Friday 17th of January 2025

Gus Leonisky's blog

the game of buck-passing...


Scott Morrison has avoided answering parliamentary questions by referring them to ministerial colleagues 189 times since becoming prime minister, new analysis reveals.

¡madre de dios!

bothers milkbothers milk


putin's motorbike gangs...


Vladimir Putin wants to reclaim Russia’s former glory, and he expects the support of Russians across the globe, wherever they may live. 

A Four Corners investigation has uncovered the activities of a cluster of dedicated pro-Russian nationalist groups operating here.

Some are explicit about their mission — to wage a propaganda war to help further the Kremlin’s global agenda — prompting analysts to warn Australia that it should be paying close attention.

certe fictus...


the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 

our father, which art in heaven...

father's day...father's day...Our Father, which art in heaven,  Hallowed be thy Name. 

the great scomo reset...


Scott Morrison is confident the momentum of Australia’s economic recovery from recession that started last year will continue over the course of 2021.

remember him?...




Mitt Romney’s the name,

Removing Trump from my face

it's a sham...

top goontop goon

Sovereignty isn’t going to be protected by everyone joining hands and singing Danger Zone in the face of an advancing enemy. But Morrison makes a mockery of reality.




Scott Morrison’s danger zone






Cyberspace Plus Trump Almost Killed Our Democracy. Can Europe Save Us?

incoming famous portraiture...


Here is the portrait of Lord Tonio Abbattoir (aka Tony Abbott), painted by the famous portrait artist and occasional cartoonist, Sir Gus de Leon-y-après-ski.


Sir Gus de Leon-y-après-ski's influence has been enormous — revolutionising contemporary portrait painting with the inclusion of shitty props. Not only did the three-quarter pose become the standard, but Sir Gus de Leon-y-après-ski’s preliminary drawings encouraged other artists to make freer studies for their paintings and stimulated connoisseurs to collect those drawings. All these Sydney-esque works have so far been rejected by contemporary, classical, underground, Chinese and modern galleries alike… 




poor fellow, my country...


Already, around the circuit of well-intended thinkers on the left, many think that Albo left his run too late… Well not his particularly, but Labor with Albo... Who knows. Now Albo is introducing his vision. We need to be careful. He needs to be careful. 



a plan is a plan...


Elon Musk recently said that he aims to get humans to Mars by 2026, which is seven years before NASA aims to land astronauts there.

on groundhog day...

rushmorerushmoreI wish Bruce Petty was “out of retirement”. At 92 "years of age”, he may deserve to be left alone with the petunias of his garden… But I would have liked to see His cartoons on the Covid situation. Publishers?
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