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BlogsReview 210: Was angry before, even angrier now! (Jocelyn Speight)I've just finished reading your very enlightening book, which I had to keep putting down because I kept becoming so angry at some of the things I was learning. I confess to being a long time Labor voter, so had always had my suspicions about Howard and his government. Now, you have provided confirmation of my suspicions. My main reason for being so angry is that he is robbing my children and grand-child of the right to free and universal education and health care. I also get angry at the thought of how we Australians are now viewed by the rest of the world. I hate the fact that we lock up innocent people whose only crime is trying to obtain a better life by coming here. I have written to several politicians from both sides and phoned up open lines programmes on radio, none of which seems to get me anywhere. So, thank you for the book and I hope thousands of people read it.
OK, OK, OK...but geez, how many 'Howard-hater' mea culpas do youse JH-fans want, exactly!? ()Fair enough, Martin English (and Mo Stoogers) - as NHJ!'s resident democratic umpy Hamish A points out, we PM-bashers can get a tad hot under the collar with our language, sometimes. Mea Culpa, mates - yet again. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea dickhead...sigh.
I'm the editor of the monthly called 'Bungendore Bulletin' and met Margo at the launch at our local bookshop. (Maurice Barnes)This is the review I published in the August edition of my paper.
Spreading the word John Joseph's way (John Joseph in Caloundra, Qld)I received 100 stickers - and wondered where I would give them out. I chose an Open Day at Sunshine Coast University. People of all ages accepted them with thanks and even requested extras for their friends. It felt good seeing their happy faces - they knew exactly what it was all about.
Rules of Democratic Engagement ()Ok I haven't done this blog thingy yet, but it's not for failing to have a few things bearing on my mind. It's probably for nervousness. I'm not my big sister. I'm someone else, and I'm thankful to Margo for the opportunity to help maintain this site, as well as the opportunity to express a little myself, amongst brilliant and colourful company.
THANK YOU MARGO KINGSTON (Mary Dagmar Davies)Who would have ever thought 'the free world' would be wrapped in razor wire or Australia would be governed from Washington DC? Who would have thought Australia would lock up children? Who would have thought an Australian Prime Minister would place his country in harms way? How did John Howard get away with it and why wasn't he stopped?
Stop being dickheads, says Howard supporter ()G'day. 'Mo Stoogers' reckons he's a concerned Australian too, because he thinks Howard is cool and the nation would miss him. Here's his plea to other readers of the NHJ website.
The PEOPLE are sovereign - of course they mustn't get away with lying to us ()G'day again. Here's some great stuff on political and media ethics from Simon Longstaff, Executive Director of the St James Ethics Centre, on Meet the Press this morning. I agree with EVERYTHING he says, except on the Kernot/Evans affair, which I think Laurie OPakes was correct to report. The heated Webdiary debate on this one is at Your say on the Cheryl Affair, Sex and the politicians, Rights of reply and An affair to remember.
Why the emphasis on John Howard ? (martin english)If, to quote from the homepage, the problems lie with 'Big Parties, Big Business and Big Media', is there so much emphasis on the one individual ? Believe it or not, there are parts of the country that prefer Howard to journos (but don't forget that it was while campaigning for gun reform in front of country people that he wore a bullet resistant vest. But that was years ago, and nobody in this country remembers past the budgie cage lining from last week.
Howard is very afraid - Adelaide protest shut down (Helen Pedler)I am angry, I am upset to the point of tears, I am terribly sad. This morning I was reading in NHJ about the extraordinary security measures taken when Bush visited Canberra and I have just witnessed, in Adelaide, the extraordinary measures taken to protect JH.
What an eye opener (Erica Mors)Margo, having returned from 18 months in Palau, where I became for the first time an SMH and webdiary fan, I am stunned. Having devoured the book in 24 hours, I am still shaking my head that through our lack of awareness our democracy is disolving like sugar in water. The insidious nature of the erosion of individual and NGOs right is appalling. It makes me shudder.
Taking on power rolls on ()Max Suich, old time media heavyweight, suggests today in The Age that our media establishment is failing in its duty, primarily due to playing the he said/she said game with the political parties, rather than seriously questioning establishment power. It's a very NHJ message.
Others in Perth? (Stevan Fish)I would be interested in joining / starting a NHJ! movement in Perth. Any others in Perth interested?
APH web address (Stevan Fish)The web address for Parliament House listed in the book is incorrect:
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