Sunday 9th of March 2025

holding a hose....

hairyhairyAs anger grows over the crisis in aged care, the PM turns to hairdressing  

Thousands of aged-care residents likely went without a shower today. Reports from the COVID-raged sector continue to be devastating, with unprecedented staff absenteeism meaning residents are going without adequate meals and basic care, such as having wounds dressed or soiled incontinence pads changed.


Residents are being confined to their rooms for weeks, without family visits or even basic human contact, as COVID-19 rips through the sector for which the federal government is responsible, and to which it has repeatedly failed to listen. So what did the prime minister do today? He went and played hairdresser, washing a woman’s hair in a salon in a marginal electorate, in just one of the many nauseating photo ops we can expect to see him perform – on the public dollar – in the lead-up to the federal election.

It didn’t seem like the government’s disrespectful response to the aged-care crisis could get any worse than yesterday’s satirical-sounding “taskforce” announcement, but Morrison has gone and done it with his creepy publicity stunt. Speaking to reporters at a later stop on his Melbourne tour, Morrison continued his defence of his government, which has overseen almost 600 deaths in the sector this year alone. He acknowledged that the sector was in “crisis” (even if his use of the word appeared to be accidental), which is more than Aged Care Services Minister Richard Colbeck or Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce would accept. But Morrison repeated the deeply offensive claim that 61 per cent of those who had died were in “end-of-life care” (a claim that some experts say “doesn’t make sense”), and noted how much worse Canada is doing (a comparison that Aged Care Royal Commissioner Lynelle Briggs also finds offensive), and said the government was doing everything it possibly could to “mitigate” the impacts. So why was he out washing hair?

It was already easy to see why a member of his own party had labelled Morrison a “complete psycho”, and someone who cares more about politics than people, at the time of Black Summer bushfires. (There’s also now little wonder why the text messages were released this week, with the factional brawl in NSW spiralling out of control.) As many will recall, upon his shamefaced return from Hawaii, Morrison attempted to get photo ops with distressed victims, shaking people’s hands against their will. It’s not even the first example we’ve seen this week of Morrison putting his political image over helping people, with the sickening revelation that his team had arranged for aged-care resident Jane Malysiak to have her booster shot for a photo op alongside him in November, while her fellow residents were told they would have to wait until February for theirs.

Today’s obscene PR stunt, however, gives the characterisation of those texts a fresh new relevance. As well as showing a painful nonchalance towards the aged-care residents and workers suffering under his government’s watch, the photos are deeply unsettling, with many women noting how uncomfortable the idea makes them. (#Creepy began trending on Twitter not long afterwards.) Many are wondering how the PM and his PR team could have possibly thought this campaign stunt was a good idea at a time like this (or at any time, quite frankly). As the ABC’s Louise Milligan asked, “Genuine question: Does anyone think it’s a good idea?” Even The Daily Telegraph described it as “bizarre”.

Questionable optics aside, the worst thing about this stunt remains the fact that political animal Morrison is again focused entirely on his electoral prospects rather than the crisis for which his government is responsible. Every move this man makes is geared towards boosting his own standing: even the “bonus” his government has offered aged-care workers to try to keep them from leaving the sector appears more focused on winning back votes than on their actual needs, with the second payment only arriving just in time for the federal election. As many have joked today, we’ve finally seen Morrison “holding a hose” during a crisis – but it’s a hose that has absolutely nothing to do with helping people and everything to do with helping himself.


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blower jobs...

Scott Morrison says he couldn’t care less about the text messages  leaked in the past week that described him as a “liar” and a “complete pyscho”.

As politicians converge on Canberra for one of the last sitting weeks before the federal election in May, the heat will be on the Prime Minister and his government after the text-message scandals and a slump in popularity.

“What people send around in texts, I, frankly, could not care less about,” Mr Morrison told reporters in Sydney after attending an “I4Give” service at the King’s School Chapel.


“And frankly, Australians are far more interested in their jobs and their lives than what people are sending in text messages to each other.”

The Prime Minister said he remains focused on leading the country through the pandemic and keeping the economy strong.

Cabinet support

Members of Mr Morrison’s cabinet have been quick to back their leader.

Environment Minister Sussan Ley agrees it has been a tough week for the government but insists it is the most united cabinet she has sat in.

“As a minister that has sat in three cabinets with three prime ministers … this is the most united cabinet table I have sat at,” she told Sky News’ Sunday Agenda program.

In one of the texts, Barnaby Joyce, prior to returning to to the role of deputy prime minister and nationals leader, called Mr Morrison “a hypocrite and a liar“.

“It wasn’t Barnaby’s finest hour by a long stretch,” Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews told ABC’s Insiders program, an interview she agreed to at late notice after Mr Joyce pulled out.

“He apologised, the Prime Minister accepted that apology. He offered to resign, the Prime Minister declined that offer, and they’ve indicated that they will work together.”


Another text revealed former NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian labelled Mr Morrison a “horrible, horrible person” during the 2019/20 bushfire crisis.

In the exchange, an unnamed federal cabinet minister branded Mr Morrison a “complete psycho” as well as “desperate and jealous”.

Asked whether there was any prospect of Mr Morrison or My Joyce being rolled as leader of their respective parties, Ms Ley said: “Not at all, absolutely none.”

But shadow treasurer Jim Chalmers said there is no salvaging this government.

‘This government is a smoking ruin’

“A change in the Liberal leader or Nationals leader won’t do it,” he told Sky News.

“This government is a smoking ruin of division and disunity and dysfunction and ordinary Australians are paying the price of that. The government seems to spend all of its time dishing out free character assessments of each other.”

Mr Joyce’s text was sent to an unnamed party on March 22, and passed on to former Liberal staffer Brittany Higgins, who in the previous month had gone public with allegations she was raped in a parliamentary office in 2019, sparking a national conversation about treatment of women in the workplace.

“Tell BH (Brittany Higgins) I and Scott, he is Scott to me until I have to recognise his office, don’t get along,” a screenshot of the text reads.

“He is a hypocrite and a liar from my observations and that is over a long time. I have never trusted him and I dislike how he earnestly rearranges the truth to a lie.”

Mr Joyce returned to the Nationals leadership three months later.


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..."he couldn’t care less about the text messages  leaked in the past week that described him as a “liar” and a “complete pyscho”"... AND COULD HE NOT CARE LESS ABOUT YOU?...





another rinse...

I was going to do a cartoon like the one below by Cathy Wilcox... I had got out the old John W Howard as he was battling fires but I decided to go for the "Scott Morrison HAIRY SALONS" at top...




My J W Howard version...:

