Saturday 8th of March 2025

Gus Leonisky's blog

not the marx brothers....

the B team

talking shit, hastening slowly...

talking shit

Every time Tonicchio tries to salvage the furniture he gets in deeper into crap... :


He went on to explain why he did not believe marriage equality was inevitable, likening the push to the failed bid for Australia to become a republic.

"There were many a few years ago who kept telling us a republic is inevitable," he said.

A dunny by any other name would smell as bad...



What NSA reforms?

By Tuesday, August 13, 9:55 AM

industrial espionage...



image from Der Spiegel...

At the specialty chemicals giant Evonik, managers are required to store their mobile phones in cookie tins during meetings, the idea being that the tins will serve as Faraday cages that prevent anyone from listening in on the conversations.

Ferdinand Piëch, the chairman of Volkswagen's supervisory board, has conference rooms regularly swept for bugs, and the company even has its own airline, Volkswagen Air Services. The planes are registered in the Cayman Islands, but not in order to avoid paying taxes. Instead, the point is to make the aircraft less recognizable as VW planes so that passenger lists are not readily accessible.

a letter to rupert...


Dear Mr Murdoch

sore loser...

sore loser

beef about beef...


Beef prices were already rising because ranchers sold off a lot of cattle during last year's dry weather.

tomorrow's headlines...

daily shitmerde

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