Friday 18th of October 2024

vigilance .....

vigilance .....


‘It could be a scene from Kafka or Brazil. Imagine a government agency, in a bureaucratic foul-up, accidentally gives you a copy of a document marked "top secret." And it contains a log of some of your private phone calls.

You read it and ponder it and wonder what it all means. Then, two months later, the FBI shows up at your door, demands the document back and orders you to forget you ever saw it.

and what rough beast .....

and what rough beast .....

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,

Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

William Butler Yeats, The Second Coming

feral flunky .....

feral flunky .....

from the ABC .....

Iraq never about oil: Nelson

Today Dr Nelson said resource security was a separate issue.

Defence Minister Brendan Nelson has distanced himself from comments he made yesterday about a link between oil security and the need for Australian troops to stay in Iraq.

On Wednesday Dr Nelson said oil security was one of the reasons Australian forces should not leave Iraq.

sacrifice .....

sacrifice .....

‘The Bushies, it seems, like starting fights, but they don’t believe in paying any of the cost of those fights or bearing any of the risks. Above all, they don’t believe that they or their friends should face any personal or professional penalties for trivial sins like distorting intelligence to get America into an unnecessary war, or totally botching that war’s execution.

some mothers do have 'em .....

some mothers do have 'em .....

Today is bushit’s birthday

The Houston Chronicle's Julie Mason writes that Bush's 61 years old physique is showing the demands of the office. "For Bush, his cumulative burden, with perhaps the Iraq war being most prominent - takes a heavy toll that is showing on his face & also in his demeanour, which is less jokey and more testy than previously.

porkie sniffin' .....

porkie sniffin' .....

Iraq oil security in Australia's interest: Nelson

Dr Nelson says energy security is extremely important to all nations.

The Federal Government says oil is a key reason to keep Australian troops in Iraq, but says it was not the reason for the original invasion.

the wrong type of amnesty .....

the wrong type of amnesty .....
from the centre for american progress …..

Adelaide "Defence Capital Of Australia"- SA Treasurer


A new merger announced today has seen the former global Vice-President of Halliburton/KBR become a much more influential player in the implementation of Adelaide's future.

The Defence Industry Advisory Board, chaired by Peter Cosgrove, is to merge with the Port Adelaide Maritime Corporation. The corporation owns Techport Australia, whose CEO is Cheney's former man-on-the-ground" for this part of the world.

fractured rattus tales .....

fractured rattus tales .....

The prime rattus, on the brink of Australia's commitment of forces to Iraq, in conversation with 3AW host Neil Mitchell.

MITCHELL: Prime Minister, has oil got anything to do with this conflict?

PRIME MINISTER: No I don’t believe for a moment it has.


This today from the online pages of The Australian:

Securing oil a factor for war in Iraq, says Nelson

the blind leading the blind .....

the blind leading the blind .....

‘At the nadir of his presidency, George W. Bush is looking for answers.

One at a time or in small groups, he summons leading authors, historians, philosophers and theologians to the White House to join him in the search.

independence day .....


independence day .....

Bush Rationale on Libby Stirs Legal Debate


Published: July 4, 2007

In commuting I. Lewis Libby Jr.'s 30-month prison sentence on Monday, President Bush drew on the same array of arguments about the federal sentencing system often made by defense lawyers - and routinely and strenuously opposed by his own Justice Department.

buying protection .....

buying protection .....

from Crikey …..

How the Texacutioner discovered his heart

Jeff Sparrow writes:

So President Bush has commuted the two-and-a-half year prison term facing Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, calling the sentence "excessive".

secret dick .....

secret dick .....

‘Indeed so secrecy-fixated is this White House that John Dean, Richard Nixon's White House counsel, was once quoted in the Daily Telegraph of London as saying, "Bush and Cheney are a throwback to the Nixon time. All government business is filtered through a political process at this White House, which is the most secretive ever to run the United States."

Not to put too fine a point on it, but when Nixon's consigliere calls you secretive, it's like Tony Soprano saying you have anger-management issues.

a parody of peace .....

a parody of peace .....


‘What a great day for peace enthusiasts! A new envoy to the Middle East has been appointed for the Quartet, and it’s no other than the former British PM, Tony Blair. Blair, the man who gave the Israelis the green light to flatten Beirut.

Blair, the man who started an illegal war in Iraq. Blair, a man who, according to the Geneva Conventions, is to be held personally responsible for more than 700,000 dead in Iraq for failing to 'protect civilian populations against certain consequences of war’[1]. A man who is supposed to be charged for genocide at The Hague. That’s right, a man who should end his life behind bars is now becoming a peace envoy.

rattus surging .....

rattus paternalism .....

‘The Minister for Health, Tony Abbott, is not able to say whether general health checks of indigenous children will be compulsory as part of the Federal Government's plan to clean up remote communities.

In an interview on the Nine Network this morning Mr Abbott said the Government wanted all 22,000 indigenous children in the Northern Territory checked and that he hoped their "good parents" would ask for the health assessments.

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