Wednesday 15th of January 2025

Gus Leonisky's blog

Fossil leaves suggest global warming will be harder to fight than scientists thought...

temp   When it comes to carbon dioxide (CO2) and climate, the past is prologue. Barring radical change to humanity’s voracious consumption of fossil fuels, atmospheric CO2 is bound to go up and up, driving global warming. But it won’t be the first time that CO2 has surged. In Earth’s ancient atmosphere, scientists see the faint outlines of a CO2 roller coaster, climbing and dipping across deep time in repeated bouts of climate change. “Each little slice in Earth’s past is a replicated experiment,” says Dana Royer, a paleoclimatologist at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut. “It helps us think about where we may be headed in the near future.” 

how good was that year of preserved old fruits at st brutes...

change  From Gadfly...

There’s a carnival atmosphere at St Brutes (motto: Tabula in naufragio) as the end-of-year speech day gets under way.

Parents, boys and staff are assembled in a marquee on the oval. Professor Flint on the Wurlitzer falls silent as the headmaster, Mr Morrison, strides to the lectern, droplets of lunchtime pie and sauce on his chin catching the afternoon light. Pastor Houston is invited to say a short and meaningful prayer.

just in case you missed it: the grinch keeps up his annual tradition of hiding his climate deceitful failures...

grinch   The Federal Government has kept up its annual tradition of trying to hide its many climate failures by announcing—two days before Christmas and in the middle of a national bushfire emergency—that it will underwrite two new gas-fired power stations.

100 home have been lost in bushfires across new south wales since friday (3 days ago)...


Elite sport is now prone to moments of self-awareness during times of crisis.

as he bullshits his way through the haze of crap, don't let him get away with it...

panoply  There is scarcely a city where evidence of the destruction isn’t palpable.

fighting the US army and capitalism with spoons and forks?

fighting   OffGuardian has an ambiguous — bordering on bitter silliness — article about global warming by John Steppling. In short Steppling tries to pass the concept of global warming as a fake-ish white man’s creation in order to fob off the rise of colourful races, and maintain white superiority, through a revitalised capitalism.



hawaiian shirt front...

hawaiian shirt front

Twenty-three firefighters were also injured in the state, one seriously, and three trucks were destroyed. Five homes, 28 buildings and 16 vehicles had been destroyed.

how good is that?...

how good is that?...

Prime Minister Scott Morrison says he ‘deeply regrets’ any offence caused by his holiday in Hawaii and has cancelled his leave to rush back to Australia in the wake of the tragic death of two firefighters killed overnight.


NYP cov   The Murdoch New York Post has gone hysterically historic. Its opinion pages are full to the rafters with damnation of the Democrats. The one thing the Democrats have not mastered yet, is a sense of humor. Political black humor.

shareholders engaged in bribery and corruption...


Early in 2019, then-defence minister Christopher Pyne received a phone call from Khalid Al-Falih, who was the Saudi energy minister. What he was told in that conversation was staggering.

happy red hat day: bezos is you santa, amazon is your red-nosed reindeer...

red hats

The tradition of holiday shopping has long been an economic boon to businesses across the country. Sales soar, setting hearts aglow both behind the till and beside the Christmas tree.

another bad actor: WADA...

what the US are worried about...    What the Olympics need is a clean start. By that I don't mean a "pure" start, as opposed to a "dirty" one, or any of the other uselessly simplistic terms used by the World Anti-Doping Agency to perpetuate its junk science. I mean a complete philosophical, ethical and scientific rethinking. The kind resisted by conflict-of-interest-riddled anti-doping bureaucrats, whose superficial "banning" of Russia from competition would be more meaningful if WADA was any better than, well, Russia.

mr scumsmug's holidays....


The mid-year fiscal and economic outlook (Myefo) released on Monday reveals in bold just how pointless is a surplus and how weak the Australian economy has become over the past year.

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