Tuesday 4th of March 2025

not soon enough... the dope is gone...


self-destroying... by dopy trial and error...




Tony Abbott — a sad clown always blaming others...

a woman's touch...


Ms Bishop is considered one of the government's best performing ministers, along with Trade Minister Andrew Robb and Social Services Minister Scott Morrison.

She is extremely popular among Liberal backbench MPs and earlier in the year was considered a potential leader. But this changed as support solidified around Mr Turnbull, who had been party leader between 2008 and 2009.

She is viewed as one of the surprise stars of the government after bouncing back from internal undermining during her time as the shadow treasurer in 2008 and 2009.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/julie-bishop-the-eternal-deputy-becomes-kingmaker-20150914-gjmikj.html#ixzz3lkef9PHz
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Lady Macbeth

As the fifth PM in five years, what difference will he make? Yes the Turnbull experiment mk2 will have a honeymoon period, but the same failed policies remain. He still has to answer for a 2nd grade NBN and $15B blowout. The only things he's got going for him are the republic, SSM and no captain's pick. He has a deputy who now has pledged loyalty to 4 leaders (him twice) and knifed 3 times.

The Lad
Date and time
September 15, 2015, 7:22AM

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/liberal-leadership-malcolm-turnbull-takes-charge-after-defeating-tony-abbott-in-ballot-20150914-gjmjkj.html#ixzz3lkgq84hS
Follow us: @smh on Twitter | sydneymorningherald on Facebook


undermine or stay out of the way?...


For Abbott, it's not back to work Tuesday

We are yet to hear from Abbott since his party room defeat late last night. 

He stoically walked past the cameras (politics does not get any tougher than this) but has since gone to ground. 

One of the big questions as the nation awakes this morn is of course - what does the former PM do? 

Does he stay in parliament a la Kevin Rudd and haunt Turnbull? Or does he do a Julia Gillard and leave his old foe to it? 


6:16am: But let's not get ahead of ourselves. 

Tony Abbott is still the PM. He has not done the official business with the Governor-GeneralSir Peter Cosgrove, to resign. 

After this, we are expecting Malcolm Turnbull to be sworn in this morning. 

There will be ministerial changes - Turnbull confirmed that last night. 

But he said people would remain in their posts this week (which is a parliamentary sitting one). 

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/liberal-leadership-malcolm-turnbull-takes-charge-after-defeating-tony-abbott-in-ballot-20150914-gjmjkj.html#ixzz3lkk77yM8
Follow us: @smh on Twitter | sydneymorningherald on Facebook


a fantastic fantasist speech...

In his just delivered deluded speech of defeat, most likely a speech written by an enthusiastic junior staff, Tony Abbott rose to the occasion. He listed all his "achievements" and the bad deeds from the Labor party, while praising his Catholicism to the full... 


In reality, Tony Abbott's deceit has been without equal, his bullshit has been mountainous and his dishonesty like a bath-tub of Vegemite spread on a tar road going on beyond the horizon.


His infrastructure plan is willy-nilly and destroyer of communities. So far not much of it, possibly a couple of bricks having been laid, has been in train. Hopefully none of the rest will see the daylight.


He is proud of killing Australian industries such as car manufacturing, in exchange of selling offals to the Japanese in a FTA that is not worth the ink and paper. His deal with China is not passed by Parliament yet because, let's face it, Aussie jobs will get hammered. 


He has decimated the ABC, the Health services, the public education services, and countless more social services with the view that if you are not working, you must be a bludger — as reinforced daily by his lying mate's papers. May he find work soon, outside politics...


Abbott has had no understanding of the working of this fragile planet. As far as Tony Abbott goes, god created the place, possibly flat, Adam and Eve are still the original humans and mining coal is for kingdom rule...

On the queen front, he had the affront to bring back antiquated royalist honours.


At most time, Tony Abbott was a disgrace to this country. May the god of atheists forgive him (as long as he does not come back)... 


He had to go.