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Blogslegal protection of habitat. koalas eat leaves, not money...
The Australian Koala Foundation has called for a koala protection act and legislative action to curb land clearing. It warns koalas are also in danger in Victoria and South Australia. “This change in status, unfortunately, is nothing but a token gesture that results in no legislative change to save the koala,” foundation chair Deborah Tabart said. “Behind all the photo opportunities and political rhetoric they (the federal government) continue to approve the destruction of koala habitat.” Ms Ley pointed to chlamydia vaccines for koalas, the use of drones to surveil populations and habitat restoration as ways governments were working to protect the marsupial.
at the scomo sewage treatment plant...
Sometimes it is hard to keep up, so let's just quickly recap the political week. It started with revelations that the Deputy Prime Minister thought the Prime Minister was a "hypocrite", "a liar" and that he had "never trusted him".
of RATs and mice... this song is not very nice...
ScoMo is very nice Like a rat poison called Morrison To a packet of mice After some French saucisson.
Howard had his Janet Jenny is Scomo's biggest asset, Because he’s got a tin ear She’ll convince us he can hear.
Now the Jenny godly-goody charm On the sixty-minutes offensive, Will require some haemorrhoid balm For us to stay on the defensive.
Hazel was steely, Julia was ballsy, Loony Abbott had Margie Turnbull had Lucy, ScoMo has lucky Jenny.
ScoMo does not lie But tells massive porkies,
the great reshuffler...
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s recent declaration – that wage-restrained workers need simply participate in the so-called “Great Reshuffle” to find better-paid jobs – underscores just how disconnected the federal government is from the harsh realities facing many Australian workers.
a hawaiian ukulele for scomo...![]()
What does Scott Morrison stand for? He would say he stands for freedom of religion. But this week he proved incapable of delivering a legal protection for it. He would say he stands for the protection of school kids from discrimination. But this week he showed he was prepared to allow transgender kids to suffer discrimination. He would say he stands for a united government. But this week the government suffered a mutiny when five Liberal MPs crossed the floor of the House of Representatives to vote with Labor and the crossbench.
taming the american triffids..
Monty Don’s American Gardens TV show was a bit of a disappointment, especially the last episode. When Montagu Denis Wyatt Don OBE, British horticulturist, broadcaster and writer, best known as being lead presenter of the BBC gardening television Gardener’s World — introduced us to the European, Middle Eastern and Eastern gardens such as the Chinese and Japanese gardens, we could not be more in awe of the history and philosophy going back hundreds and thousands of years.
lost in translation...
An offhand remark made by Russian President Vladimir Putin towards his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, on Monday has earned the Kremlin a reprimand from White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, after a reporter claimed that the Russian leader’s jibe was a crude joke about rape. The controversy began after Putin’s joint press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday, when he quoted a common rhyming expression, often used with children, while accusing Zelensky of failing to live up to the Minsk agreements, treaties signed in 2014 and 2015 that were meant to resolve the ongoing conflict in Ukraine’s eastern Donbass region.
the senate saves the day...
Moderate Liberals were not shown legal advice the attorney-general is using to justify saying amendments to the Sex Discrimination Act would increase discrimination against students. Liberal MPs Trent Zimmerman, Fiona Martin, Dave Sharma, Bridget Archer and Katie Allen crossed the floor to support a crossbench and Labor amendment to protect gay and transgender students from being expelled from religious schools. Attorney-General Michaelia Cash then cited legal advice saying the non-government amendments that passed the lower house undermined existing protections and broadened the grounds on which religious schools could discriminate.
scomo's foolish and arrogant assumptions
Scott Morrison made three foolish and arrogant assumptions this week when he tried to push his controversial religious discrimination legislation through parliament. As a result, he failed in the mission and emerged from Wednesday's all-night sitting with his authority diminished. With time almost out before the election, this legislation — which he claimed was "very important" — has reached a dead end.
the collective versus/and the self...
In the early 1990s, Karl Weick and Karlene Roberts conducted extremely influential field research to understand why, on the flight decks of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers where there were “a million accidents waiting to happen,” almost none of them did. The answers they provided set the stage for a groundswell of research into what came to be known as high-reliability organizations (HROs).
the media love the crap on his butt...
Australia has a deteriorating global corruption ranking — and the mainstream media is ignoring it entirely.
You won’t read about it in the mainstream Australian media. The story is missing from The Age and Sydney Morning Herald and a Google search reveals no coverage in any mainstream Australian media.
alien foreign policies...
The US would not accept Russian influence on its borders 60 years ago. The West needs to give Russia the same security as it expects for itself. Joe Biden says Russia is likely to invade Ukraine whereas Vladimir Putin says he is not planning to do so but will not rule it out if Ukraine joins NATO. Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelensky keeps pressing Biden for membership, including during his visit to the White House last September. Three months earlier the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told senators that “we support Ukraine membership in NATO.”
BY Percy Allan
media love-nil peng shuai game...
The tennis player’s story was distorted by the [Western] media. But we won’t hear any apologies from the blame-China brigade.
I am not a media expert, but from the beginning it was clear (as I wrote on this site) that Western media were up to their usual China-bashing distortions with their claims that the Chinese champion tennis player Peng Shuai was forced to disappear after allegedly revealing she had been sexually assaulted by a top Chinese official.
We now discover that Peng is not only alive and well but denies she was sexually assaulted by any Chinese official.
protecting the planet with a frying pan...
We have already mentioned "geoengineering" on this site to deal with the warming planet. And for no small reason, we've come to the conclusion that it's a stupid idea. Not only stupid but it's dangerous like throwing a few icebergs in hell to annoy Mr Devil. But some scientists still push for "studying the feasability of throwing a blanket" on the planet, like we use one when the chips are on fire in the frying pan. Here, "we can smell the colour of money". In the 12 November 2021 issue of SCIENCE, Edward A. Parson, a fellow with a million more qualifications than Gus-in-the-Spectrum-Guy, tells us without a hint of irony:
the pigs apologise...
Australia's political leaders have formally apologised to all those who have experienced sexual harassment, sexual assault or bullying while working in federal parliament.
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