Wednesday 26th of February 2025

Adelaide sexed-up for war

Reprinted from The Age, Letters, Saturday 28/5/05, written in response to this piece. Next to it is a brilliant Leunig illustration.

Jim Schembri's view of Adelaide (Metro, 27/5) made me laugh. True, we used to be like that, but since Adelaide's Parliament House was turned into a bordello for defence contractors, life has been much simpler. After Dick Cheney set up Halliburton's Global Infrastructure Headquarters out in the suburbs and started to co-ordinate "services" at all levels of government, everybody very quickly learned to enjoy what they were meant to be doing. Yank-accented bellows of "take it, baby" echoing along our corridors of power were answered by South Australian moans of "Yes, yes, yes!"

Everybody's happy, what's the problem? Adelaide's new street name of "The Defence Capital of Australia" is very sexy to the Pentagon's prime commercial players - much more appealing than "Chantelle". At least the churches are free again, so that once we start building the warships we can pray for our souls.
Richard Tonkin, Brompton, Adelaide

Re: sexed-up for war

Well done, with the letter, Richard.

I've asked my MP (Barresi) to ask Sharman Stone about the PPP panel. She's probably holding it back for next week's conference in Melbourne (I see Adelaide isn't on the program of speakers etc).

MP responds

Phil Barresi has replied, in a letter dated May 31st, to say he will make inquiries at DoFA about the PPP panel. 

Private financing panel

As supplied to me by Phil Barresi.

Allen Consulting
CDL & Associates
Codarra Advanced Systems
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Ernst & Young
Macquarie Bank
ABN Amro Bank
Access Economics
Booz Allen Hamilton
Currie and Brown
Equity & Advisory
GHD Pty Ltd
Pacific Road
Capital Insight
Rider Hunt Terotech
Tracy, Brunstrom + Hammond
ABN Amro Bank