Tuesday 18th of February 2025

liberty's shadow .....

behind liberty's shadow .....

Standard Operating Procedure has finally opened at cinemas in America.

It is not expected to equal the box office of an action flick. But as it reaches screens across America and around the world, it will be held up as peerless testimony to all that has gone wrong since President Bush took office.

tigris woods .....

tigris woods .....

Picture, if you will, a tree-lined plaza in Baghdad's International Village, flanked by fashion boutiques, swanky cafes, and shiny glass office towers.

waterlogged .....

waterlogged .....

Like Kiribati and Tuvalu, the islands of the Torres Strait are slowly being submerged. But unlike their Pacific neighbours, the plight of their inhabitants is being overlooked. 

political detours .....

political detours .....

It is crunch time for the Bush administration as it continues to hold out hope for a peace agreement between the Palestinians and the Israelis. 

But even US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice let out a sign of her frustration at the lack of progress on the ground, particularly on the part of the Israelis. 

power surge .....

power surge .....

Iemma to push ahead with privatisation plan ….. 

New South Wales Premier Morris Iemma is planning to defy the will of his own party and push ahead with electricity privatisation. 

Yesterday the state conference of the New South Wales Labor Party voted 702 to 107 against privatisation of electricity assets. 

the terror master .....

the terror master .....

The world's most dangerous terrorist, who has already slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent people, has launched yet another campaign of murder and destruction.

morris mugabe .....

morris mugabe .....

Unions and the State Government are at war after a last-ditch attempt to settle the bitter power privatisation dispute ended disastrously. 

Hours of negotiations at yesterday's ALP state conference fell apart when the Government accused the unions of "not only asking us to accept defeat but commit hara-kiri". 

the premier state .....

the politics of dilemma .....

The state's election watchdog has authorised the Crown Solicitor to prosecute 800 donors who made almost $8 million in political donations to candidates and parties for last year's NSW election but failed to declare them. 

The 800 include many of Australia's biggest companies, which have given between $1525 and $543,000 each - and they face fines of $11,000 for each offence. 

breeding faithful sheep .....

breeding faithful sheep .....

Signed into law April 24, 2008, the oh-so innocent sounding Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007 establishes a national database of newborn DNA. 

This law establishes collection and warehousing of newborn DNA for scientific research and requires no parental consent or knowledge. 

masters of delusion .....

masters of delusion .....

I wonder, dear reader, if you are wondering the same thing I’m wondering as I’m writing: Just what the fuck is wrong with us?  

lest we forget .....

lest we forget ......

Old men make the wars, but they don’t fight the fight.  

The congressmen that declare war are too important to fight, too important and too busy. They are too busy lobbying, too busy collecting the lucrative pensions they have allocated themselves, and too busy assigning defense contracts to companies that will employ them after their tenure in congress.  

encore .....

lest we forget .... again ....

Five years after George W. Bush declared "mission accomplished" atop a Navy aircraft carrier, the death toll in Iraq continues to rise. 4,062 American soldiers have been confirmed killed since the war began, 47 in April alone.  

blowin' smoke .....

jackpot .....

The Iemma Government will defer the poker machine tax payments of scores of clubs in a bid to compensate for a loss of revenue since the indoor smoking ban came into force. 

The Gaming and Racing Minister, Graham West, confirmed yesterday that the Government was drawing up a policy in response to a request from Clubs NSW to allow as many as 150 clubs to defer their payments for a year or 18 months. 

from smalltown .....

from smalltown .....

Struggling with mounting debt and rising prices, faced with the toughest economic times since the early 1990s, Americans are selling prized possessions online and at flea markets at alarming rates. 

To meet higher gas, food and prescription drug bills, they are selling off grandmother's dishes and their own belongings. Some of the household purging has been extremely painful — families forced to part with heirlooms. 

on dead-drops & microdots .....

on dead-drops & microdots .....

For anyone at the CIA or the Pentagon who might be considering moonlighting as a spy, the report offers a warning: 'Since 1990, American spies have been poorly paid.' 

In fact, the proportion of those who received no payment at all for espionage increased from 34 percent before 1980 to 59 percent during the 1980s and to 81 percent since 1990. 

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