Sunday 22nd of December 2024


Candidate for Berowra - policy on constitutional issues and our political system - seeking comment (Matthew Benson)

I am running as an independent for Berowra against Phillip Ruddock. After taking a while longer than hoped to develop my website I finally have gotten underway with my policies.

My policy entitled 'My vision for Australia and our system of government' is intended to set my overall direction but also includes actions that I would take if elected to establish a stronger foundation for our democracy. Amongst other things is the idea that election candidates would be able to register an election commitment with the AEC, which they would put on their website. They would also be able to, upon issue of the writs for the following election, report on how they had honoured that commitment. Whilst the voluntary nature might on first impression make this sound like a weak measure, I think in practice it would become standard that if a candidate wanted their commitment to be regarded as credible, they would have it so registered. It wo

Truth overboard ()

The following letter appeared in today's SMH, related to the latest allegations against John Howard and the children overboard claims of 2001:

'John Howard's response to Mike Scrafton's disclosure is his usual one: to split hairs.

But after all these years, we are learning to examine very carefully everything the Prime Minister says for some obscure literal meaning he will later rely on if it suits him.

What future does a politician have if his words can no longer be taken at face value?

Not happy, John'.

Richard Ure, Epping, August 16

Suing politicians over the $2 election funding won't work (Troy Rollo)

There is a common law tort of deceit, but the person suing would need to be the person who suffered the loss from the deception. The $2 comes from the Government, not the voter. Even though it's the voter whose decision determines where the money goes, the voter has no loss.

You cannot sue for deceit in policy statements that causes you losses elsewhere either.

The Australian (finally) acknowledges NHJ! ()

The coverage of NHJ in the Murdoch press has been virtually nonexistent. Hardly surprising, really, considering the claims made against the media mogul.

But today's Australian, however, has broken the drought. Mike Skeketee, national affairs editor, writes about the internal dissenters in the Liberal Party, and especially John Valder's Not Happy, John! campaign.

Key quote:

'Howard is stuck with his legacy on the Iraq war: all he can hope for is that, despite the wrong intelligence and failure to find weapons of mass destruction, the country becomes more stable and democratic than now appears likely. His luck is that the issue does him most harm in safe Liberal or solid Labor seats.'

Lying Lyingest Lies and the Lyingest Liar-Liar Lying-Thingies Who Lie Them - Squirming On the Written Records. ()

The trooly-o-yay-and-verily angelic truth-seekers of the ripping John Howard Lies website are maintaining a relentless squirrel grip on PM-Credibility-Overboardgate even as it hourly unfolds.

A CSI rubber-glove probe, John? The X-Files truth-is-out-there, Mark? Hah! Begone! with your imported Yankee cultural metaphors, the let's-go-to-the-record forensic fiends who crank out 'JHL' even give A Certain Hansard Committee a run for their money. (Speaking of money, while you're over there why not think about chucking these big-hearted Citizens a buck or two? Even those diligent PH Senate Committee scribbler n' scribey types do it at least partly for the weekly paycheck, but your public-spirited amateur record checker can doubtless use all the spare change going...)

Keep lying all you like, Prime Mi

query (Jenepher Davy)

Where can I get NHJ stickers in Perth?

NHJ! (JR): Jenepher, there's no Perth-based NHJ movement as yet that I know of, so contact John Valder's campaign office in Sydney on 02-99296818, email is

Who knows, he may even be able to send you a whole bunch to distribute in the West on a franchise basis!

one idea to change the system (greg diven)

It is a pity that the electorate can not be inspired to throw the politicians out, then rewrite part of the constitution so that political parties are outlawed. If the 'machine' is the problem (and it is) then demolish the machine and take back the system from the politicians - vote independents where possible-even the Democrats and Greens are more interested in their ideologies than thinking through each issue and doing what is right for the majority or all.

Mike Scrafton's Self-Contained Lie Detector ()

By the way, anyone who doubts Mr Scrafton's motivation or veracity might like to read Patrick Walters' powerful profile in The Oz, headed 'A Fearless Public Servant'. Fearless is exactly right - note this passing aside:

In the late 1990s [Scrafton] was subject to an internal Defence investigation and subsequently counselled for accessing pornographic websites on the Department's computer system. This did not prevent him from being hand-picked in 2000 by his departmental boss, Allan Hawke, to work for then defence minister John Moore and his successor, Peter Reith.

Scrafton doubtless knew this (minor) transgression would quickly surface, yet clearly cared more about public truth, public service and a correct & complete public record than his own inevitable public embarrassment. Could we possibly desire any greater level of integrity and self-sacrifice in our Pu

The words 'thank you' I feel are simply not enough to express my gratitude for the existence of this book. (Jennie Lane)

I'm at a loss to describe the feelings NHJ has evoked in me. It is as if the world around me has changed in the space of 24hrs; from when I picked up the book yesterday afternoon to when I put it down today. The sad thing is I was not really surprised with the atrocities contained within Margo's book, it merely cemented my disapointment and lack of faith in our 'honourable' representatives. I only hope the growing discontent among my fellow Australians will be represented by something dramatic and remarkable in the next election giving way to a positive change for all. As it stands I, in my mere 20 years of existence, feel there something is drastically wrong with our society when the youth of the country not only loose faith in its leaders, but never have any to begin with. For we are the future, yet we have little hope. Where are our inspiring, honest, brave leaders? Who are we to look up to in this time of pain and corruption? When will this country have the chance not only to

Review 200: Can we have it on film? (Helen Moore)

NHJ and Fahrenheit 911 in consecutive weeks - how good would NHJ look on the big screen? - there must be an Ausie version of Michael Moore out there somewhere! In the last week I've read Stupid White Men and will hit the book shop tomorrow for Imagining Australia: Ideas for Our Future. Thank you Margo for opening my eyes wider, and for encouraging me to yell louder and bang the table harder to get through to my staunchly liberal voting (but darling) husband that his beloved John has to go.... for us, for our kids and for the whole nation (including all those who have come here to escape from a life so terrible we can't imagine).

The Financial Review does Valder ()

The NHJ campaign in Bennelong is getting unprecedented levels of media coverage. Saturday's Financial Review featured a full page look at John Valder's ambitions. It makes for compelling reading.

The battle in Howard's backyard

Robert Milliken

The Valder campaign has an unsettling edge. It could be unprecedented for the serving Prime Minister to face a move to unseat him from a party elder statesman. John Valder, a former president of the Liberal Party and one of Sydney's best-connected fund-raisers, stands before a meeting in Cammeray, in the city's lower North Shore Liberal heartland, and says: 'The Howard government has become grubby. It's tainted. John Howard started out as Honest John. He basked in that. Now people laugh. He's perceived as Grubby John.'

Valder was speaking to supporters last Tuesday on the strategy for their campaign at the forthcoming federal election to oust John Howard as the MP for Bennelong. He wants the coali

meglamaniac exposed (robert s crilly)

Great book Margo. It has finally exposed what John Howard is, and that is a meglamaniac of the highest order. If this man is voted in for another term our democracy will be further eroded and this great country of ours cannot afford that.

It is such a great shame that some of our daily newspapers are gagged and this farcical goverment is not exposed more so the general puplic can evaluate what is going on in our so called democratic society without having the wool pulled over their eyes. So this great book has been a real eye opener to the average family like ours and at the next election we will do something to preserve our great democracy.

Retired industrial engineer (Roy Smith)

The High Court of Australia has confirmed that politicians can brazenly lie at elections with impunity.

(See Evans v Crichton-Browne, 1981)

Under the Electoral Act, The High Court confirmed candidates can say what they like to get your vote. And if they are elected on their lies, you have no opportunity to do anything about it until they come up for re-election. And they know it! So what can the poor voters do?

Well, if the pollies can't be sued under the Electoral Act, how about suing their political parties under civil or criminal law? Can it be done? Consider this:

Political parties who win 4% or more of the total vote receive an indexed grant from the public purse for each vote cast in their favour - currently it's almost $2.00 per vote. This amounts to tens of millions of dollars at every Federal election (they also

Truth has to prevail (Sam Carter)

A great book to read but has had an effect on my blood pressure for sure. Now is the time for Howard to be kicked out with his cronies, like Abbot & Costello, Vanstone and et al. Reading the letter from Scraffton it really shows how they duck for cover and pass on the blame to the bureaucrats who cannot respond.

The Howards should be sent a bill for the BBQ party that he arranged for Bush and if he does not pay it send in the debt collectors like the way the Government does for overpayments mistakes it makes.

Community Action (Philip Franz Crouch)

Discovering Democacy & Citizenship - An informal community discussion group being held in Room 3, Rosny Library, Rosny, Tasmania commencing Tuesday 7th September 2004 2:00-4:00 PM. Thank you for the inspiraton in your book Margo, this has been incredibly timely and re-affirms my social activist commitment to 'raise public awareness' .

Continue your great work...Kind regards

Philip, Global citizen

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