Saturday 11th of January 2025

star dust...

flying the kate

Cate Blanchett doesn’t care. She has two Academy Awards, is so casually successful that she can mention shooting “an Ocean’s thing” like it means nothing, and she lives in Australia. If anyone is going to go to town on President Trump, it’s gonna be her.

Blanchett appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon last night and was her usual frank self, which cut through Fallon’s sugary energy in a very refreshing fashion. After taking some gum out of her mouth and moulding it into a phallic shape on the desk — something only she can do with dignity — Cate remarked: “the phallus seems an appropriate symbol in this country right now… with tiny little balls.”

Jimmy began yelling “STOP DOING THAT!” to which she replied, “Are you threatened by that?” She then spent the rest of the segment slagging off Americans for doing things like leaving sports games early when their team is losing, and subtly undermining them by repeatedly saying “this country” in a tone of disgust.

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oil is the new green...

Trump has already replaced the climate change page on the White House website with a fossil-fuel-based energy policy, resurrected two controversial oil pipelines and attempted to gag the EPA, the Agriculture Department and the National Parks Service.

Trump, who has called climate change a “hoax” and “bullshit”, has packed his administration with climate-change deniers but appeared to soften his stance after his election win, saying there is “some connectivity” between human activity and climate change. However, he also claimed action to cut carbon emissions was making US companies uncompetitive.

Ebell, who has returned to his role at the anti-regulation thinktank the Competitive Enterprise Institute, said on Monday: “The environmental movement is, in my view, the greatest threat to freedom and prosperity in the modern world.”

The CEI does not disclose its funders but has in the past received money from the oil giant ExxonMobil. “Our special interest is, I would say, freedom,” Ebell said.

During the US presidential campaign, Trump pledged to withdraw from the climate change deal agreed by 196 nations in Paris in 2015, making the US the only country considering doing so. “I expect President Trump to be very assiduous in keeping his promises,” Ebell said.

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Why did the Democrats pushed Hillary instead of Bernie forward? Idiots... It's a bit like the Greens in Australia who refused to sign off on the deal made by Rudd and Turnbull on renewables and green energy... What did we get for this? Tony Crummy Abbott who still smells in the background like a fresh turd... Like a parasite he's still pushing for de-greening the planet... Meanwhile the Aussie Greens are infighting because the principal Green head has been lying in the political gutter with Turdball... Idiots... It could be so simple: DO NOT MAKE DEALS.

crying a bit too much like a croc...

As crocodile tears continue to flow as a result of the temporary travel moratorium imposed by US President Donald Trump, it could be asked where that emotion was while President Barack Obama bombed five out of the seven nations affected by the new restrictions.

On Sunday morning, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer fought back tears as he spoke against the travel ban. He was quickly called on his fake tears by Trump.

“I noticed Chuck Schumer yesterday with fake tears,” Trump said on Monday. “I’m going to ask him who is his acting coach. Because I know him very well. I don’t see him as a crier. If he is, he’s a different man.”

Trump said that there is “about a five percent” chance that Schumer’s tears were genuine, and it would be hard to argue with his statement.

Of the seven nations in which travel to the US is currently frozen, the Obama administration bombed five: Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Somalia. 

As Information Liberation asks, “did Chuck Schumer shed a tear for the 62 Syrian troops killed and 100 more wounded that the Obama administration ‘accidentally bombed’ in 2016?”

It is estimated that in the final few weeks of Obama’s Presidency alone, there were hundreds of civilian deaths in Iraq and Syria during battles in Mosul and Raqqa.

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