Monday 10th of March 2025

Nation, Race and Citizenship

The Gaza Holocaust

Further to the Ancient History of the Jewish people I have tried to encapsulate that which I have so far researched as I apprehend it.Firstly, from the beginning as wandering tribes, the Jewish people have had, to say the least, oscillating fortunes.Apparently stateless tribes, they were led from Egyptian captivity by Abraham. They could not have been Israelites at that time since Israel didn't exist.

The Gaza Holocaust

In my research of ancient Israel, I found this:Canaanite Culture

Compulsory health check for kids after visiting Parliament

Deceased former Senator Collins has been accused of raping a 12 year old boy in his Senate office.

So when will the Prime Minister finally crack down on the child abuse epidemic in Canberra - compulsory health checks for all children on their way out of Parliament House.

Not safe abroad, or at home.

Under Howard Australia has witnessed a continuous decline not only in the protection we give to the human rights and safety of others, but also to the human rights and safety of our own citizens. When the Tampa arrived in our waters all those years ago it high-lighted a new policy of detain and deter in relation to refugees seeking protection from persecution in their homelands.

The message appears to be that individuals should subject to the law of the land they come from.

Identity Cards

The generalisation 'ID Cards' is code for the broader concept of Identity Management (IM). Sorry about the sliding acronyms, but I will stick with IM for now, it feels better. IM, in the contexts of immigration and massive crime, is running white-hot in the North. Both
the UK and the US are finding out, on the trot, just how complex and horribly expensive the next IM platform is going to be. Not to mention intrusive. And there are warnings in fluorescent orange, all over the landscape from IT experts, that a small error or loophole can lead to a huge debacle, if not provide an open door for ruthless exploitation.

Is it just hypocritical?

Lately I have been taking a step back from my usual 'lefty' approach to politics and tried to see things from another point of view. I was inspired by something Tim Costello said about cynics providing answers and sceptics asking the questions. He said that when a question is posed people think but when the answer is provided they just nod their heads, shrug their shoulders and get on with their lives. I think there is something precious in that statement...


During my musings I have become to realise that I am part of what populists often call the 'intellectual elite'. I seem to know everything that is wrong with out society, I violently disagreed with Pauline Hanson's policies believing them uneducated and tried to convince people that John Howard is carcinogenic. I still passionately believe these things but I think I was going about it the wrong way.

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