Friday 7th of March 2025

sending the big gun...

the big gun

Australia's Ambassador in Washington Joe Hockey has met Trump adviser Steve Bannon and chief of staff Reince Priebus at the White House amid ongoing discussions over the agreement to resettle refugees from Manus Island and Nauru.

The meeting came as Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull claimed the deal would still be honoured by US President Donald Trump, who he described as "clearly a big personality". 

The deal to take up to 1,250 refugees has become a flashpoint in diplomatic relations between Australia and the US, with Government sources confirming Mr Trump blasted Mr Turnbull during a weekend phone call.

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good advice to nowhere and to a nobody..

It's the last thing Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull would want to do, or will do. But what he should do is walk away from the deal he struck with the Obama administration for the United States to take refugees from Nauru and Manus Island.

He should then persuade his cabinet to grant a one-off amnesty, and let these people settle in Australia.

It would be a drastic and, for many in the Government, a deeply unpalatable course. But the road Mr Turnbull now has Australia travelling — that of the supplicant — is against our national interest.

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satire isn't enough...

The previous two seasons featured a character and situations inspired by Donald Trump, with Mr Garrison’s recent character arc directly modelled after the Celebrity Apprentice host’s ascent to the White House. But that’s likely to change.

“It feels like it’s going to be more difficult,” Stone said in an interview with ABC News in Australia. Parker went on to add: “They’re already going out and doing the comedy. It’s not something you can make fun of.”

The first episode of the most recent season was the highest-rated premiere in a decade as Parker and Stone tried to keep up with weekly election developments but reviews were mixed.

“It’s tricky and it’s really tricky now as satire has become reality,” Parker said. “We were really trying to make fun of what was going on [last season] but we couldn’t keep up. What was actually happening was way funnier than anything we could come up with. So we decided to just back off and let [politicians] do their comedy and we’ll do ours.” Parker has previously referred to Trump and Clinton as “the giant douche and the turd sandwich”.

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Yes, satire is difficult when the reality is more stupid than whatever could be said or drawn about it... One needs to use bigger words than ever to even reach a tenth of the level of insanity. But Gus is a compulsive bullshit satarist and cannot do anything about it. The more he gets blotto on red ned, the more he becomes irate and is compulsively drawn to punch the air below the belt.  I suffer from adutt ADHD. Always restless — washing my hands of the whole thing.  It's torture. Reality is torture. Let me blame my computer but please don't pull the plug...


20 million dead can sour satire...

From Chris Floyd

Saturday Night Live had a really funny ha-ha joke the other night. Making fun of Trump’s whiny tweet asking “Are we living in Nazi Germany?” the funny ha-ha SNL news guy said brightly: “Of course not! At least Nazi Germany had the guts to take on Russia!”

You see how really ha-ha funny that is? Sure, more than 25 million people died as a result of this display of “guts,” and sure, the Holocaust was greatly accelerated by the invasion, which brought millions of more victims within its evil purview, and yeah, OK, it was an act of naked, insane aggression that had as its explicit aim the murder (directly and by starvation) of 40 to 50 million Jews and Slavs — but Hitler sure gave it to those Russkies, right? Trump could learn from that example, right? See how ha-ha funny that is?

Especially from the funny ha-ha folks at SNL — who paid Trump to be the host of their show while he was conducting the most racist, hateful political campaign in modern American history. They normalized his hatred, they gave him a national platform to show he was an all-right guy with a sense of humor, no big threat, no big deal. They normalized him, lionized him, helped him reach millions of people who pay little attention to the news. Now, of course, they’re “leading the resistance” with “cutting-edge comedy” — Alec Baldwin puckering his lips and fawning on a shirtless Putin — and with really funny ha-ha stuff like saying Trump should totally be more like that gutsy Hitler guy and "take on Russia."

Meanwhile, Trump and his minions and the Congressional extremists are already rolling back every law and regulation they can lay their hands on in a slavering frenzy to poison the earth, remove all restrictions on corporate rapine, strip millions of health care, roll back decades of hard-fought civil rights advances, double the military budget and build a Berlin Wall on the Mexican border. It’s a full-bore Barbarossa on the wellbeing and common good of the American people (and the world) — but who cares about that? According to the funny ha-ha guys at SNL — and practically the entire Democratic Party and the so-called liberal media — what Trump should really be doing is “taking on Russia.” And if he does that — what? Will none of the other things matter? Will that make him “legitimate” in John Lewis’ eyes?

Of course, Trump’s bashing of Lewis was ignorant and racist and sinister and wrong. But look at the reality. Trump won the presidency because of a years-long, systematic, all-out vote suppression crusade by Republicans, aimed directly at African-American voters. It is not even debatable that hundreds of thousands of African-Americans across the country were locked out of voting by the GOP-passed laws — including in the crucial swing states. But that didn’t make Trump illegitimate in Lewis’s eyes. Trump’s victory was also due to the convoluted, anti-democratic Electoral College system set up in the 18th century to mollify the demands of slave-owners. But that didn’t make Trump illegitimate in Lewis’s eyes. Trump’s sickening racist campaign didn’t make him illegitimate in Lewis’s eyes. Trump’s egregious corruption didn’t make him illegitimate in Lewis’s eyes.

No, the one thing that roused John Lewis to anger and caused him to declare that Trump is illegitimate is the fact that US intelligence services have released reports alleging that Russia may have been involved in hacking emails which, by revealing the truth about collusion and vote-rigging in the Democratic primary, made the Clinton campaign look bad. That’s the only thing that makes Trump illegitimate in Lewis’ eyes.

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an idiot with a golf club...


AUSSIE golfing great Greg Norman says his friend Donald Trump has exceeded expectations, praising his early months in the White House, saying “every day he becomes more presidential”.

In a world exclusive interview with News Corp Australia‘The Great White Shark’ said Trump has “the Stars and Stripes running pure through his veins” as he goes about “re-establishing that America is the leader of the free world protecting the freedom and democracy of all”.

He also says Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull wants to see Trump succeed in the top job, despite a difficult start to the leaders’ relationship in a fractious phonecall days after he took office.

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See toon at top...

status dinner with chokes...

Golfing great Greg Norman was among the dignitaries attending the state dinner for Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison at the White House.

Key points:
  • Scott Morrison is the second world leader afforded a state visit by Donald Trump, after French President Emmanuel Macron
  • Celebrity chef Curtis Stone, Kerry Stokes and 2018 Australian of the Year Michelle Simmons were also said to be attending
  • Members of Congress in attendance would not be drawn on the political topics of the day


US President Donald Trump hosted Mr Morrison for the formal dinner — an honour that has not been extended to an Australian leader since George W Bush hosted John Howard in 2006.

Mr Trump, an avid golfer who owns a number of courses around the world, was famously introduced to Mr Morrison's predecessor, Malcolm Turnbull, by Norman back in 2016.

Although Mr Turnbull's tenure ended last year, it appears Norman remains connected, entering the White House alongside wife Kirsten Kutner on Friday evening (local time).

Celebrity chef Curtis Stone and model Sarah Murdoch were also among the famous faces.


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So it wasn't a tête à tête?... Trump had invited a few of extras? Yes, talking about miracles all night could have been a bit overdoing it, though both, Trump and Scummo, owe their miraculous elections to god — aka uncle Rupe, who could not be there on the night as he was having a real tête à tête with Jerry... And we're not talking about that of Tom and Jerry... God, aka Uncle Rupe, is still laughing his head off... He really fucked us big once more...


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And by the way, if you feel you're in the way of progress and damagiung the environment, here's the guff — slightly Nazi if you ask me:


US President Donald Trump says San Francisco's homeless are damaging the environment and he will ask the Environmental Protection Agency to issue a notice to the city in less than a week.

Key points: 
  • Trump Administration has rejected requests for funds to fight homelessness
  • California's homelessness rate has increased 16 per cent in the past year
  • Low housing vacancy is said to be the main contributor


Mr Trump said the issue was an environmental one because "tremendous pollution", including syringes used by homeless addicts to inject drugs, was flowing into the Pacific Ocean from Bay Area cities.

"They have to clean it up. We can't have our cities going to hell," he told reporters aboard Air Force One.

"They are in serious violation."

Mr Trump and officials in San Francisco and Los Angeles have been at odds over what the President believes is their failure to tackle the growing number of people living on the streets.


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Enjoy your sunchokes (Jerusalem artichoke), Scummo...

and glowing mushrooms as intercourse...

It seemed appropriate, albeit entirely surreal, to be inducted into the vagaries of the Trumpiverse by bearing witness, in the Oval Office, to the American president suddenly raising the spectre of using nuclear weapons against Iran.

Friday’s program in Washington ran like clockwork while everybody had a script. But once we’d cleared the pomp and circumstance of the ceremonial welcome for Scott Morrison on the South Lawn of the White House, once the Australian press pack tumbled out of the sparkling spring sunshine into the Oval Office – we discovered Trump in an expansive mood.

The leader of the free world kicked off proceedings by announcing the administration was now imposing sanctions on Iran, targeting the national bank, in response to Tehran’s alleged involvement in drone attacks on Saudi oil facilities last weekend.


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