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JFK — still at the core of US bullshit...
The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza is a museum located on the sixth floor of the Dallas County Administration Building (formerly the Texas School Book Depository) in downtown Dallas, Texas, overlooking Dealey Plaza at the intersection of Elm and Houston Streets.
The museum examines the life, times, death, and legacy of United States President John F. Kennedy and the life of Lee Harvey Oswald as well as the various conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination. The museum's exhibition area uses historic films, photographs, artifacts, and interpretive displays to document the events of the assassination, the reports by government investigations that followed, and the historical legacy of the tragedy. The museum is self-sufficient in funding, relying solely on donations and ticket sales. It rents the space from the County of Dallas. The museum was founded by the Dallas County Historical Foundation.[1] It opened on Presidents' Day, February 20, 1989.[2] A museum webcam features a live view from the sixth floor sniper's nest. It is not meant to glorify the shooting in any way.[3]
This is what Wikipedia tells us… Not a single warning that this article could be biased (as Wikipedia often tells us when the source of information is either singular or suspect). The Museum ONLY lightly examines the “various conspiracy crackpot theories” but sticks closely to the “Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone” and the “Jack Ruby was a loony patriot” theories…
Is the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza part of the grand deception fostered on ignorant Americans and their children?
Does it matter?
Compared to the assassination of John Kennedy, US President, in 1963, the destruction of the twin towers in New York — the 9/11 event — was irrelevant to the price of fish. I know, nearly 3,000 Americans lost their life and we’re still reeling with the “war on terror” that led to more than several million people dead “somewhere in the Middle-East”… But these are only "incidentals".
As alluded to on this site, terrorism is transient and does not directly threaten the core of capitalism (though our media and government always push the angle that “they don’t like our way of life").
Other form of central governments such as socialism and communism are far stronger long-lasting competitors, threatening the ideal of capitalism with the concept of sharing more equally the bounties of the planet… The USA hates communism a hundred times more than terrorism — and will often use (state) terrorism to fight socialism and communism where these raise their head. We know. China is a HUGE bother for the capitalists and the USA/West have been trying to destroy China for a while now.
It was only 10 years before 9/11 that the USSR, through peacemaker Gorbachev, gifted the world with its self-immolation: the Berlin Wall was pulled down, Eastern Europe was freed, not by war, but by peaceful intent of making things better with an understanding: the West shall not impinge upon the former countries aligned with the USSR.
Of course we know that the US and NATO have LIED and tried — and are still trying — to dishonour the handshake between Reagan and Gorbachev.
The KEY to all these events still today has been the assassination of JFK.
And this is why the truth is still hidden about this TRULY world-changing event. We have analysed this in “uncle george” and other lines of articles on this site. By now we know that Lee Harvey Oswald (the assassin) was the “fall guy” and that, with a 99 per cent certainty, the killer-bullet (explosive) came from the gun of a secret service agent sitting in the car following President Kennedy’s.
We have explored well-researched investigations — and there are people investigating other peripheral characters to the deed because what we’ve been told about these, are lies. According to Mark Shaw, an investigator into the life of Dorothy Kilgallen — The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza is perpetuating THE LIE, to suit the official narrative of the Warren Report, itself a book of lies.
Show’s evidence leads to the conclusion that Jack Ruby was part of the elaborate plot. Dorothy Kilgallen, a bright investigative journalist, lauded by no less than Ernest Hemingway and being a clever panelist in a TV game show, also guessed that Ruby was the weak link who knew too much.
It can be concluded with a high degree of certainty that KilGallen was killed in September 1965 for “knowing too much” from her interviews and investigation of Jack Ruby.
We know that the authorities in the USA, through the various administrations have hidden the motives and the real killer(s) from view by holding on to the documents that should prove the foul play.
A few hours after Kilgallen’s death, the FBI raided her place, took all her documents, her analysis and reports on Jack Ruby, and by default on JFK’s assassination, never to be seen again. Why? (Apart from a lone FBI investigator) the FBI, led by J Edgar Hoover, was doing all it could to prevent the truth coming out — and the truth NEVER DID, officially. Who killed JFK?
The Mafia?… The obvious target here was not John but Robert Kennedy. The anti-Ruskies?… Most likely to be at the head of the conspiracy to eliminate John Kennedy.
Mark Shaw describes himself : Mark William Shaw, the foremost expert on the JFK assassination, is a former correspondent for Good Morning America and CBS’s People and legal analyst for ABC, CNN, and USA Today for the Mike Tyson, O. J. Simpson and Kobe Bryant cases. He is also the author of more than 25 books, many touching on the theme of justice or injustice, including the bestselling The Reporter Who Knew Too Much: The Mysterious Death of What's My Line? TV Star and Media Icon Dorothy Kilgallen—movie rights optioned—the precursor book to Denial of Justice (According to Shaw, Kilgallen’s spirit is guiding him from the hereafter to reveal the truth!) A member of the Society of Professional Journals, he has written for USA Today, Huffington Post, the New York Daily News and the Aspen Daily News, which - he cofounded. He lives in the San Francisco area and more about him is at
One would not be too wrong for thinking that Shaw is a crackpot for suggesting that "Kilgallen’s spirit is guiding him from the hereafter to reveal the truth!”… This line could have been said in jest of course.
One of Shaw’s book is more intriguing though: "The Poison Patriarch: How the Betrayals of Joseph P. Kennedy Caused the Assassination of JFK”. This could have hit the nail on the head. Jo Kennedy was a Hitler apologist, and liked Hitler for fighting the communists and getting rid of the Jews in Europe. As well, the Kennedy’s Irish Catholic heritage was very strong, to the point Joseph Kennedy did not like Churchill nor England much.
After the Cuban Missile event, John Kennedy was about to make peace with the Communists of the USSR… Alarm bells!!! One can imagine the kerfuffle of politicians choking on their cornflakes. We’re still witnessing the repercussion today: One does not make peace with the Russians — commies or not. The name of the game is to destroy Russia. Destroy Russia by whatever means… including using US sponsored TERRORISM or even supporting the NAZIS in Ukraine. Contrary to the advertising line: Anything will do. Including the murder of Dorothy Kilgallen...
So while 9/11 will be remembered as blah blah blah, Kennedy’s assassination had far more impact and still underlies the US psyche, as a core driver of policies. Meanwhile the Silly Trumpian Epoch nearly upset the apple cart and this is why “Catholics” like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden’s teleprompter are suing the January sixers with an unequalled vengeance...
We, Jo Public, are barely given the crumbs of history. It seems The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza purposefully dishes out a few of those crummy crumbs…
Gus Leonisky Through-the-looking-glass dude…
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conspiracy facts...
Rated TV14 • 118 minutes
Thirty years after acclaimed director Oliver Stone’s first examination of JFK’s assassination, Stone reassesses the horrific event that shaped a generation. Using newly declassified and reexamined footage, Stone presents a case that conspiracy theories about the president’s death are actually “conspiracy facts.” Narrated by Whoopi Goldberg and Donald Sutherland.
Monday, Feb 7 at 8 AM ET/PT
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the game is to destroy russia...
BY Gordon Duff
The world, though not at the edge of war, is closer than any time in many decades, all over the US intention to bring Ukraine into NATO, something most historians believe runs counter to US assurances given Russia so many years ago. However, we will examine a somewhat different hypothesis.
The Trump regime’s relationship with Ukraine that led to one of two presidential impeachments, may well tell a different story. How can Trump be a Russian agent if he personally, as well as many of his closest advisors, communed as it were with Ukraine, hatching plots, pushing hoaxes but something odder still. We are going to follow this trail and others.
Trump’s real alliance had been Israel, placing that nation behind a solid shield of US protection against accountability for war crimes against the Palestinians and the reputation Israel had earned as an apartheid state rivaling or even exceeding South Africa at the height of the “whites only” oppressive regimes there.
We also recognize that the color revolution that put Ukraine into anti-Russian hands demonstrated something far more insidious.
We will examine US moves in Europe after 9/11 and the hypothesis that Ukraine was intended to be joined with Kazakhstan (and Belarus), which only recently escaped a “color revolution” as well, to form a “Khazarian” homeland, replacing the 7th-10th century Jewish kingdom proven by studies to be the ancestral homeland for a vast percentage of the world’s Jewish population.
This “Neo-Khazaria” would eventually rule from the Arctic Circle in Scandinavia to the steppes, and it is our estimation that there is little that can stop this. We must also accept that the Jewish nature of historical Khazaria may well have little or nothing to do with the character of a modern rogue state, which may have historical Jewish roots but none that carry into modern times.
One might also postulate that efforts to instill hatred of Jews into right-wing ideology may well originate, as investigations reveal, as disinformation tied to secular Zionism. It is difficult to discuss current moves in Ukraine without tripping over a cast of Zionists Igor Kolomoisky, darling of the Trump regime, now under accusation by the Biden administration for corruption undermining a ”democratic Ukraine.” From the Times of Israel:
“I also want to express concern about Kolomoisky’s current and ongoing efforts to undermine Ukraine’s democratic processes and institutions, which pose a serious threat to its future,” Blinken said in a statement. Kolomoisky has been close to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who was elected in 2019 on promises to root out corruption but earlier benefitted from Kolomoisky’s media empire, which broadcast his comedy show.
When we forget where Zelensky comes from, and his ties to Kolomoisky and his right-wing militias that threaten Crimea, we forget other facts as well.
Then we have recent moves in Belarus by Ukraine, attempts to stage a false flag Russian attack on that nation that led to the arrest of 33.
Rather than as a new “homeland” for Jews, we assert that modern Khazaria, built on the political model of Ukraine, would be a homeland for world organized crime and, in particular, for the “Kosher Nostra,” the shadowy criminal empire that controls right wing political leaders across the breadth of NATO.
We hear it continually, here in the US, how the people of Ukraine are soon to be crushed under the Russian boot. We heard it before, ‘Gaddafi is killing his own people,’ the false flag gas attacks in Syria and let’s not forget the wild story of the incubator babies in Kuwait back in 1990, which now seems like a century ago. The people of the United States along with much of Europe are being coerced into a war nobody can fight, nobody can win, a war predicated on lies. War is always the “father of lies.”
We learned the truth back in 2015, what was going to happen to Ukraine. Let me tell you where at least some of this began:
You see, after 9/11 the Bush (43) regime had become drunk on power. The reality was there, seizing the Caspian Basin, Afghanistan, and even Iran. “Owning” this policy, this “call to war” was a group that never really existed but loved being called “neo-conservatives.”
“Neocons” as they are called never really existed. They were birthed as part of a marriage of convenience between then House majority leader, this is from the 1990’s, Newt Gingrich and Rupert Murdoch.
As background, we must include some context. Many know that Murdoch inherited the “mantle” from Robert Maxwell but what do we mean by “mantle?”
The consensus is that the Maxwells were running a spy/influence ring for some organization, rumored to be Israeli intelligence, blackmailing key figures in Britain, royals, police and security officials, even prime ministers, based on widespread pedophilia that permeated certain levels of British society, tied to the Freemason organizations that run Scotland Yard/Special Branch, the Metropolitan Police and MI-5.
We will be mentioning Jeffrey Epstein from time to time and it is best we insert one of two withheld facts before moving forward.
In 1975, Jeffrey Epstein was hired to teach math and science at the prestigious Dalton School, despite the fact Epstein held no credentials and never graduated from college.
Pedophile Epstein was given his position, one he was uniquely unqualified for, by former OSS/CIA executive Don Barr, father of AG William Barr. It was William Barr who oversaw the “unsupervised” pre-trial confinement that led to Epstein’s death by alleged suicide.
When one assembles enough of these coincidences, one begins asking hard questions as to the origin of COVID 19, the Trump regimes purposeful mismanagement of the pandemic and the possibility that along with staging fake wars, fake gas attacks and fake scandals, staging real pandemics is something we are all going to have to get used to.
Rumors have it that Maxwell was “suicided” and Murdoch was groomed to take his place. Both Maxwell and Murdoch are Israeli citizens with strong ties to Netanyahu’s Likudists, but rumors go much further, to a shadowy organization called the Kosher Nostra.
Sources indicate that it was the Kosher Nostra, all powerful in the US behind a wall of billionaires, the money behind Donald Trump but also the money behind the Neocons as well.
All of this came to a head when Rupert Murdoch was able to reproduce what he builds in Britain. We aren’t talking about a newspaper empire but rather a criminal empire.
In Britain, the “phone hacking” scandal cited key members of Murdoch’s organization as blackmailing Royals, key security service members and celebrities for their pedophilia. But what were they blackmailed to do?
Those answers have become clear as day. Democratic institutions across NATO, starting with the US and Britain have been not just under assault, but are virtually crushed out of existence.
Following Murdoch’s meteoric rise which led to his control of America’s “Republican” party or the “GOP” as it is called, events quickly spiraled.
A well-organized destabilization program was run on the US which hit full speed after the events of 9/11. Despite censorship and suppression of real investigation results, it can be safely stated that the War on Terror begun after 9/11 was a long-planned event melding that “Murdoch empire” which includes two extremely powerful Jewish groups, the ADL and AIPAC, long rumored to be Mossad operations, with Neocons that controlled the Bush (43) White House.
If, as claimed, these groups joined with traitors in the Pentagon and the ultra-secret MEGA billionaires investigated by former CIA officer Robert David Steele, were responsible for 9/11, then its aftermath, which may well include the current NATO move to surround and castrate Russia, has its roots in the quasi-nation state entity that seems to be centered on Ukraine.
We must also add to the context efforts made across Europe in the last 40 years to organize neo-Nazi political organizations. The success of this effort can be credited to efforts by al Qaeda and ISIS (banned in Russia) which the Syrian government now says can be directly tied to the CIA. Syria has organized military tribunals to bring forth what they claim is inexorable evidence of this relationship.
This would mean, of course, that the flood of refugees that has destabilized Europe was planned and orchestrated as part of the same terrorist plot aimed to take down not just Syria but the entire region as well.
Last week ISIS attacks in Nigeria showed that government’s inability to deal with the same threat aimed at Syria but it also shows how vulnerable African nations are when even “naming the real enemy” will never be done.
When we broaden our look at Europe’s move to the right, we find the hand of American based think tanks along with USAID, Radio Free Europe, private companies like Booz Allen Hamilton and a bevy of Trump insiders like Giuliani and Bannon and even Manafort, in continual contact with the same forces now arrayed against Russia.
We might also site the January 6, 2020, attempt at a “color revolution” against the United States as well, using funding from sources that normally are arrayed against Russia.
Do not forget that this common enemy that links Putin and Biden together has to create uncomfortable moments when a US administration nearly felled by fascism finds itself siding with its own enemies against Russia.
It is important that we discuss Maxwell and Murdoch as precursors for Brin and Zuckerman, the Israeli citizens, and there are dozens more as well, that use total control of both the internet and social media not only to spy on the world but run influence/black propaganda operations that have turned NATO into a fascist lapdog.
So, what are we saying?
Is Ukraine in place as a “pivot” for destabilizing Europe while crippling Russia? Who would want to control a fascist empire stretching from the Baltic to the Caspian and beyond?
Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.
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Note that before Trump came along, Joe Biden and Obama through the witch Nuland had already interfered with Ukraine. In 2014, the folly of Trump's Presidency was not a blimp on the American Landscape... "Someone" (from the Deep State) had fed Trump about the Deep State that was controlling the US political system... So, one of Trump's gandstanding was about to destroy the "Deep State"... The Swamp... They laughed behind his back...
Methinks the "Deep State" — "whether it exists or not" — is more devious than Machiavelli as it created the situation to get Trump elected, even if Trump vowed to destroy the DS... The DS had to get rid of the Democrats. Democrats are capitalist with a tortured conflicting conscience. Republicans are full-blow capitalists with no conscience, but with traditional religious superiority. As a "foreign minister" (US Secretary of State) Joe Biden was becoming a liability with sonny in tow. Obama had made many vague promises and none came forth. Hillary "was on the take on the side" and she was rude to the people ("deplorables"), etc... Trump was going to be a gentle breezy tornado in Washington. A few apples would fall... An experiment... Trump soon became a liability for the Deep State that had made its point to the Democrats. "Give us money, spend like crazy on weapons, and speed up the destruction of Russia."
Meanwhile one should watch Ricky Gervais's destruction of Hollywood... According to some useless bastards, Hollywood is controlled by many people whose name rhyme with GOLDBERG...
As well, the Deep State does not want a return of The Donald to the Presidency... Trump is trying hard to come back, but he is still the useful idiot to divide the US political system and make the Democrats smell like an effluent treatment pond. The DS is having fun. At some stage, is the next going to be revealed? The Deep State still need to do a lot of work to make IVANKA palatable... Will Donald Trump be "martyred" like a John Lennon or a JFK? Examining his business deals is piddly stuff and will only delay his resurrection...
Remember the name of the game is for the USA to destroy RUSSIA... (and China — but not too much yet, as the US still needs the Chinese slaves, until the full blast of the latest legislation passed by the US senate enacts "sweeping China competition bill")... This could take a while like about ten years minimum. The Ruskies' behaviour is a more urgent problem (for the US boffins who want to control the world).
My conspiracy theories are crap of course...
Meanwhile the Europeans are like a crowd of dogs watching magic tricks...
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LHO and JFK...
If you appreciate gazing into the darkness, that's all the more reason to gather around the fire. This is a story about ghosts and spooks that haunt the United States of America. When it's over, I'm going to suggest that we talk to the people in Washington who can help us make sure we can get the end of the story right. Some of the last chapters are written down and sitting in cold, unlit basements. And though this story is filled with ghosts, some of the spooks are still alive and can still talk.
With millions of documents released in the years since the JFK Act was passed in the nineties, the intelligence backgrounds of Oswald's handlers have come into focus. A handler can range from a "babysitter" who just keeps an eye on the subject to someone handing out unequivocal orders. I count twelve of them, and I'll tell you about them here in this series of essays.
Many of these handlers did not know each other, and some of them know nothing about the JFK assassination itself, but their stories when put together can solve important puzzles. A couple of them are integral to the plot. Now is the moment to sum up what we have, demand the rest, and ask the right questions to those still alive. Although we may never know who fired the shots at JFK, you may agree that the new documents reveal who called the shots.
One important clue revealed in the documents is that the CIA consciously used Lee Harvey Oswald's visa requests for espionage purposes before JFK was assassinated. A CIA office used Oswald as "bait" while simultaneously trying to recruit Soviet officers and hunt for Soviet penetrators of the CIA itself.
Several CIA officials got Oswald got into the Soviet Union in 1959 with an "instant visa" after sweetening up the Soviet consul in Helsinki. Otherwise this Marine would have never got past Moscow's border officials.
Oswald tried this again when trying to re-enter the Soviet Union through Mexico City. This time, he got used as part of a counter-espionage game aimed at the Soviets and the Cubans. The story of these instant visa searchesis in my essay The Office that Spied on Its Own Spies.
During Sunshine Week in Washington DC (March 14-20), a number of researchers and concerned citizens will call on the House Oversight Committee to campaign for hearings that will bring more documents and the living witnesses into the daylight. A new MLK Act, based on the JFK Act, is also under discussion for immediate release of the King case documents, presently locked up until 2029.
It's not well known that most CIA employees sign a secrecy oath saying they will go to prison if they provide classified information. This oath made it impossible for many people to tell everything they knew. There is still time to get it right. The head of the House Select Committee of Assassinations investigation in the 1970s no longer believes that the CIA cooperated with their two year probe into the JFK and MLK cases. A copy of the 1963 version of this secrecy oath can be viewed here.
The JFK Case: Oswald & His Twelve Handlers
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