Sunday 22nd of December 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

running mate...


passing the buck...


the dollipotts...



I have not forgotten them... they lurk on the drawing board in various forms... this is number 32...

news porkies...


the kafkaesque scribes...

the kafkaesque scribes


Not only is Julia Gillard being attacked by the Opposition and the media, she is also being undermined by her own so-called supporters, says Victoria Rollison

hardening of the arteries...


“We have a solemn duty and a moral imperative to deny Iran’s leaders the means to follow through on their malevolent intentions,” Mr. Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, told an audience of about 300, including a large contingent of American donors who flew here to accompany him. “We must not delude ourselves into thinking that containment is an option.”

queensland pesetas...

queensland pesetas...

As usual with state premiers, it was all about the money. Facing debt and deficit, the Sunshine State is crying poor. Queensland, the Premier claims, "has been bankrupted - is on the way to being bankrupted - by poor and reckless financial management".

The state needs to "right size" its public finances, and if it doesn't, then it could go the way of the indebted sovereigns of the Mediterranean.

warming up...

warming up

market forces...

market forces

guess who...


compare the pair...

sick of good news

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