Thursday 16th of January 2025

fascism is never far away……..

On a dreary summer day in 1944, SS Gruppenführer Baron Otto Wächter and Nazi Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler paced in front of the men of the 14th SS-Volunteer Division “Galicia” they had created. Wächter, who escaped the Nurenburg tribunals via the infamous Catholic Church rat lines, would later die in Italy before he could reach Argentina.

The killer who created the notorious Kraków Ghetto also formed the Waffen-SS Galizien, which would become the First Division of the Ukrainian National Army. There is no official record from that June day when these two diabolical men reviewed Ukrainian SS troops, but it seems sure that the pass and review ended with Heil Hitler and “Slava Ukraini” (Glory to Ukraine).


“Some of our German passengers on the ship would be crying. The Brits were the same way. They were crying, because they realized a new war was about to break out across Europe, with Hitler at the head of the goose-stepping parade.” – Frank Buckles, the last known surviving American-born veteran of the First World War

BY Phil Butler


In May of 2021, hundreds march in Kyiv in celebration of Ukraine’s Nazi past and soldiers of the SS. The parade, or so-called Embroidery March, took place in the capital on April 28, the 78th anniversary of the establishment of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, created by one of Hitler’s henchmen. Interestingly, Israel’s Foreign Ministry and thousands of Ukrainian Jews, have protested the glorification of the 1st Galician and other collaborators, but since the 2014 Euromaidan, the popularity of this SS group has soured.

In her keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Ukraine Recovery Conference, EU President von der Leyen at the opening ceremony of the Ukraine Recovery Conference talked as if Russia has already been defeated by the west. At the end of her rousing announcement of banking and investing moves to come in Ukraine, she signs off with Slava Ukraini!

The blood of Russians and Ukrainians has not yet soaked into the ground and the daughter of the Hanseatic elites is moving the financiers into position. This quote from her address tells us the real mission of NATO nations and the coming reconstruction phase:

“The platform will bring together countries, institutions, the private sector and civil society; our partners from around the globe, from Switzerland to the United States, European and international organizations – from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development – that is already working in Ukraine and I really commend you for that – to the European Investment Bank; from the IMF to the World Bank. And of course, it will involve business and business associations with all their incredible know-how, we need that know-how, we need that expertise.”

The Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi introduced Zelenskyy, invoking the former SS salute Ukrainians now look for. Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson raised their voices in salute and pledged their unwavering support for Ukraine with this slogan. The Catholic community in Philadelphia held a parade on the 4th of July where marchers changed “Slava Ukraini” just as if preparation is underway to create new “rat lines” just in case Ukraine and this strange Fourth Reich fails.

This excerpt from a Financial Times story “My father, the good Nazi,” by researcher Philippe Sands from an interview with infamous killer’s son Horst von Wächter, speaks volumes about today’s crisis in eastern Europe:

“In January 1942, Hitler appointed him [Otto Wächter] governor of the recently conquered Galicia, describing him as “the best man” for the job (the same month that, in Berlin, the Wannsee Conference endorsed the “final solution”, largely to be carried out on Hans Frank’s Polish territory).”

What’s always fascinating for me as a researcher, is how easy it is to find today’s connections to Europe’s diabolical Nazi-makers. Take a company Schoeller-Bleckmann, for instance. The reader may be interested to know that the wife of Otto Wächter was the daughter of the Styrian steel magnate who was key to the success of a company that once supported Hitler’s war effort.

The names and businesses have changed, a little, but profit in anything and everything remains the same. The Schoeller-Bleckmann of today, long since removed from its jaded past, is into things like directional drilling technology, oil, and natural gas (see the company’s interest in Ukraine). Imagine that. I’ll just tease the reader here, a bit with the connection of an Austrian entrepreneur named Norbert Zimmermann (Schoeller-Beckmann is now run by Berndorf AG), Davos, and your EU President Ursula von der Leyen.

Finally, back in 1995, then President of the United States Bill Clinton hailed the nationalists in Ukraine using “Slava Ukraini” in the same sentence as “God bless America” at a speech in Kyiv. The 2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine was orchestrated by the west, as part of the broader plan to incorporate former Soviet states as satraps. Then came the Euromaidan of 2014, when “Slava Ukraini” began to mean “death to Russian speakers” again. Then, by 2019, members of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists were granted veterans benefits like those received by former Red Army soldiers.

Hollywood stars have joined in. NGOs have been created. Facebook censors anyone not rendering the salute, and promotes instructional videos on sabotaging Russian troop formations. America’s technocrats hail Ukraine and Zelensky using the SS slogan. US Embassies are chanting it. Himmler’s ghastly legacy is now echoed from the Hague to Michigan State University, and as far off as the Thornbury Bowls Club outside Melbourne, Australia.

Germany is rearming. NATO threatens peace in job preservation mode. A global pandemic and looming economic collapse mirror 1930s foreboding. Glory to the most corrupt government in Europe, by far! And Zelensky now wants almost a trillion to ‘rebuild’ the home of the Waffen-SS Galizien!

Why were the Russians forced to act? Keep asking yourself this question. The answer is right in front of us.


Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, he’s an author of the recent bestseller “Putin’s Praetorians” and other books. He writes exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.






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wasting time in Switzerland?…...


Why a “Ukraine Recovery Conference” in Lugano?

by Dr iur. Marianne Wüthrich


The Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) will hold a “Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2022)” in Lugano on 4 and 5 July 2022 to discuss the “reconstruction” of Ukraine. Discussing reconstruction before peace has been established? These and other questions arise for the critical contemporary. 

President of the Swiss Confederation and head of the FDFA Ignazio Cassis said in the SRF Tagesschau of 30 May that it would be a “very high-profile” conference. Ministers, prime ministers or presidents from 41 states and 19 international organisations have been invited. In Lugano, the “kick-off” for a reconstruction plan will take place: It is a matter of defining principles and the pace at which one wants to move forward, and so on and so forth. In fact, it is primarily about another fund-raising operation for the insatiable government in Kiev. Ignazio Cassis: “Those who will ‘pledge’ say: we support reconstruction.” An estimated 600 to 1000 billion dollars (!) are at stake, he said.
  The following are some critical points.


Switzerland and Ukraine invite – Russia is left out

The two foreign ministers Ignazio Cassis and Dmytro Kuleba invite. Russia is neither one of the inviting states nor is it on the guest list. This does not violate the principle of neutrality, according to the well-known phrase of the FDFA – even constant repetition does not make it any truer.


The usual Western “players” keep to themselves

According to the FDFA, the guest list is the same as at previous conferences. In Vilnius 2021, all the EU/NATO states took part (plus Switzerland, Israel, Japan and South Korea) as well as the most important organisations dominated by the USA and Brussels: IMF, World Bank, NATO, EBRD1, EIB2, OECD, UNDP3, the Council of Europe and the EU institutions EU Council, EU Commission and EU Parliament. The “rest of the world” will not be invited to Lugano, as before.


Reconstruction conference to replace reform conferences

Since 2017, so-called Ukraine reform conferences have been held in various Western cities (2017 in London, 2018 in Copenhagen, 2019 in Toronto and 2021 in Vilnius (there was no conference in 2020 because of COVID-19). According to the FDFA, “each conference will take stock of developments over the past year”. Ukraine would be able to explain the ongoing progress, international partners would reaffirm their support and the next reform steps would be discussed.
  What progress was there to celebrate at these “high-level” conferences? For seven years, the assembled Western leaders and organisations have failed to demand that the Ukrainian government implement the 2014/2015 Minsk Agreements adopted by the UN Security Council (for example, the adoption of a constitution that gives equal rights to all ethnic groups in the country, the holding of equal and fair elections throughout the territory, and autonomous status for Donetsk and Luhansk). In particular, the German and French governments, which have co-signed the agreements, would have been obliged to do so for years. And now the reform of the undemocratic and corrupt state of Ukraine is to be officially omitted, instead of which one speaks of “reconstruction” and squanders further billions of European taxpayers’ money! 


Financing reconstruction before creating peace?

“Even if the end of the war is not yet foreseeable today, it is of central importance to start now with initial considerations on the reconstruction process [...]”, can be read on the aforementioned homepage of the FDFA.
  Switzerland would truly have better things to do in this world full of wars than to pour its money down the drain – for an insider meeting where everyone will pledge money with a big ladle, one pats the other on the back, then you go on to the next event and the dying continues.  •








GusNote: THE LAST THING THAT THE WORLD NEEDS IS SWITZERLAND "WASTING TIME"..... Swiss time is precision itself. This conference was a total waste of time.....



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vanished corruption…..

Ukraine’s Endemic Corruption Problems are Suddenly Forgotten as Hungry Western Investors Smell ‘Reconstruction’ Profits


by rachel marsden


The annual Ukraine Reform Conference has, since 2017, brought together Western officials and their local 'civil society' foot soldiers to discuss ways that Ukraine can reduce its rampant corruption. But this year, before getting underway this week in Lugano, Switzerland, it underwent a name change to the Ukraine Recovery Conference

Perhaps drawing attention to the existence of the country’s endemic corruption isn’t convenient for those looking to avoid heavy criminal penalties set up to explicitly prevent investment that fuels corruption?

Simply changing the marketing of the conference does nothing to alter the reality. If anything, it’s counterproductive for Ukraine itself and serves to enable and perpetuate serious systemic problems that prevent the country from progressing.

“The authorities are delaying the fulfillment of many important anti-corruption promises,” according to Andrey Borovik, executive director of the Ukraine office of Transparency International, an organization funded by Western governments and multinationals. As for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, “corruption just doesn’t seem to worry Mr. Zelensky much – at least when those implicated are close to him,” claimed Kyiv Independent (another Western funded outfit) editor Olga Rudenko in a guest piece for the New York Times in February, right before the Russian military operation started. 

Not exactly the kind of guy you’d want overseeing massive investment projects, one would think. 

These days, tackling corruption is taking a rhetorical backseat to the Western push to frame Ukraine as just your typical European country. “For the last two years, we have been discussing large European values, mostly a theoretical debate,” Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa has said. “Then, suddenly, we realised that those fundamental European values actually exist. And that they are threatened. And that Europeans are defending them. With their lives. In Ukraine.” 

Despite acknowledging that Ukraine would have to enact “a number of important reforms,” EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that “Ukraine has clearly shown commitment to live up to European values and standards. And embarked, before the war, on its way towards the EU.” In reality, the only thing that has actually changed is that Western officials saw an opening to exploit current public sympathy, if not ignorance, to gain acceptance for an idea that normally would be a much tougher sell to the average EU citizen. That is, the notion that Ukraine would be a net benefit to the bloc rather than an Achilles heel rife with problems that has no business being included in a zone that allows for free movement of people and goods among member states. 

EU leaders are leading their citizens straight into catastrophe in every imaginable sense through their knee-jerk handling of the conflict itself and now their push to turn the focus to reconstruction even as the bullets are still flying and the corruption rages. Western weapons supplied to Ukraine – and now apparently sold on dark-web marketplaces – are an example of the potentially deadly consequences of ineptitude. Meanwhile, the head of Interpol, Jurgen Stock, has warned EU nations in particular that “the wide availability of weapons during the current conflict will lead to the proliferation of illicit weapons in the post-conflict phase.”

Neglecting to place Ukraine’s corruption problem uncompromisingly front and center in order to better peddle the premature public narrative of the need for investment under the guise of ‘reconstruction’ represents a threat to the EU – and one that Western officials are only too happy to facilitate, apparently. One has to wonder why that is. 

It’s hardly a secret that Western nations have historically leveraged foreign aid to gain economic and political footholds within other countries, either through state-backed programs, civil society funding, or corporate opportunities. But there’s also another catch. Current Western laws such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) in the US, the UK Bribery Act, or the Loi Sapin II in France all create an obligation for any entity or individual investing in foreign countries to ensure a corruption-free transaction. If Western investment in Ukrainian reconstruction ends up in the wrong hands, then board members, employees, and managers could all end up facing criminal charges with penalties of prison.

The prosecution of such cases tends to be highly selective, of course. How often do you hear of US entities being prosecuted for dealings in corruption-rife Nigeria, for example? You don’t. Because that is Washington’s stomping ground.

The American law has often been used as a tool of selective prosecution against European companies for competitive reasons. This is why other countries have created their own similar rules, largely in the interests of having the legal tools available to jump in to prosecute their own in order to short-circuit American pursuits of foreign competitors. 

Western entities have an economic interest in portraying Ukraine as a safe place to invest. Otherwise, they’re easy pickings for the authorities of other foreign countries who might choose to use corrupt investment dealings in Ukraine as a means of taking a competitor off the playing field.

The first interest of such Western enterprises has always been to sideline Russia as a trading partner for Ukraine and then treat the country like the latest iteration of the Wild West. They aim to get taxpayers back home to fund the venture risk, all the while harboring plans to subsequently compete among themselves for any treasure they find – with the added competitive bonus for Washington of having also weakened the EU by isolating it from Russia. But to get the green light, and to convince the average taxpayer to accept funding the risk, everyone has to make the venture sound benevolent – hence the Marshall Plan comparisons – and reduce any references to corruption to a minor detail.