Friday 7th of March 2025

Gus Leonisky's blog

iPhoned, the bourgeois gentilhomme’s neo-idealistic children destroy their inheritance, before bedtime…

bedtime   Trump has become the symbol of a million years of sins. Our history is full of glorious shit and infamous crap that underpins the present moment. We know.


Remove the past and the kids end up like the “Children of Tomorrow” who — alone around a feeble camp-fire fuelled by the destroyed furniture and barrels of money, eating out of smashed tin-cans of beans and having no idea what a vinyl disc can do — talk funny about yesterday they don’t remember because they made sure to forget, but weirdly imagine.

how trump is protecting the middle-east...

map   In 2001, Donald Rumsfeld and Admiral Arthur Cebrowski defined the Pentagon’s objectives in the era of financial capitalism. The staff then drew up this map of the partition of the Greater Middle East.


nato discord...


French President Emmanuel Macron has denounced Ankara’s ‘dangerous game’ of meddling in Libya and said the illegal targeting of a French frigate by a Turkish ship proved correct his comments about ‘brain death’ of NATO.

generosity of spirit...

generously shared

In the chapter  “What the Enlightenment Got Wrong” in his book Humankind, A Hopeful History, Bregman makes some assumptions that are full of shit.



humanities take a hit...


I have been searching the list of what's what in the new fees for the university degrees and cannot find if the cost of learning theology will increase or decrease... Who cares, you might say, especially for a fierce atheist like Guskyleon... But with the Prime Minister, Scotty from marketing, being a fervent believer in Noah's Ark bullshit, one wonders if the religious studies fees will go up or down. Not a peep on this issue.


Meanwhile, Michelle Grattan at The Conversation tends to pour cold water over the fire of humanities massive fee increases... Should you choose to become a philosophical farmer, for example, your fees will be lowered:


of democratic civilisations and tweaking cheeks...


The leader of Tibetan Buddhism sees reasons for optimism even in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. People are helping one another, he tells the BBC's Justin Rowlatt, and if seven billion people on Earth develop "a sense of oneness" they may yet unite to solve the problem of climate change.

as the wind blows up...

blowing up or "blowing up"?...

Bolton Says Trump Impeachment Inquiry Missed Other Troubling Actions

In his new book, John R. Bolton, the former national security adviser, describes episodes where the president sought to halt criminal inquiries. He also says President Trump’s loyalists mocked him behind his back.

the sydney fish market...


Internal documents about how to spin overdevelopment concerns surrounding the Sydney Fish Markets site have been accidently uploaded online by the NSW Government.


voter ignorance has worried political philosophers since plato till trumpism...

If most voters are uninformed, who should make decisions about the public’s welfare?

as scummo back-pedals at the speed of fading light, downer adds fuel to the slavery controversy, in australia...


Scott Morrison has apologised for remarks about slavery in Australia, acknowledging that “all sorts of hideous practices” had been waged against indigenous people.

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