Monday 10th of March 2025

voting for the Libs in Canning is like committing suicide, slowly...

mandurah mansions

People living in Mandurah are rich. Many are retirees and those who can afford it, have beautiful mansions by the river/lake/waterways. But with Turdy's suicidal disdain of global warming, these mansions will be drowning by 2120. By 2090, the water level, lapping the sea walls, will be destroying their lawns — and this with only a 2 degrees Celsius increase on present average temperature worldwide.

Voting for Tony Abbott will only accelerate this drowning process because Abbott plans to inject more and more extra CO2 in the atmosphere. "Coal is the future of humanity" says Tony...

Good luck to you, waterfront owners. 

Coal is not the future of humanity — nor economically, nor is it sustainable. GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL.

I know many of the people in Mandurah have solar panels on their roofs and enjoy cheaper electricity. They are savvy as far as money goes. Abbott's plan is very expensive for the future.

Good people of Mandurah, vote him out... Give Abbott a massive kick in the butt. 


Picture of Mandurah above by Gus Leonisky.

kick tony abbott in the butt...

Today's Fairfax-Ipsos poll shows that the voters of Canning are set to deliver up to a 10 per cent swing against the government, not enough to overwhelm the Coalition's margin in the seat of 11.8 per cent.

But a rebuke of this magnitude would be more than double the average postwar swing against a sitting government of 4 per cent, and three times the average postwar swing against a Coalition government of 3.3 per cent.

And this is in one of the Coalition's better seats. In Canning, unlike Australia as a whole, Abbott actually outrates Bill Shorten as preferred prime minister, by 42 per cent to 36.

The Liberal Party has gone to considerable lengths to hold the seat. It has spent almost $1 million on its campaign for the seat, sent the Prime Minister in to campaign three times and made substantial promises to spend taxpayer funds on roads.

So such a savage swing in friendly territory would be a political death threat to the Abbott government in a general election. 

"People would be desperately worried at a 10 per cent swing," said a Liberal MP. "They'll be thinking, 'and this in the West, our stronghold?' "

The Abbott government has now been in a losing position in the national polls for 18 consecutive months. As time passes, MPs and senators increasingly are losing confidence in Abbott's ability to turn the situation around.

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combat skills would be useless against sea level rise...

Former elite soldier Andrew Hastie has used his first major speech to outline how he will use skills developed leading men in combat against Islamic extremists to protect and represent people in the federal seat of Canning in Western Australia.

Mr Hastie, a former member of the SASR (Special Air Service Regiment) and the Liberal Party's candidate for the upcoming by-election in Canning, was speaking at the party's state conference in Perth on this weekend.

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Mr Hastie is a creationist religious nut. What is a creationist religious nut? A creationist religious nut is someone who believes that the world was created 6000 years ago. There is ample scientific evidence that this is not the case, but these flat-earth theorists and creationists believe in erroneous views on how this planet functions. They are idiots with an idiotic commitment. Mr Hastie says that religious beliefs have nothing to do with politics... That's a BIG LIE. Politics and religious beliefs are intertwined to the hilt. Having some creationist nut saying that religious beliefs would not influence his views on politics is A LIE. 

climate change denial is the next genocide...

Climate change threatens to provoke a new ecological panic. So far, poor people in Africa and the Middle East have borne the brunt of the suffering.

The mass murder of at least 500,000 Rwandans in 1994 followed a decline in agricultural production for several years before. Hutus killed Tutsis not only out of ethnic hatred, but to take their land, as many genocidaires later admitted.

In Sudan, drought drove Arabs into the lands of African pastoralists in 2003. The Sudanese government sided with the Arabs and pursued a policy of eliminating the Zaghawa, Masalit and Fur peoples in Darfur and surrounding regions.

Climate change has also brought uncertainties about food supply back to the center of great power politics. China today, like Germany before the war, is an industrial power incapable of feeding its population from its own territory, and is thus dependent on unpredictable international markets.

This could make China’s population susceptible to a revival of ideas like Lebensraum. The Chinese government must balance a not-so-distant history of starving its own population with today’s promise of ever-increasing prosperity — all while confronting increasingly unfavorable environmental conditions. The danger is not that the Chinese might actually starve to death in the near future, any more than Germans would have during the 1930s. The risk is that a developed country able to project military power could, like Hitler’s Germany, fall into ecological panic, and take drastic steps to protect its existing standard of living.

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Note: Climate Change is the soft euphemism for anthropogenic global warming which is the correct scientific analysis of the problem. 

california burning... global warming is here.

LOS ANGELES — The fire moved fast, faster than even veteran firefighters had seen. As it ripped down a hill toward Middletown, two hours north of San Francisco, some residents hardly had time to dress before they fled.

“We were surrounded by fire,” said Maddie Ross, 25, a student at Santa Rosa Junior College who fled with her grandparents on Saturday from their home in nearby Hidden Valley Lake.

They did not even have time to put their shoes on. “It looked like hell everywhere,” Ms. Ross said. “It was terrifying, truly terrifying. I’ve never been in a situation like that. We all felt like the world was coming to an end.”

By Sunday afternoon, up to 1,000 homes and commercial structures had been burned by the so-called Valley fire. They were the latest casualties of the worst drought in California’s recorded history, which has left hillsides thick with dry brush and made wildfires more common than ever.


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a hasty creationist in canning...

Just three days ago, the Liberal candidate for Canning, Andrew Hastie, ducked into this warren of offices to get changed into his suit, ready to greet the prime minister, Tony Abbott, who visited the premises of Harrison’s business, Beaver Tree Services, on Saturday afternoon. Abbott was there to announce that the government would echo Labor’s promise to fund the $145m upgrade of Armadale Road, but the story, relayed by a small media pack, was that he had dismissed predictions he would be rolled on the Monday following Saturday’s byelection.

A lot can change in three days. As Harrison spoke to Guardian Australia on Tuesday, the new prime minister of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull, was being sworn in by the governor general in Canberra. Abbott, so happy to shake hands and eat party pies with members of the Armadale business community on Saturday, was nowhere to be seen – he would later make a statement, which pointedly did not congratulate his successor.

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There are some nasty rumours (which I could believe) that Hastie joined the army to go on the (religious) CRUSADES... His religious creationist beliefs drive him, despite his denials to the contrary. Be warned...

hastie — going where he should not...


Liberal Canning by-election candidate Andrew Hastie's comments on Labor's support of Australian soldiers are "offensive" and "unwise", Opposition Leader Bill Shorten says.

Former SAS Captain Andrew Hastie on Thursday said that when he served in the military overseas, he did not think the then-Labor government had the soldiers' backs.

He is reported today as saying Labor MPs were more interested in having their photos taken with the troops in Afghanistan than helping them win the war.

Mr Shorten, who is campaigning with Labor candidate Matt Keogh in Mandurah ahead of tomorrow's vote, said that was wrong.

"Frankly, I'm offended by those comments," Mr Shorten said.

"I'm offended not because a Liberal politician makes a criticism of the Labor Party, I guess that's to be expected.

"But there's been a great tradition in this country that Liberal and Labor, together support our defence forces.

"I think what we need to do is stop having this argument about who loves this country more.


Hastie, the pretty boy of the ultra rabid rightwing, the general who denies that his creationist religion has noting to do with politics, is pushing a barrow of shit uphill by mentioning the army... and the war in Afghanistan... It shows he has no understanding of politics in Australia nor any understanding of politics in Afghanistan... Hastie is a pretty boy idiot. 


hastie gets a pastie...


Election 2016 Live: MP Andrew Hastie sacked from military for campaigning in uniform

Defence has confirmed WA Liberal MP Andrew Hastie has been sacked from the Army Reserves over his decision to use campaign material showing him in uniform