Wednesday 15th of January 2025

Gus Leonisky's blog

this golden trojan horse isn't a silver bullet...


Promoters of genetic modification (GM) in agriculture have long argued that genetically engineered Golden Rice is a practical way to provide poor farmers in remote areas with a subsistence crop capable of adding much-needed vitamin A to local diets.

have a bad day to you too...


The kids are alright — especially when it comes to infuriating baby boomers the world over. 

a magnificent morning cloud...



Cloud on 28/10/19 before the official runrise. The sun was illuminating the top of a massive cumulonimbus...

one word is missing from the free press (media) rhetoric: ASSANGE...

free media

An Australian Federal Police (AFP) officer told ABC lawyers he did not want "sensationalist headlines" prior to a raid of the broadcaster's Sydney headquarters, a court has heard. 

uluru... uluru...


In a book published, 1981, the author first advocated the change of the name Ayers Rock to Uluru and second taking the Aboriginal request of not climbing Uluru, very seriously, inviting tourists to see Uluru from the plain and respect the Aboriginal wishes...




As a senior custodian of Uluru, Anangu man Sammy Wilson was instrumental in the fight to close the Uluru climb.

still bleeding from you know where...


Hillary Clinton is publicly pushing a barrow of garbage against some Democrat contenders for the 2020 Presidency. Who knows why. Well, we know. She wants the US Democrats to still be under the thumb of the rich-otocrats who control the deep state to prevent "socialism" taking over the USA ... But all is not as it seems...




From Edward Curtin


cartoon controversy...


Controversial cartoonist Michael Leunig has been accused of unfairly judging mothers in a cartoon that suggested some love their phones and Instagram more than their children.

our different selves deserve respect through social justice. we're not freaks...

not a freak

Rod Dreher foams at the mouth with delights…

loading the dice...


Prime Minister Scott Morrison has parachuted his newest senator into a prime parliamentary role that will have oversight of the hotly contested medevac laws.

tell scummo to fuck himself instead of the ABC...

destroying the ABC

It started under the little Turd, Abbott-the-Idiot, when he promised not to cut the ABC budget, but once elected he started to slash eveything...

frack-turing the environment...


Increasingly, U.S. shale firms appear unable to pay back investors for the money borrowed to fuel the last decade of the fracking boom. In a similar vein, those companies also seem poised to stiff the public on cleanup costs for abandoned oil and gas wells once the producers have moved on.

news of the day: donald is going insane...


In several previous articles I’ve written for Pravda.Report, I have analogized the rise of George W. Bush and Donald Trump to the highest office in United States government to the rise of Adolph Hitler in Germany.

While I did this with the realization and understanding that, to many people, Hitler represents a unique form of evil, I felt the world would be remiss if they forgot the political tactics and circumstances that allowed Hitler to obtain power, and that many of these tactics and circumstances have contributed to the rise of both Bush Jr. and Trump.

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