Tuesday 30th of April 2024

it's past time .....

it's past time ....

from Crikey …..

the spirit of ANZAC hijacked by Israel .....

the spirit of ANZAC hijacked by israel .....

by my friend, Vacy Vlazna


the apparatus of a police state .....

the apparatus of a police state .....


The powers of Australia's domestic spy agency, ASIO, are rotten at their core, could be used against innocent Australians by an unscrupulous government and should be repealed, the law professor George Williams has warned.

and another thing...


And another thing...

Peter Reith who is so eager for the NSW Liberals (conservatives) to stop the small liberals (small L liberals [conservatives]) take over, is telling them that the central power-brokers like him know best... He considers himself of course as a "power-broker" not as part of the ugly "faceless men" that do the political deals in the Labor camp...

going the rattus .....

going the rattus ....

from Politicoz ….

wry cadence & mock dismay .....

wry cadence & mock dismay .....

David Marr put the cat amongst the pigeons with his Quarterly Essay on Tony Abbott.

the stuff of nightmares .....

the stuff of nightmares .....

from Crikey …..

The dead entertainer haunting the BBC and the UK government

ghosts of promises past .....

a ghost of promises past ....

from politicoz …..

pyne's gall...

pyne's gall...

Cabinet minister Craig Emerson said Prime Minister Julia Gillard was proving resilient.

fries with that .....

fries with that .....

Tax is much in the news of late. Treasurer Wayne Swan has been telling us the Minerals Resource Rent Tax is working precisely as it should - not raising any tax. The hospital in Yes Minister worked perfectly too - it didn't have any patients.

trouble at the great barrier reef cafe...


The Great Barrier Reef is dying...

pig farm...

animal farm

WHO is really tainted?

avoiding peace at all costs ....


avoiding peace ....

doubtless another issue that bob will be keen to pursue at the UN security council …..

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