourselves and we've got to invest. And if we invest, we'll hire more jobs and more opportunities," Mr Turnbull said.
The Prime Minister said a total power blackout in South Australia last year was a "wake-up call" for the nation and accused Labor state governments of setting unrealistic renewable energy targets.
"The battlelines have been drawn — it's clear that the Coalition stands for cheaper energy," Mr Turnbull said.
All this is grandstanding bullshit of course, designed to make you stay dependent of the coal industry and of the poles and wires of Ausgrid which now are "privately owned" since Baird sold it. There is no incentive to use green renewables — or be efficiently frugal — in this Turdshit plan. All he is interested in is that you pay less now (about one dollar a day less) and pay much more later when your house is either blown by an "extraordinary" storm or you need three air conditioning units burning more coal power to stay cool in a record heat summer/autumn/winter/spring. As you burn MORE cheap energy to stay cool, YOU STILL PAY MORE IN THE END and you destroy the planet at the same time. Turdshit's plan is an accountant's dog's spewed breakfast.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has unleashed a blistering attack on Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, slamming him as a "simpering sycophant" and a "parasite" who yearns for his own harbourside mansion.
The energetic end to Question Time came after Mr Shorten launched his own barbs at the Prime Minister, accusing him of attacking families, attacking standards of living, of being tough on pensioners and soft on banks.
"The Prime Minister is seriously the most out-of-touch personality to ever hold this great office of Prime Minister," Mr Shorten said.
Mr Turnbull's response, which led to the rare display of Coalition members thumping their desks, was brutal and an effort to counter attacks on his personal wealth just days after he revealed his $1.7 million donation to the Liberal Party.
Here Malcolm is spraying shit at the wrong bug... Malcolm unleashes his inner destroying thug rather have clever policies. This elegant man is now rolling in the mud in the gutter from which he won't come back... It's not going to impress anyone but the idiots in his party of gangsters... Unbefitting...
London: A defiant Julie Bishop has hit back at suggestions she was disloyal to former Prime Minister Tony Abbott, saying she is elected Deputy Leader by the Liberal party room and her loyalty is to her colleagues and not the leader.
Mr Abbott on Wednesday night laughed when his conservative ally, commentator Andrew Bolt put to him in an interview, that cabinet minister Peter Dutton describes himself as "conservative, plain-speaking and loyal," adding "and Julie Bishop is none of those three."
Whatever Julie Bishop is, she is more popular by far than Turdy Abbott who is a bottom feeder in the pond of crap. Abbott is like Louie the fly, always trying to make your picnic a miserable experience. See toon at top.
weaselling like an abbott....
Once again, our prime minister has shown Australia and the world that he is a spineless weed, carelessly blowing in the wind. Or in this case, in the backdraft from a Trump brainfart.
While the rest of the civilised world recoils in horror at the travel ban the US President has unilaterally – and probably illegally – imposed on Muslims, Malcolm Turnbull and most of his senior ministers are lining up to congratulate themselves for thinking of it first.
Turnbull has used weasel words to avoid criticising Trump, claiming it is not his job to comment on the internal politics of other countries.
read more:
more turdball bad policies joined at the hip...
The Government wants to boost childcare payments to most families but has consistently argued the extra funding must be paid for by cuts to family tax benefits.
When Parliament resumes this month, the Government will formalise that by combining the two elements into one piece of legislation.
The Prime Minister has urged the Senate to support the bill.
"We keenly understand how many families are just managing right now," Mr Turnbull told the National Press Club.
"So this year we'll be asking the Senate to support our childcare reforms, they will deliver the highest rate of subsidy to those who most need it.
"A family on $60,000 a year will pay around $15 a day per child for care."
But the Greens and Labor have already rejected the proposal.
Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young said it was another attack on families who are already doing it tough.
"To link the much-needed injection of money into child care to cuts to family tax benefit … is really holding the Parliament and the Senate to ransom," she said.
read more:
cheaper coal energy = more emissions
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has vowed to make energy security the defining political debate of the year, while raising the prospect of building low-emission coal-power stations.
Key points:In a speech to the National Press Club, Mr Turnbull also renewed his push for corporate tax cuts while warning against economic protectionism.
"Our greatest days are ahead of us but we've got to believe in ourselves and we've got to invest. And if we invest, we'll hire more jobs and more opportunities," Mr Turnbull said.
The Prime Minister said a total power blackout in South Australia last year was a "wake-up call" for the nation and accused Labor state governments of setting unrealistic renewable energy targets.
"The battlelines have been drawn — it's clear that the Coalition stands for cheaper energy," Mr Turnbull said.
read more:
All this is grandstanding bullshit of course, designed to make you stay dependent of the coal industry and of the poles and wires of Ausgrid which now are "privately owned" since Baird sold it. There is no incentive to use green renewables — or be efficiently frugal — in this Turdshit plan. All he is interested in is that you pay less now (about one dollar a day less) and pay much more later when your house is either blown by an "extraordinary" storm or you need three air conditioning units burning more coal power to stay cool in a record heat summer/autumn/winter/spring. As you burn MORE cheap energy to stay cool, YOU STILL PAY MORE IN THE END and you destroy the planet at the same time. Turdshit's plan is an accountant's dog's spewed breakfast.
and suddenly, it's turdshitt the thug...
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has unleashed a blistering attack on Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, slamming him as a "simpering sycophant" and a "parasite" who yearns for his own harbourside mansion.
The energetic end to Question Time came after Mr Shorten launched his own barbs at the Prime Minister, accusing him of attacking families, attacking standards of living, of being tough on pensioners and soft on banks.
"The Prime Minister is seriously the most out-of-touch personality to ever hold this great office of Prime Minister," Mr Shorten said.
Mr Turnbull's response, which led to the rare display of Coalition members thumping their desks, was brutal and an effort to counter attacks on his personal wealth just days after he revealed his $1.7 million donation to the Liberal Party.
Read more:
Here Malcolm is spraying shit at the wrong bug... Malcolm unleashes his inner destroying thug rather have clever policies. This elegant man is now rolling in the mud in the gutter from which he won't come back... It's not going to impress anyone but the idiots in his party of gangsters... Unbefitting...
some pollie has to defend the rorts...
Coalition senator Ian Macdonald has indicated he is likely to oppose a Federal Government move to abolish the Life Gold Pass.
Key points:The pass allowed MPs who retired before 2012 and their partners to claim 10 domestic business class airfares per year.
The Government had already previewed changes in its May budget which would have seen the scheme phased out by 2020.
But this week it announced plans to scrap the Life Gold Pass immediately as part of an overhaul of parliamentary entitlements.
The pass is expected to be abolished with bipartisan commitment.
But Senator Macdonald was one of two long-serving Coalition politicians angered by the proposed change.
The veteran senator said he told the party room someone must defend politicians.
read more:
abbott stirs the bottom of the cesspit...
London: A defiant Julie Bishop has hit back at suggestions she was disloyal to former Prime Minister Tony Abbott, saying she is elected Deputy Leader by the Liberal party room and her loyalty is to her colleagues and not the leader.
Mr Abbott on Wednesday night laughed when his conservative ally, commentator Andrew Bolt put to him in an interview, that cabinet minister Peter Dutton describes himself as "conservative, plain-speaking and loyal," adding "and Julie Bishop is none of those three."
Read more:
Whatever Julie Bishop is, she is more popular by far than Turdy Abbott who is a bottom feeder in the pond of crap. Abbott is like Louie the fly, always trying to make your picnic a miserable experience. See toon at top.