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impartial about the imperial empire...
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) describes itself as “the most trusted broadcaster in the world.” That's quite a confident assertion to make about oneself. At first glance, such a label may seem appropriate to some. The BBC is, at least objectively speaking, a pioneering institution that shaped the world of modern reporting from the early 20th century onwards. It represents a style that is both authentic and classic, embodied by that formal British accent that is a hallmark of its reporting. The BBC has undeniably been popular as a source of news, entertainment, and educational material for many around the world. Every other international broadcaster is, in some ways, a carbon copy of the principles and norms that the BBC established.
By Tom Fowdy
But that does not mean it is an institution without an agenda, however much it repeatedly seeks to deny this. Hiding behind its self-appointed reputation of impartiality, the BBC actually has a global mission to serve the goals of the British elite. It is a prolific, ideological, and aggressive foreign policy actor behind its elitist institutionalist culture, advocating an intellectual, moral, and value-based supremacy on behalf of the West. This has never been more clearly demonstrated than with the broadcaster's unrelenting role in waging a propaganda war against China, serving the purposes of its masters in Westminster and Washington. I have spent a long time analyzing all the BBC’s output on China over the past few years – and the results are revealing, if not, sadly, surprising. It shows it to be an organization hellbent on fermenting geopolitical tensions, and calls into question the principles the BBC claims to base itself on, and exposes as a lie the historically entrenched reputation that it clings to. A lingering attachment to EmpireThe BBC claims to be an independent and impartial institution. However, an immediate look at its history and development show this isn't true. The BBC's elitist outlook is inseparable from its origin as an institution which was set up to facilitate the British Empire, and used as a vehicle for the government's messaging during a time where the British Empire itself was facing terminal decline in the 1950s. The institution cannot be separated from the geopolitical precedents that shaped it, including World War II and the Cold War. As Gary D. Rawnsley explores in ‘Radio Diplomacy and Propaganda: The BBC and VOA in International Politics’, a 1946 white paper on broadcasting set out that the BBC would be subject to jurisdiction by the Foreign Office over certain policies, countries of interest, languages of focus, and other objectives. These constraints have always jarred with the BBC's stated principles, with the British establishment repeatedly putting pressure on it to fulfill the government’s narratives. A key historical turning point in this area was the 1956 Suez Crisis and the handling of anti-Western, left leaning nationalist movements in former imperial domains throughout the 1950s and 1960s. There is little doubt that the broadcaster is tied to the fulcrum of ideological struggle under a mantra described as the “lingering attachment to an empire.” In the following decades, the BBC would also strictly adhere to the British government's line on the troubles in Northern Ireland, the Falklands War, and Iraq. While the BBC elevates itself over what is described as ‘state-affiliated media’ in other countries, as an ultimately superior institution for all intents and purposes, it is the same thing. The (anti) China agendaSo it should come as no surprise that the BBC is not committed to impartial reporting on the matter of China, particularly as geopolitical tensions have increased over the past couple of years, but is actively peddling a narrative aimed at targeting the country in an aggressive fashion. The broadcaster has been accused of this multiple times, not least by people in China, but dismisses these claims by asserting that it is impartial and that it has a monopoly over what constitutes the truth. To check on these claims, after years of frustration at what I see as often deliberately negative, unbalanced, and aggressive coverage, I decided to carry out extensive research of the BBC’s output on China.
This research has involved taking an inventory of hundreds and thousands of BBC articles online across the scope of several years, and organizing the data into findings. What was discovered is that on certain controversial issues pertaining to China, the BBC has been absolutely relentless. In 2021, for example, the BBC published in English at least 51 articles on the Xinjiang autonomous region and the ‘Uyghur Genocide’, amounting to nearly one a week. Even more strikingly, they published more than 100 articles criticizing and attacking the National Security Law in Hong Kong. In both instances, the articles were not balanced at all, but almost all exclusively pushed one point of view. The BBC’s bias is clear from a piece publicizing an Amnesty International report, which reads: ‘China has created a dystopian hellscape in Xinjiang’. It's worth noting that the BBC has amplified Amnesty reports against China on several occasions, but does not do this, for example, when it comes to Israel. More than 10% of the BBC’s headlines on Xinjiang topics contained the word ‘genocide’, when there is no evidence that one is or has taken place there. What is more revealing is how the Xinjiang related content was organized throughout the year, and the themes it covered. From January to March of 2021, the BBC frontloaded Xinjiang articles very aggressively in line with the Biden administration coming into office, and seemingly mirroring the build-up of coordinated sanctions with the UK, Canada, and the EU. This included such headlines as, ‘Their goal is to destroy everyone: Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape’ and ‘Uighurs: 'Credible case' China carrying out genocide’. Many of these stories are atrocity focused and emotionally charged, with no counter argument offered. In the next quarter (April-June, 2021) the BBC changed tone and began frontloading forced labor stories, including ones which indiscriminately attacked many businesses on baseless claims. This also followed the Biden policy agenda at that time. Then, inexplicably, Xinjiang dropped off the BBC's coverage altogether. There were no articles on the matter throughout July to October. In November, however, the topic reappeared and has since aggressively accelerated in scope, coinciding with the run-up to this month’s Winter Olympics in Beijing and Washington’s push for a diplomatic boycott of it. The BBC also ran 24 stories on the ‘missing’ Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai in the space of a few weeks, using the BBC Sport division to push political messaging on this issue, as well as on Xinjiang. Whether by design or by choice, the BBC was complicit in coordinating coverage promoting an Olympics boycott.
The BBC's choice of experts on China over the past few years has also been highly problematic, with the broadcaster repeatedly citing partial sources often associated with US institutions, and failing to disclose their conflicts of interest. These include citations from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), a group funded by the US defense department and the arms industry, Victims of Communism researcher Adrian Zenz, or on Hong Kong, the astroturfing dissident figures, such as Jimmy Lai. If there is any particular group or organization that publishes a report critical of China, the BBC always gives it maximum publicity, while this platform is not offered on any other issue. Whilst my research only scratches the surface of the BBC's anti-China agenda, it provides an important insight into what are unusual patterns and behaviors from the broadcaster in regards to the country. This encompasses: overreporting on certain topics; atrocity-driven emotional headlines and content with a slant to only one point of view; a total absence of the other side of the argument; a continual use of sources from agenda-driven institutions without disclosure or balance; identifiable patterns in the output of reporting that conveniently overlap with certain foreign policy developments or objectives of London and Washington; abuse of non-political mediums such as BBC Sport to push certain points. There is a lot more analysis to be done on the BBC’s partiality on all matters Chinese, but nonetheless if it wasn't clear there was an agenda at play, it is now. The self-proclaimed ‘world’s most trusted broadcaster’ cannot be trusted at all. The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
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US worries too much about others...
The White House’s policy of unfettered discretion and domination, of unceremonious interference in the internal affairs of other countries, has met an increasingly widespread anti-American backlash.
It was Washington that decided to “teach Serbia a lesson” by sponsoring, through the Rockefeller Foundation, anti-government protests in Serbia with the goal of changing the current government in the country, something Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has openly accused the United States of doing. In support of these charges, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić earlier reported that NGOs and foundations of the West have been increasingly active in the country over the past year and a half, financing numerous protests. Among the examples she named were Rockefeller Foundation, USAID, Open Society Foundations, and British and German organizations operating at the behest of Washington. At the same time, the Western opponents of Serbia were preparing an attempt to assassinate Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, as announced by Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin on January 21.
On February 8, former Moldovan President Igor Dodon stated on air of the TV channel “First in Moldova” that the current Moldovan leadership is under active pressure exerted in order to use it in the fight against Russia.
On February 8, Vice President Antônio Hamilton Mourao, in an interview with the newspaper Valor Economico, reported about blatant pressure by the United States on Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro to cancel his visit to Russia.
Washington’s desire to establish its own order in Ukraine and to use that country not only to oppose Russia, but even to instigate a new war on the European continent has long been an open secret. To this end, the US and its allies have recently been supplying it with various weapons and provoking the breakdown of the Minsk agreements. According to CNN’s Kylie Attwood, the Joe Biden administration secretly gave Ukraine $200 million in additional military aid late last year “to fight the war against Russia.” To increase its influence in Ukraine, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) announced plans to launch a new information program in Ukraine.
There have been many recent publications in various media about the disruptive the United States and some of its allies played in the January destabilization events in Kazakhstan and the attempted coup d’etat in that country, as well as in the aggravation of national conflicts in Central Asian countries and the border conflict between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
The overt and cavalier US interference in international public positions on world events has been particularly evident as of late when US officials made their moves toward the Winter Olympics hosted by China.
At the end of the year, for example, Washington inspired an attempt to “diplomatically boycott” the Olympics, strenuously attracting the leaders of various countries to join in this provocative venture. Following instructions from the White House, the US media even launched an anti-Chinese information campaign, branding the Beijing Winter Games as the “Genocide Olympics.” However, the White House’s actions turned out to be a dramatic blow to the US public image in its standoff with China, as was assessed by many foreign media outlets. And this defeat of the US was further exacerbated by Xi Jinping’s exceptional gesture toward Russian President Vladimir Putin, who, at the personal invitation of the PRC president, was present among many other foreign heads of state at the opening of the Games in Beijing.
Not to restrain her Sinophobic policy, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, US ambassador to the UN, even insisted on February 2 that Secretary General António Guterres should refrain from traveling to Beijing for the Olympics, according to UN sources and Foreign Policy magazine. But even this did not produce the effect expected by Washington: UN Secretary General Guterres arrived in Beijing and took part in the opening of the Olympics.
Ever eager to earn her coin, US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield, in an interview with CNN, once again delivered a Sinophobic statement about China’s alleged genocide of the Uyghur minority as well as its crimes against humanity. In this context, she particularly criticized China’s choice of Uyghur skier Dinigeer Yilamujiang as the last Olympic torchbearer for the opening ceremony of the Winter Games.
Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the United Nations, responded to this outburst by pointing to the extermination of indigenous people in the United States, Washington’s war crimes and the massive number of COVID-related deaths in the United States. Rejecting yet another groundless accusation by the US Permanent Representative, Zhang Jun pointed out that “the repeated US lies about ‘genocide’ in Xinjiang have already been disproved by facts.” People of all nationalities live there “a peaceful, harmonious and happy life.”
In addition, in response to Washington’s recent provocative actions against Taiwan, the PRC ambassador emphasized in his statement that Taiwan is an integral part of Chinese territory, and the resolution of the Taiwan issue is an internal matter for Beijing and does not allow for interference by the United States or any other outside forces. “The future of Taiwan lies in national reunification, not some security guarantee from the US. The US should stop emboldening and supporting the ‘Taiwan independence’ forces, follow the true one-China policy, and match its actions with words. Otherwise, playing (with) fire on the Taiwan question will only end up getting burned.”
Zhang Jun emphasized that while the US talks about human rights, it holds the record for human rights violations: “With a population of less than a quarter of China’s, the US has a staggering number of COVID-19 deaths, exceeding 900,000 – nearly 200 times that of China – and the number still grows. The US is plagued by gun violence issues, with 17,800 deaths in 2021 alone, leaving its citizens feeling unsafe.” “The systematic ethnic cleansing and mass murder of Native Americans throughout US history is a true genocide and a crime against humanity. The indiscriminate murders of civilians, including women and children, by the US military in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq are, in fact, also war crimes,” the Chinese diplomat added.
According to the Chinese Permanent Representative, the US faces grave political, economic, social, security and public health problems. Under such circumstances, Zhang Jun urged US politicians to solve their own problems “rather than dwell on the idea of America’s superiority” over everyone else and not to shift responsibility to others.
Valery Kulikov, political expert, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.
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