Tuesday 21st of January 2025


the last of everything...


The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has ordered the state's Forestry Corporation to stop tree harvesting at a State Forest in northern NSW, saying two old 'giant' trees have been felled. 


beangate is taking over america...


It is July, 2020 and the front line in America's political discourse is not the coronavirus pandemic. It's not the US-China relationship. It's not even the looming presidential election.

the furphies about china spying on the west via huawei...


Gus gets information from the experts at the coal face. Here, they are the little clever guys who specialise in making algorithms for the big guys. No matter what when or who, they know who you are, where you are and what you are saying, NO MATTER THE TECHNOLOGY of the network. The algorithms are THAT sophisticated. Transmissions can easily be captured and decoded.


The banning of Huawei in the US and in most of the Western world is a COMMERCIAL and political decision, in which the US, leading the charge, want to punish China for being clever and cheap.




The rest is BS, especially when:


whitlam blamed himself for kerr...


"It's my fault that I didn't check on his background because, if I had asked any of the judges on the NSW Supreme Court ... they would have told me he had a drink problem."

the intelligence test that god would fail at...

rats!...   A very wafty, flawed and superficial annoying 6,285 words-too-long analysis of (YNH) Yuval Noah Harari’s works, by a fellow called Nick Spencer has just been posted.

bananas in pyjamas will go naked or be owned by smoothies...

naked bananas

Two years ago: The divisive Liberal Party vote to privatise the ABC was backed by at least four of the party’s top federal officials, according to footage that also shows the idea gained support from at least one federal Liberal MP.

Lock Downtime

"The situation's getting grim"
said ScoMo on the telly
"I need to go away and trim
my growing COVID belly
I'm heading down to Melbourne
to get some Lock Down Time
I'm not some privileged

four months to decide...

election choice...

The battlelines for the election of the next president of the United States are not going to be about wars, China, intelligent scientific evolution and the economy, nor about the infection rates to Covid19. These battlelines won’t be about Trump’s mad sociopathy — which we knew all along before the book by his niece — versus Biden creeping dementia and his Christian war-loving hubris followed by contrite hypocrisy. 

for many people, the fact we have not fried yet means that global warming is bunkum...


Some people are impatient, especially doctors, scientists and all of us... In regard to global warming, the disinformation is rife even coming from the brains of intelligent people. We want to fry to make sure global warming is really happening... Consider this tirade from doctor Vernon Coleman who may be a good doctor but knows zip about global warming sciences. His goal is to denigrate Bill Gates and his wife's foundation, and Vernon adds more sauce until he says:




Next, Gates has been funding scientists at Harvard who are trying to block out the sun’s rays in an attempt to stop global warming. 


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