Sunday 8th of September 2024

Get rid of elections.

Hi guys,

I'm doing some thinking and writing about the level of representation in various political models, and there are a few things I'm looking for definitions, or terms for so I can look them up... Any suggestions of where to look for more information on these topics more than welcome! Thanks!

1) Rezoning in the westminster political system

the value of reputation .....


the value of reputation .....

Letters, The Age March 7, 2007…..

said the shotgun to the quail .....

said the shotgun to the quail .....


‘Shortly before he was inaugurated for his second term, President Bush was asked why no one was held responsible for the mistakes of the first. "We had an accountability moment," he replied, "and that's called the 2004 elections."

Today, Woomera. Tomorrrow...?

How do you feel about the idea that the new work at Spaceport Woomera isn't really about the conquest of space, but actually the control of other nations? What if South Australia is set to become a base from which the US could deploy troops to anywhere in the world? It may sound a little like the plot for Capricorn One, but for one man such an idea is far from impossible to achieve. He's tried something similar before and failed. His name is Richard Cheney.

the great exemplar .....

the great exemplar .....


rattus at work .....

rattus at work .....


The Australian Peoples Party

The Australian peoples Party will be running candidates in this years Federal Election.

This will happen either as a party, or if not registered, as independents, as this party believes that it is long past time for a new way of governing this great country, Australia.

desperate rattus .....

desperate rattus .....

from nine MSN …..

Mori in trouble, PM mad about Hicks

Monday Mar 5 06:08 AEDT

growing mushrooms .....


growing mushrooms .....

from the glowing ABC …..

Labor critical of Switkowki's appointment

sunni side up .....

sunni side up .....


‘During his inaugural appearance before Congress last week, the new U.S. intelligence czar made a rare public reference to one of Washington's secret dreads.

on the road to serfdom .....

on the road to serfdom .....


John Howard's servility to the US is even greater than Tony Blair's and has earned him the nickname Bush's deputy sheriff. The conspiracy between Washington, the media and politicians is eroding the country's freedoms.

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