Tuesday 17th of September 2024

mourning a secret awstralya .....

mourning a secret awstralya .....


from john pilger …..

building ghettos .....

the value of justice .....


Must a Native-American recognize the right of the United States of America to exist?

bushit's terrarists .....

bushit's terrarists .....

‘An Italian judge gave approval Friday for what will be the first overseas criminal trial of CIA officers involved in a covert counter-terrorism operation, as a court in Milan indicted more than two dozen Americans on charges of kidnapping a radical Muslim cleric four years ago.

losing it .....

the ante-escalation strategy .....


from the Centre for American Progress …..

rattus droppings .....

rattus droppings .....

a familiar rhyme .....

a familiar rhyme .....


‘A Judge delivered an embarrassing rebuke to Tony Blair's nuclear energy policy yesterday, with a ruling that could delay the construction of a new wave of reactors.

Geraldton's US Military Mobile Phone Base- Who Ya Gonna Call ?

Why were Downer and Nelson so coy about the Geraldton base in Question Time yesterday? Defence minister Nelson said that he wouldn't go into details " for reasons you'd understand." I don't understand why he says that.

It's not exactly classified information.. the contractors have long been crowing about the Multiple User Objective System (MUOS) that Downer says the base will be a part of.

Here's the General Dynamics Vice President:

the terrorism index .....

the terrorism index .....


from the Centre for American Progress …..

great insights .....

so obvious .....


‘"It's hard for me, living in this beautiful White House, to give you an assessment, firsthand assessment. I haven't been there," said Bush, who has visited Baghdad's Green Zone, headquarters for US military and the Iraqi government, and the Baghdad airport but has not travelled beyond.’

perverting the course of justice .....


perverting the course of justice .....

Private Members’ Business - Mr David Hicks

Ms VAMVAKINOU (Calwell) (4.23 pm)—I move: That the House:

evolution .....

evolution .....


‘Humankind is doing more things, faster, across a greater space than ever before, producing changes of a size and speed never seen before.

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