Monday 24th of February 2025


Get rid of elections.

Hi guys,

I'm doing some thinking and writing about the level of representation in various political models, and there are a few things I'm looking for definitions, or terms for so I can look them up... Any suggestions of where to look for more information on these topics more than welcome! Thanks!

1) Rezoning in the westminster political system

Not Aware

Could someone ferret out a legal opinion on what, "I am not aware (of) ..." means?

For example, "I am not aware that reports about maltreatment of detainees have been accumulating on my secretary's desk," or, "I am not aware that I have a huge yellow dildo up my rectum."

Do pronouncements like those amount to any more than the stuff at the bottom of the parrot's cage? If it is, as it sounds like, evasive double talk, then why isn't it challenged?

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