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Blogsour egghead saussisson...Beyond its efforts to frustrate action at the Glasgow climate summit, Australia has been using international forums to ensure there will still be foreign funding for fossil fuel projects.
Australia’s climate change interference
By Mike Seccombe.
Call it by its proper name: methane. It is the stuff that fuels our gas stoves and much else, often under the non-threatening euphemism natural gas, although it is no more or less natural than coal and it is a far bigger threat to the world’s climate than we long appreciated. There is now two-and-a-half times as much methane in the Earth’s air as there was in pre-industrial times, and while it has a far shorter life in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide, over 20 years its global warming potential is 86 times greater.
saving the planet with tourism...As the world pivots to reduce its carbon output, responsible travel becomes the biggest reckoning for the tourism industry. For us as individuals, isn’t our sustainable contribution just to stop flying? Surely, we have to sacrifice our sojourns on exotic palm-fringed beaches in favour of a bit of wild camping closer to home? No? Well, not necessarily. Can tourism be a force for positive environmental change? Yes! And when done right, it’s vital, says Rebecca Cox.
be daft: vote for the best porkyist in town!...As Alan Kohler, a respected economist, tells us we must not let Scott Morrison get away with do-nothing climate plan. We support this statement, and the only way to do this is to boot ScoMo out of political existence. Anything less, and this pest, Scomoturdus oftheshireeii, will come back to further white-ant this great country’s reputation.
As demonstrated by his own behaviour on the international and national stage, Scott Morrison, the politican, is a liar, a fudger, a prevaricator, an annoying righteous sexist bigot, a deceitful idiot, amongst his best qualities. And we have not mentioned blind trusts, sports rorts and a single car-park...
chasing the votes of extremists...Victoria's Premier Daniel Andrews has unloaded on the Prime Minister, accusing him of "chasing the votes of extremists" after his comments about the Melbourne protests.
a grand flush...
Meanwhile, in yesterday's Daily Poopograph, Andrew Bold had a go at Rudd and Turnbull United for trying to bring the Murdoch media down to earth. The rant starts with the heading and the sub-head:
"Hatred most foul — Turnbulls and Rudds engage in falsehoods in the name of pitiful revenge”
Bolt begins and finishes his piece with: "There is a Chinese proverb : Let those who seek revenge dig two graves…”
warren, warren, warren…Oh please, please… Warren, your cartoon yesterday in the Daily Telegraph is loaded with right-wing mischief, so I had to rectify it to bring a bit of middle-ground sense into it. First your "head of whoever it is", possibly the Labor leader, does not look anything like Albo. I am sure you can do a better caricature of him if you tried.
Second, we all know that the Obeids are in the clink, not for being “Labor", but for being liberal capitalists that have infested the Labor party for a while. ICAC did its duty. And pay attention as to why the Gladys saga is in front of ICAC…
the birds and the bees...As you might have already known, the year 2009 is also the "Darwin Year." It is the bicentennial of the birthday of the great British naturalist, and sesquicentennial of publication of his famous book "The Origin of Species." Hence we hear a lot these days about evolution, its history and, most important of all, its meaning.
the murdoch conspiracy to destroy the ABC...
Is Murdoch’s Terry Mccrann really that dumb? He clearly wants us to believe he is. Not only he does not seem to understand the difference between a Senate committee and "the parliament” which enacts legislation, far less "the government” he aggressively broadcast his embarrassing ignorance to the nation at large.
The Mccrann article in today’s Daily Telegraph (and The Australian) is an awful rant — and there is really no other word for it, as it lacks all reason, fact, logic, or just even the most basic of knowledge — while promoting the stupid Senate Inquiry launched into a very narrow aspect of the ABC. Mccrann’s spew was a cocktail of hysteria and stupidity.
false claims by scomo and barney...Australia’s two most senior politicians have made extraordinary and false claims about petrol prices this week. On Monday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said petrol prices would go up more than otherwise if his government was kicked out of office. But he provided no evidence to back up his claim – even when asked for it. Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce followed up on Tuesday morning, telling ABC radio that Labor would increase petrol prices by ending fossil fuel exports, a move he claimed would devalue the Australian dollar. There is no evidence for this claim, either. And Mr Joyce’s comments were riddled with falsehoods about Labor’s policies on fossil fuels and climate.
playing democracy...There are about 800 politicians in Australia’s parliaments. According to their assessments of each other, that quite small group includes role models for lying, cheating, deceiving, ‘rorting’, bullying, rumour-mongering, back-stabbing, slander, ‘leaking’, ‘dog-whistling’, nepotism and corruption. A recent editorial valiantly suggested that ‘toxic debates test ideas, policy and character’, but a more orthodox view is that ethics, tolerance and civility are intrinsic elements of democratic society and that the politicians’ mutual contempt and aggressive, ‘end justifies the means’ amorality erodes respect for authority and public institutions and compromises social cohesion.
By Tony Fitzgerald
perrottet, the grave digger...
Dominic Perrottet’s five-man “Catholic Cabinet” rushed through a deal to deliver control of Sydney’s cemeteries, ergo $5bn in capital, to the Catholic Church, in defiance of independent expert advice. Callum Foote reports.
Evidence emerging from Gladys Berejiklian’s ICAC inquiry shows alarming similarities to the way in which senior MPs in the NSW Coalition government are pushing for the Sydney Catholic Archdiocese to be given control over Sydney’s vast cemetery network. The cemeteries are set to run out of space in under a decade, and its operators are about $300 million in debt. In 2020, the NSW government developed a proposal to amalgamate Sydney’s five cemetery operators into a single efficient operator: OneCrown.
why the bloody hell was scomo sacked from a job advertising australia?
The Prime Minister’s short-lived incarnation as managing director of Tourism Australia has long been a matter of speculation. A Liberal sacked by a Liberal government! But for correspondent Jommy Tee, it’s a case of ACCESS DENIED.
New evidence shows the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) interfered in denying a Freedom of Information (FOI) request by Michael West Media (MWM) into Scott Morrison’s sacking from Tourism Australia in 2006.
peter, please wait at least the day we get our awful submarines, to say crap...Has Peter Dutton just committed Australia to a future war against China? His latest comments seem to suggest so. The contingency that the world increasingly worries about is Taiwan. The Economist magazine calls it “the world’s most dangerous place”. Why? It’s the most likely point of armed clash between China and the US. Beijing is increasingly bellicose in word and deed in its stated intent to take control of Taiwan; Washington is increasingly inclined to protect Taiwan from any attack.
Three days after Paul Keating said that Australia should stand aloof from any such war, Defence Minister Peter Dutton on Saturday said: “It would be inconceivable that we wouldn’t support the US in an action if the US chose to take that action,” he told The Australian.
scomo's hubris...The popular wisdom seems to be that Labor leader Anthony Albanese is hanging back on revealing his climate change ambitions because he is afraid Scott Morrison will immediately frame anything he promises as job destroying and economy wrecking. This view is only half right. There is no doubt whatever Mr Albanese comes up with, the Prime Minister won’t hesitate to make those claims. Furthermore he will surely value add by inventing policies Labor has not embraced or entertained. Why wouldn’t he? It worked a treat in 2019. This is where we need a reality check. Labor did not lose the last election because of its climate policies.
aiming low...
Barnaby Joyce states that the National Party has not signed the Cop26 agreement and Australia is “satisfied with its goals.” Cop26
Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce added that Australia was “satisfied with our goals,” and the Nationals did not sign the final communiqué of the Glasgow Climate Summit. Joyce, who was campaigning in the coal town of Singleton, New South Wales on Monday, said the government had already set emission reduction targets for 2030 and the public Cop26 Agreement signed by the Australian Government on Sunday.
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