Thursday 2nd of May 2024


remembering gelibolu .....

remembering gelibolu .....

introducing George Venturini …..

“One of the most horrible features of war is that all the war-propaganda, all the screaming & lies & hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.”

George Orwell

arthur at ICAC .....

arthur at ICAC .....

concern over the abbott regime’s rhetoric about the scheme...

Abbott's NDIS

The Abbott government must do a better job to assure people about the future of the national disability insurance scheme, says a leading advocate, who argues the anxiety could encourage rushed purchases of once-in-10-year support items.

Australians apprehensive about their economic future...


flat tyre

Developments this week should make many Australians apprehensive about their economic future. Alan Austin reports.

ecumenical royal tours...

queen and pope

The Queen has met Pope Francis for the first time during a one-day visit to Rome.

publishing the truth can enrage conspiracy theorists to burn your arse...



Frontiers in Psychology last month retracted the paper, Recursive fury: Conspiracist ideation in the blogosphere in response to research on conspiracist ideation “in light of a small number of complaints”, the journal said on its website. 

A year-long investigation “did not identify any issues with the academic and ethical aspects of the study,” it said. However, the probe found “the legal context (to be) insufficiently clear”. 

poor arfur ....

poor arfur ....

from Crikey ….

Sinodinos takes the stand: if he didn't know, it doesn't wash ….

cosy small talk with electrostatic detritus collectors...


The prophets of gloom, H G Wells and George Orwell got it right but rather than be obviously submissive to a Big Brother government, we are now submissive to a big brother government that tells us to be comfortable and relaxed — while the MMMM pre-munches the news and the NSA spies on what we say in our communication... Meanwhile there are drugs designed to stimulate a "man's" imagination but most of them are illegal. The BIG Brother government does not want you to be over-stimulated or have any imagination...

april fool was a year-long affair...

april fool...


The Abbott Government is becoming more and more widely ridiculed, writes Clint Howitt, who says this is the litmus test of a failed government.

game of tone .....

game of tone .....

from Crikey …..

Arise, sons of privilege.

the bunyip aristocracy .....

the bunyip aristocracy .....

no, really .....

no, really .....

A report by the Senate Intelligence Committee concludes that the CIA misled the government and the public about aspects of its brutal interrogation program for years - concealing details about the severity of its methods, overstating the significance of plots and prisoners, and taking credit for critical pieces of intelligence that detainees had in fact surrendered before they were subjected to harsh techniques.

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