Monday 10th of March 2025

malcolm turnbull pisses on everyone and everything, except on his own flimsy wishy-washy prime ministership...


Seen here with the strawman (Malcolm Roberts) and the tinman (Bernardi), both back in parliament, doing more damage about anything — Malcolm never had the courage of his own opinions.


He damaged the NBN beyond being fixable, he pandered to the egos of mad men in his party and carried on scuttling the ABC — a black op started under Turdy Abbott after lying about it before the elections of 2013. Comfortable with his own situation, Malcolm settled for second best or worse for the people of this good country... 

Malcolm knew that Murdoch was running the show and Malcolm did nothing about it. 


Malcolm Turnbull might have destroyed Kevin Rudd’s ambition to become the United Nations Secretary General, but the two former prime ministers are as one in their staunch criticism of the Murdoch-led media in Australia and globally.

Rudd has spent years banging his drum for an Australian royal commission into Murdoch’s power and influence, while Turnbull says supine serving and former News Corporation journalists have covered up what really goes on inside the nation’s biggest media company.

In his political memoir, A Bigger Picture, Turnbull says the public would be appalled at what happens inside the News Corporation media conglomerate if journalists spoke out.

“If more journalists who’ve worked at News Corporation were prepared publicly to tell the truth about the extent of their control and influence, even the most cynical Australians would be appalled,” writes Turnbull.

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Many people were expecting a lot better. On this site we knew what we were getting: a bettler polished turd than Tony Abbott. 


malcolm invented something...

inventing the wheel


I am recycling cartoons at the moment as basically, times have reached full circle, even if our circle is reduced to staying at home. And as Malcolm does some revisionism, we expose the reality... We knew then he could do BETTER, but we NEVER expected him to do so...

a massive breach of intellectual property rights...

malcolm explains...

Government staffers and at least one Liberal MP have allegedly gained illegal access to a pirated copy of Malcolm Turnbull’s memoir, which the publisher claims originated from the prime minister’s office.

Hardie Grant said “a massive breach” of intellectual property rights has been committed and that it would be referring the matter to the Australian Federal Police.

The company cited an email that said a top aide distributed an electronic version of the autobiography, A Bigger Picture to “millions” of other people.

It’s alleged a person working for prime minister Scott Morrison was responsible for circulating the e-book among politicians and staffers. 

The staffer has since apologised, according to the ABC. 

Hardie Grant became aware on Saturday evening of the breach after some people reported the “illegal edition” had been sent by an address within Mr Morrison’s office.

The publisher said its law firm HWL Ebsworth later sent a cease and desist notice to a staff member in that office.

“This illegal distribution of the ebook signifies a massive breach of intellectual property right, a problem that effects many bestselling books throughout the industry,” Hardie Grant said in a statement.

Chief executive Sandy Grant said its lawyers intend on taking legal action against the person responsible for sharing the e-book and any site further distributing the file.


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by malcolm of the unthinkable...



In this extract from his memoir, the former Australian prime minister recounts his deals and negotiations with the US president


by Malcolm Turnbull

“Don’t worry, Malcolm. The American people will never elect a lunatic to sit in this office.”

So Barack Obama had enigmatically assured me in the Oval Office in January 2016, when I asked him about the presidential race.

Well, it was now November and the unthinkable had happened.

And lunatic or not, Trump had won.It wasn’t only Americans who were stunned. Nobody had expected a Trump victory and truthfully few were prepared for it.

He’d run a bombastic campaign, much of which seemed to us to be designed to ensure he wouldn’t win. What sort of candidate would refer to his opponent, a distinguished former first lady and secretary of state, with a nickname like “Crooked Hillary” and beam as his supporters chanted “Lock her up”? How could you get elected in (by Australian standards) prudish America when you have talked about “grabbing” women “by the pussy”?

We knew what he’d said in the campaign, but did he mean it? After all, everyone seemed to accept he didn’t expect to win. Was the whole campaign just an enormous exercise in self-promotion?


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Er... wrong. On this site, we thought the loony had a better chance at winning than the missus Clinton, who, to tell the truth, had done some naughties. Look, it's easy to compute:

Published by Gus Leonisky at 12 May 2016 - 7:18pm:

trump rupert


Malcolm, you should have known what this meant... as soon as Rupert Murdoch makes a choice, there is about 100 per cent chance his choice will get the gig...


see also:


when mal was pissing on his subjects... (in cartoons)

It's not just Gus:








a grown-up kid...

I feel somewhat sorry about Malcolm…

He tried his best in the best of the worlds. He entered the world of politics like a scorned Zadig and became Candide, the most optimist person in the world, as translated from the German work by Doctor Ralph. Of course we all know (we should) that these fictitious characters came from the fertile imagination of Voltaire who used satire to piss on the government of the day, preparing the ground for the French revolution. 

Suddenly, Malcolm discovers that his world of nice people is actually full of cheats, thieves, tax evaders, murderers, religious nuts and little shits like Till Ulenspiegel. He also finds out to his horror that his beautiful Liberal (CONservative) party is divided to the hilt by various factions of idiots, imbeciles, opportunists, illiterates, ignorants, religious nuts and sycophants. In these circumstances, one can see why Candide would become depressed.

So for Malcolm, the eternal optimist, the next best thing in the bestest of the world is to expose the crooks who made him failed, and retain his naive view of the bestest best world of his own goodest persona. The list of nutrugs is long and from time to time he praises the dubious ratbags and the knifing rigolettos because they helped him to positively defeat the other crackpots.


Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has accused right-wing Liberals of taking the liberalism out of their party and believes they didn’t want him as their leader because they couldn’t control him.

Mr Turnbull also thinks his predecessor Tony Abbott and his allies, along with media outlets owned by Rupert Murdoch and right-wing “shock jocks”, would have preferred Labor’s Bill Shorten to be prime minister than him.

“A Liberal Party they could not control is not a Liberal Party they wanted to have,” he told ABC’s 7.30 on Monday.

He has expressed the sentiments in an interview promoting his newly released memoir A Bigger Picture.

Mr Turnbull lost the prime ministership in 2018 and was replaced by Scott Morrison, who led the Coalition to victory in the federal election in 2019.

He has accused wealthy media figures of contributing to his downfall in a bid for power.

“The one thing those plutocrats knew … is that I did not belong to them,” he said.

“When you boil it down … I think this was ultimately about power.

“They wanted to have again a prime minister who they felt they had some control over, they had an ownership of.”

He said Mr Morrison had obviously worked to become leader.


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saw it coming?



passing the baton to pinky...



In 2010, Turnbull decided to give up politics, who knows why — possibly he discovered it was a mugs game — but he was convinced by some people including himself, moi, him, not to give up at getting the far far away shot at the supreme crown: Prime Ministersheepish... So he submitted himself to perform shit jobs under Abbott, like overseeing the destruction of the NBN to please Turdy and Murdoch, and perform other glorious stuff ups. Click on the picture, this will take you back in history...

then in 2015, malcolm finds his guts...



Click on the picture to find out more...

turdy denials...

Tony Abbott has launched an impassioned defence of his former chief of staff, Peta Credlin, after Malcolm Turnbull accused the pair of sharing a bizarre dynamic.

The long-held bad blood between the two former Liberal prime ministers has boiled over again after the release of Mr Turnbull’s memoir, A Bigger Picture.

In an interview to promote his book, Mr Turnbull said Ms Credlin had been “running the country” during the Abbott government.

“It was as though she felt, ‘I’ve created you, you’re my creation’, and she felt she owned him. It was a bizarre – a truly bizarre – relationship,” he told the ABC’s 7.30 on Monday night.

On Tuesday, Mr Abbott said Ms Credlin was an extraordinarily capable person and an important part of his government.

“I am aware of some pretty odious comments that one of my successors made,” he said.

“She was a fine thinker, a great organiser, and she was a trusted colleague. I think she deserves a great deal of credit for what she did.


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it would have been better for him to activize when PM...

Malcolm Turnbull is pleased he no longer is a politician but is in no mood to retreat from a public life.

He now sees himself in part in the role of an “activist” citizen commentating on his policy passions.

His autobiography A Bigger Picture – officially released Monday – has given him a profile and a platform greater than those he had as simply another former prime minister.

And while he has left parliament, Turnbull hasn’t abandoned his sharp-edged views on Australian politics.

In an interview with Guardian Australia he says of Scott Morrison’s 2019 election victory: “It’s a little bit like jumping out of a speeding car at 100mph and by some miracle landing on your feet and not killing yourself and saying, ‘Oh well, that was a good move.’”

Guardian Australia understands the book’s attacks on the hard right of the Liberal party has encouraged some moderates to consult Turnbull on reform of the ideological balance federally. Whether he will respond in public is not clear but Turnbull has confirmed the contacts: “Oh plenty. Tonnes of them.”

The dangling uncertainty is whether Turnbull will comment on those matters further than he has, in savage fashion, in his memoir. He makes clear in the book he is not looking for a political rebirth.

In one telling passage, he recalls with a sense of humiliation his last departure from Canberra on the August 2018 Sunday after Scott Morrison replaced him.

He couldn’t use “the big plane” to fly back to Sydney as his successor was using that RAAF flight, and he had to carry his luggage across the tarmac, in the full view of news photographers, to a smaller aircraft.


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It would have been better for us, if Malcolm had been an activist when he was PM... All we got was blancmange, jellycrap and compote of used-by-date mush. Anyway, good luck and prod those Libs (CONservatives) where it hurts... There is corner in the domain with a podium available. From there with a camera and a microphone, you can carry on the tradition of haranguing the crowd which in these days of coronaviruski, would only be a few possums, some magpies and an aloof currawong.

me, myself and I... and him...


What had Scott Morrison contributed to the country?

His only achievement as the head of Tourism Australia had been to oversee the ‘Where The Bloody Hell Are You?’ campaign featuring the model Lara Bingle.

How fitting, then, that he replaced me as Prime Minister.

At least he had some experience when it came to dealing with turbulent times.

That campaign, after all, kept more tourists away from our shores than coronavirus.

Me, Myself and I’* by Malcolm Turnbull (Vanity Publishing, RRP $99.99) was released this week.

***Well, this is how Garry Linnell imagines the book reads, anyway. You can read another analysis of the (real) book, here.

Garry Linnell was director of News and Current Affairs for the Nine network in the mid-2000s. He has also been editorial director for Fairfax and is a former editor of The Daily Telegraph and The Bulletin magazine


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Good. Love the "Vanity Publishing co"... Note: the "me, myself, moi and I (and him)" in whatever order was invented on this site as soon as Turnbull came onto the political scene...


me, myself and I...




"oh, I'd be wounded!"...

Malcolm Turnbull has led his party twice. Once as prime minister. But he's incredibly chipper about the prospect of being expelled as a member.

Key points
  • Malcolm Turnbull has shrugged off calls for him to be expelled from the Liberal Party.
  • He says the party is unlikely to change its views on climate change, unless it has a massive election defeat or Rupert Murdoch changes his position.
  • He rejects criticisms of his role in the formation of the Guardian Australia.


"Oh, I'd be wounded!" he moans theatrically when questioned about the move by Liberal Party officials to strip him of party membership. "I'd just be a crumpled mess in the corner!"

Questioned about the appropriateness of such insouciance for a man twice accorded the ultimate honour available to a political party member, Mr Turnbull responds smilingly that "a bit of insouciance never goes astray".

In an hour-long interview to be streamed online on Monday night for the Sydney Writers Festival, Mr Turnbull's disdain for the organisation he once led is palpable.

He argues that the "crazed ideology" dictating the Liberal Party's policy on climate could now only be altered by a crushing electoral defeat, or an about-face on the issue from media magnate Rupert Murdoch.


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We'd like to see a bit more humility from the blancmange former PM. Everything he did was "about him". Sure, he was like a chook with clipped wings in a cage and never became the soaring eagle — with a sharp eye of the political landscape — that he thinks he is.

Australia has deserved better than the lying Turdy Abbott. We deserve better than Scotty-from-Marketing who polishes his own messianic Noah's Ark mirror image, reflected on a singed barbecued sausage skin, and we deserved better than Malcolm who was happy to be supported by the reluctant Murdochs, because it was his and theirs) only chance at defeating Labor, until he was bowled over by his own pride.

Writing in hindsight only shows that one has an arse to cover, when we needed foresight with decisive actions. Yes we've know for a long time about all the loony characters that Malcolm pisses upon. Malcolm was never a "team player' nor a "commander". It was as if Malcolm was just there, by default, to prevent the other mob, Labor, taking over... This was his only success — a success he could subconsciously regret as he pontificates about the idiots of the Liberal (CONservative) party...

fondly remembering him and himself...











blaming labor



malcolm's "a bigger picture" as illustrated by gus.

t and t





m and b


bolt and m






b and m


devil t


carbon pricing




et tu dutton



More to come?... Sure...

self-serving anti-coal malcolm...

Former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Turnbull says the NSW state government has caved in to media pressure after being dumped as chair of the NSW Net-Zero Emissions and Clean Economy Board.

Mr Turnbull, who was named for the role just last week, reportedly ruffled Coalition feathers by supporting a moratorium on new coal mines in NSW.

He said News Corp’s goal was to “bully” the state government into not appointing him as chair of the climate board.


“[It was a] pretty ferocious campaign, a vendetta, really, in the characteristic way that News Corp operates,” Mr Turnbull told ABC Radio Sydney.

“[NSW Environment Minister Matt] Kean said to me there was no conflict of interest between anything I have said or anything Lucy [Turnbull] has said or what we have written about coal mining in the Hunter.

“The net zero board has nothing to do with coal mining approvals for a start. But he said he does not want personalities to be a distraction.”

“There was a pretty ferocious campaign, a vendetta, really, in the characteristic way that News Corp operates,” Mr Turnbull said.

“Its goal was to bully the state government into not appointing me chair of this net zero board.”

Mr Turnbull blamed his axing on “the right-wing media ecosystem”.

“It’s just thuggery,” he told The Sydney Morning Herald.

Mr Kean said the board’s purpose was to create jobs in low-carbon industries while reducing emissions in ways that grew the economy. 

“It is important that the focus is on achieving these outcomes, based on facts, technology, science, and economics,” he said on Tuesday.

“The focus should not be on personality,” he said.

Mr Turnbull had “contributed much to our country … However, no person’s role on the board should distract from achieving results for the NSW people or from the government’s work in delivering jobs and opportunities for the people of NSW”.

“For this reason, I have decided not to proceed with his appointment as chair.”

The NSW chief scientist and engineer will act in the role until a new chair is named.

Tuesday’s announcement came hours after The Daily Telegraph published a letter Mr Turnbull wrote to the NSW government objecting to the expansion of a coal mine in the Upper Hunter near his family’s 1092-hectare property.

On Monday, Mr Turnbull said he and wife Lucy had made the submission “as long term landowners in the district and in no other capacity”.

He rejected any conflict with his new role saying “the net zero board has no role in mining approvals whatsoever”.

Deputy Premier and Nationals Leader John Barilaro was the first person to declare Mr Turnbull had been axed.

“We are not proceeding with the appointment of Malcolm Turnbull as chair,” he told Sydney radio 2GB ahead of Mr Kean’s statement.

“You need someone who brings people together and not divides and unfortunately Malcolm has done the opposite.

“Great result for common sense.

“He pulled my pants down within 48 [hours] of his appointment on an area that I take seriously,” he said of Mr Turnbull’s recent comments on coal mines.

“I’m the deputy premier … and I chose to be the mining minister because I thought for the last 10 years we have not done enough to support the industry which has been the backbone of our economy and the nation.”

Later on Tuesday, Premier Gladys Berejiklian said she didn’t like Mr Barilaro’s “terminology” but Mr Turnbull’s appointment had become a distraction.

“Former prime ministers deserve our respect. Malcolm has always had mine and will continue to have that into the future,” she said.

“I want to thank him public for all he continues to do in public life. We don’t always has to agree with what everybody says or does but we have to encourage people to speak their mind and be true to what they believe.”

Last week, Defence Minister Peter Dutton weighed in on Mr Turnbull’s appointment.

“All I can say is that Malcolm was very consistent as prime minister, and that is that he supported coal mining, and he said that on the public record on a number of occasions.”


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Remember the smiling idiot then:


news Malcolm Turnbull has sternly rejected an online petition which has so far garnered more than 200,000 signatures calling for the Coalition to support Labor’s all-fibre NBN policy, with the Communications Minister-elect claiming it wouldn’t be “democracy” for the new Coalition Government to reverse the rival NBN policy it took to the election.

Since the Coalition won power on Saturday, a vigorous online movement focused on getting the new Abbott administration to abandon its own National Broadband Network policy and support Labor’s existing vision has been gaining force. Supporters of Labor’s vision argue that it will serve Australia’s long-term interests much better, as it features an all-fibre NBN, delivering a more reliable network and faster speeds.

The Coalition’s version of the NBN policy will see part of Telstra’s existing copper network maintained, in what is termed a ‘fibre to the node’ deployment. The model has been extensively and successfully deployed in countries such as the UK, but Australian proponents of Labor’s policy have highlighted the fact that it offers limited speed boosts over currently available broadband in Australia (up to 100Mbps as a top-end limit), compared with Labor’s NBN, which will offer enhanced levels of reliability and speeds up to 1Gbps, coupled with significantly enhanced upload speeds.

Telecommunications industry experts have consistently stated that they believe Labor’s NBN policy to be highly technically superior to the Coalition’s more modest vision, and having the potential to deliver Australia superior long-term outcomes in terms of service delivery and boosting Australia’s economy through productivity gains. 

In addition, questions have been raised about the extent to whether it’s possible to deploy the FTTN technology the Coalition is focused on in Australia and whether it will perform as the Coalition has claimed. There are also questions as to whether Telstra, which owns the copper network which would need to be used as part of the FTTN rollout, will consent to modify its existing $11 billion arrangement with the Labor Federal Government and NBN Co, along the lines the Coalition plans.

A petition placed on popular website on the issue following the election, demanding the Coalition reconsider the FTTN technology and focus on the superior FTTP option, has already garnered in excess of 200,000 signatures, with tens of thousands more Australians putting their names to the issue every day.

In addition, an online poll taken by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation this week showed Australians overwhelmingly believe focusing on the National Broadband Network should be Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott’s highest priority in his first 100 days in office, eclipsing issues such as education, the carbon tax, border protection and the environment.

However, in a statement posted on his website tonight, Turnbull rejected the petition.


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Free Julian Assange Now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

selling opinions to suit...


Michael Pascoe: Opinions for sale in the ‘expert’ consultants racket



I once offered a bottle of GIO Anniversary Port as a prize for any “independent” expert who delivered a report commissioned by a public company that wasn’t pretty much what the public company wanted to hear.

That was last century on the Business Sunday program.

As the photograph below attests, I still have the bottle, a memento of numerous follies – privatisations, consultants, “independent” experts and, specifically, AMP’s disastrous takeover of GIO.


During that 1998 battle, as in every takeover battle, both the hunter and the prey hired “independent” experts to offer their considered opinion about what the company might be worth.

Surprise, surprise – as Gomer Pyle used to say – one expert inevitably valued the target company highly, the other lowly. And I don’t need to tell you which one did which.

As it turned out, GIO was actually worth a good deal less than anyone thought at the time, but so was AMP.

Various studies have found most takeovers fail for various reasons.

Among them, the tendency of investment banks, consultants and “experts” to say what earns them fees, to tell their clients what their clients want to hear.

My bottle of GIO Anniversary Port comes to mind whenever I read research or a study commissioned by a lobby group. However many times you have heard the name of the respected consultants, however many times they appear on TV or are quoted in the media as “experts”, you can pretty safely bet the firm is coming up with the opinions its employers want to hear.

“He who pays the piper …”

Quick example: Have you ever been surprised at how many hundreds of thousands of Australians are supposedly employed by Industry X whenever X wants a favour from the government or is seeking protection from a policy that might be good for the nation but maybe not for X?


Few figures gain a politician’s attention like the number of jobs in a business as they see “jobs” as a euphemism for “votes” – and that’s what they are all about.

Just about every industry you can think of has hired consultants at some stage to beat up an economic value and number of jobs for that industry.

My strong suspicion is that if you added up all the claimed jobs generated by Australia’s many industries, you’d find we have more jobs than people in this country.

The richer the industry, the stronger the lobby group, the more consultants they can hire, the more politicians they can influence, the more they can bend policy to suit the industry and its key investors at the expense of the national good.

 Deloitte and EY back absurd mines


The case in point that has driven me to digging out the bottle: Michael West Media is taking very sharp aim at a couple of big-name consultants in light of an Australia Institute report on proposals for new coal mines in the Hunter Valley, One Step Forward, Two Steps Back.

At a time when the thermal coal industry is in decline, when existing mines are underperforming and blue-chip miners are either reducing their exposure to coal or exiting the industry, second and third-tier outfits are applying to open a cluster of new mines in the Hunter Valley.

Putting aside climate issues for a moment, the obvious danger is that the public will be left with stranded holes in the ground when the economics of supply, demand, carbon costs and renewable energy have their way with them.

You might think it would be tricky to build an economic case for all the expense of digging yet more Hunter Valley mines but – cue Gomer Pyle – a good consultant will do that for you.

The Michael West Media story highlights the role of Ernst & Young and Deloitte in torturing numbers and making rosy assumptions to find a way to convince New South Wales to approve new mines.

What particularly galls is the hypocrisy of EY and Deloitte.

“It’s amazing how companies like Ernst & Young that talk about ‘the need to embrace the climate emergency’ are also prepared to knowingly inflate the economic case for new coal mines,” says The Australia Institute’s research director, Rod Campbell.

“Ernst & Young’s economists use methods for coal mines that result in valuations hundreds of millions higher than even other coal industry consultants.

“These methods have been described as ‘inflated’, ‘contrary to economic theory’ and ‘plainly wrong’ by the NSW Land and Environment Court, but EY is happy to keep using them.

“Deloitte also goes in to bat for new coal mines while saying climate change is the ‘biggest shared challenge facing humanity’.”


Who will drink my port?


The Australia Institute has called for a code of conduct for economic modellers to try to prevent consultants effectively creating lies for their clients.

Well that isn’t going to happen.

The nature of such consultants and “independent” experts is to come up with the stories they are paid to come up with. Like government budget “projections”, there are always assumptions that will deliver the desired answer.

I suspect my bottle of port has done the opposite of improving with bottle age, but if the cellar is ever running so low that I need to crack it, I’ll invite Westie over to share a glass.

Unless, of course, EY or Deloitte would like to claim the trophy by using more realistic assumptions about the coal price and not telling their employers what they want to hear?

Nah, that’s not going to happen either.


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a republican loosing on royalties...


Looking for culprits...


A long-running investigation into the “super-spreading” of Malcolm Turnbull’s memoir has netted $30,000 in settlement payments and drawn in top ranking Coalition leaders in a “family tree” revealing who received the manuscript and forwarded it on.

The family tree diagram, compiled by publisher Hardie Grant and its investigators and obtained by the Herald and The Age, has revealed that a coterie including former prime minister Tony Abbott, Sky News commentators Peta Credlin and Andrew Bolt, and Nationals senator Matt Canavan were among the first Coalition members to receive the manuscript.

The diagram also reveals Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce received the copy, as did his deputy David Littleproud and Senate leader Bridget McKenzie who both received the email but deleted it without forwarding.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison received a copy as did his chief of staff John Kunkel from assistant economics adviser Nico Louw who forwarded the email to 58 people. The diagram - put together by top defamation lawyer Nicholas Pullen on behalf of Hardie Grant - indicates the PM and Mr Kunkel are yet to issue a response to the investigation.


Publisher Sandy Grant said he had been pleased with the investigation’s progress, but expressed frustration that Australian Federal Police investigators now appear to have reached a dead end a year after the probe began.

“We’re frustrated that it’s dragged on for so long without any visible action,” Grant said.

Individuals found to have forwarded the manuscript on were charged A Bigger Picture’s recommended retail price of $49.95 for every person included on the forwarding email. For a “super-spreader” such as Mr Louw the settlement figure was just under $3000.

A spokesperson for the Prime Minister’s office said: “The government will not comment on matters that may be subject to AFP investigation. Staff have been reminded of their obligations under copyright law, and of the high standards of conduct expected of them.


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Read from top. Note: we did not spread the manuscript around because we never got it... and we only relied on our own record "The Legend of Malcolm"...

