Saturday 11th of January 2025

from the siding salesman .....

from the siding salesman .....

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has given a guarantee he would keep interest rates lower than a Labor government in a move that could backfire on him as it did for former prime minister John Howard.

Mr Abbott on Sunday said Labor policies and the size of the government's debt were pushing up living costs and putting upward pressure on interest rates.

But in comments reminiscent of a promise made by Mr Howard during the 2004 election campaign, Mr Abbott suggested a coalition government would be able to keep interest rates lower.

When asked on Sky News this morning whether he could guarantee his policies would put downward pressure on interest rates, he replied: ''Absolutely I do.''

Echoes of Howard as Abbott makes rates guarantee

Where are these headlines?

“Captain Smirk and the Mad Monk support the Gaza Holocaust”.

And of course; the murder of the humanitrarians aboard a neutral ship in international waters”. And also; the revolution against the British in Palestine and;  the invasion of Palestine by multinational Jews and; the starving genocide of the legal owners of that land and; the reneging of all contracts and agreements they have lied to achieve especially the Palestinian’s West Bank and the Golan Heights and Lebanon and attacking Libya and Syria and threatening the US and Iran with nuclear war  etc., etc?

What?  There isn't any? But- but- but (Abbott like) The Australian (Jewish) reported that, at the Australian-Israel Chamber of Commerce…..quote;

Mr Abbott used the lunch to pledge the Coalition's “unshakeable” support for Israel, and said a government led by him would never “overreact” to international incidents. [Really Phoney? Were you encouraging the Jewish Lobby to join in your government like that which exists in the US?  What about your beat up of the Boat people? Is that NOT overacting to international incidents?  Can anyone EVER believe your “rock solid and iron clad” guarantees?]

Fair dinkum - isn’t that an “unshakeable” endorsement of the Zionist crimes against humanity?  And by a “State of Israel” that doesn’t legally exist?  And then….

“He [Costello] said Mr Abbott had served at the cabinet table of a better government than Julia Gillard's. Reflecting on Mr Abbott's team, and naming Joe Hockey and Andrew Robb, Mr Costello said: “These people were part of the team that did it before and they can be part of a team that will do it again.”

That last highlighted section [by me] might have referred to when the Howard's “New Order” held a sham Royal Commission into the AWB “kickbacks” to Saddam Hussein [“Israel’s enemy”] signed by Downer, and involving Abbott and Costello plus the Nationalist’s Truss besides Hockey and Andrew Robb.  Surely he also laughed about Howard’s proudest achievements like Costello’s biggest tax in Australia's history, the GST and Hockey’s WorkChoices?

Or perhaps he included the breaches of Maritime Law with the “Tampa” and the “turning of the boats” highlighted by the "careless indifference" in allowing the drowning of 353 asylum seekers of the SIEV X.  This act of infamy by Howard, Jane Halder and Peter “free telephones” Reith knew about but nevertheless were “people of steel”- and let them drown.  Some were lucky and were saved by fishermen but only a few to tell the truth.  Good government that!  But then again they may have been referring to the Howard/Reith “Babies Overboard” while they even had film which proved that that was a calculated lie  – but they were Bushit “people of steel”.  Do the Zionists have an "junshakeable" faith in the proposed Abbott mob?

I had previously thought that Menzies and Howard were the worst Corporation’s government in my living memory.  Now Murdoch is trying to even outdo Packer by having the most fascist of “Howard’s New Order" advocate, namely Tony Abbott, painted like a re-moulded Phoenix and “ready to govern”.  Struth.

God Bless Australia and make the gutter-snipe Abbott take responsibility for his own dirty politics – they are very well trained in the blame game.  NE OUBLIE.