Friday 10th of January 2025

hole magnates...

hole magnates

Mining magnate Clive Palmer has retreated from his earlier claim that he had scrapped mining projects because of the Federal Government's proposed resource super profits tax.

Mr Palmer owns one of the largest deposits of iron ore in the world, carved out in five separate projects.

The investment for the first development was secured before the super profits tax was announced.

Mr Palmer, a Liberal National Party donor, told Lateline last month he had canned two projects in Western Australia's Pilbara region because of the tax.

He said one of those projects would employ about 3,000 people and generate about $2 billion a year in exports.

But now Mr Palmer has told tonight's Four Corners program that he was probably exaggerating.

"Probably, it should have been, '[I am] slowing them down, waiting to see what happens'," he said.

Mr Palmer says he still strongly opposes the tax.

But Federal Small Business Minister Craig Emerson says Mr Palmer has revealed that he is part of a scare campaign against the plan for a resources tax.


bad press...

"What I do recognise always is that this part of the world is marginal territory."

He attributed the shift away from Labor to "really bad press" over the government's proposed super profits tax on mining companies.

Mr Sullivan also denied Labor MPs were unhappy about the government's fall from favour.

"I hear in the newspapers, talk of disquiet in caucus, [but] I sit in that room and I don't see any of it."

Labor frontbencher Stephen Conroy also blamed the anti-mining tax campaign for much of the government's slide in popularity.

a keynesian factor...

How Keynes, not mining, saved us from recession


... just remember: the smarties who purport to know better than Treasury are usually worse. Consider these reactions to the forecasts in last year's budget.

Des Moore, the climate-change denying activist: ''The Rudd government's budget paints an unbelievable picture of a very mild recession (only a 0.5 per cent fall in GDP next year) followed by a recovery of 2.25 per cent in the election year (2010-11) and an above-trend rate of growth of 4.5 per cent in the following year.''

John Roskam, a leading libertarian: ''If Prime Minister Kevin Rudd genuinely believes Treasury is conservative when it forecasts economic growth of 4 per cent within two years, then it would be interesting to know his definition of optimistic. Treasury officials are not used to being laughed at on budget night but, as soon as their growth forecasts were revealed, no other reaction was possible.''

Of course, we do know that average growth in real GDP in calendar 2009 was 1.3 per cent, and Gruen has revealed Treasury's unpublished forecast of minus 0.9 per cent. This was worse than the mean of minus 0.6 per cent for 17 private sector forecasts gathered by Consensus Economics, but right on the median.

After allowing for imports and inventories, the largest contribution to growth came from consumer spending (1.4 percentage points), followed by public sector spending (0.9 points), business investment and exports (0.4 points each), with housing investment making a negative contribution of 0.3 points.

(If you're wondering how all that adds up to just 1.3 per cent, it does so with the help of a negative contribution of 1.5 points from the ''statistical discrepancy''. Don't groan - the national accounts are like that; it's just one of the complications forecasters face.)

It's clear most of that surprisingly strong performance was due to old-fashioned Keynesian fiscal stimulus. Consumer spending was greatly bolstered by the cash splash, while the jump in public sector spending speaks for itself. The growth in business investment was explained by the draw-forward effect of the temporary tax break.

According to Treasury's estimates, the fiscal stimulus contributed about 2 percentage points to the overall growth of 1.3 per cent last year, meaning that, without it, GDP would have contracted by 0.7 per cent.

So much for the claim the mining sector was ''a key factor in keeping Australia out of recession''.

The Terrorism of the Foreign Corporations is evident.

TERRORISM.  No other noun has the international political bite as does that one and so far it has only been used for evil purposes.  So let this be a justified and necessary legal use to help the Australian people try to understand our danger when the Government the foreigners intend to topple is our Federal Government which has the best economic record in the entire OECD and during the worst situation since the Great Depression.

Websters' Dictionary describes Terrorism as......

1,  The act of terrorizing; use of force or threats to demoralize, to intimidate and to subjugate esp. such use as a political weapon or policy.  2. The demoralization and intimidation produced in this way.

Think, reason and be logical....

Does the Media campaign against the Rudd Labor Government prove the following;  The vicious and personal attacks on Kevin Rudd in the national media constitute a Terrorism attack - used as a political weapon or policy - and with the intention to demoralize and intimidate the Australian People into subjugating their elected government? Of course it does.

And does the Foreign Mining Giant’s threats of shelving; abandoning or suspending proposed ventures etc; that will sack over 3000 workers (that are not even employed yet) along with $100 million dollars of paid media misinformation to clearly advertise these threats – are these evil acts intended to use Force, demoralize; intimidate and subjugate the Australian people before a Federal Election?  Of course they are.

Would this include causing panic amongst the Australian people with the intention of destabilizing them and making them susceptible to gross dishonesty? Definitely.

Is the Abbott/Foreign Mining and Murdoch media Coalition collectively guilty of Terrorism.   Of couse they are.  And rabid abuse of privilege.

Ironically, the truth is that these “people” have at one time or another, openly admitted to my accusations above.  Watch their ads – watch the bias of the ABC and the Corporations’ Liberals.

Watch them and consider – is this allowed by our laws and Constitution?  Is there even a breach of Howard’s SEDITION LAWS?

Should the media and their foreign owners and sponsors be challenged by an injunction against their ads on the basis of truth and merit?  All of them seem to depend entirely on hypothetical claims of “what might be”.  No proof, just force, demoralizing, and intimidating to the Australian people for a purely political weapon and Abbott’s traitorous ambitions.

Many tricks have been played on the Australian people by a "fifth column" [Fifth columnists are traitors who act secretly and subversively out of sympathy with an enemy of their country;] functioning under the aegis of the grubby world-wide Murdochracy and it should be stopped. I view this forum as one that may, just may, get to those who want to know the truth.

God Bless Australia and give us the commonsense to use our power to regain our independence from foreign interests before it is too late.  NE OUBLIE.


Howard's "New Order" Sedition Laws and Terrorism.

Seditious Intention

Section 24 defined a seditious intention as [a]n intention to effect any of the following purposes:

(a) to bring the Sovereign into hatred or contempt;

(d) to excite disaffection against the Government or Constitution of the Commonwealth or against either House of the Parliament of the Commonwealth;

(f) to excite Her Majesty's subjects to attempt to procure the alteration, otherwise than by lawful means, of any matter in the Commonwealth established by law of the Commonwealth; or

(g) to promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different classes of Her Majesty's subjects so as to endanger the peace, order or good government of the Commonwealth;

Regarding my previous entry, I wonder why we Australians allow ourselves to be hoodwinked into letting the Foreign Media to breach Terrorism Laws (except when they favor the intentions of the warmongers) and then compounding that by ignoring the Main Stream Media's additional breach of their own Howard Sedition Laws!

My very strong feeling is that these abusers of the media’s liberties do so for the benefit of the elite rich and that makes the Abbott and foreign Miner’s War against the Australian Government a class war in my book.

Even as a Labor man I can imagine that the behavior of these predators may have been analyzed by Malcolm Fraser as an intended repeat of 1975 and may be another reason why he resigned from their fascist group.

They have really got down in the gutter to character assassinate their nemesis Kevin Rudd in a repeat of the disgraceful MSM behavior when the Liberals manipulated the Whitlam Dismissal in 1975. 

Even the man who benefited from that massive abuse of privilege, Malcolm Fraser, was intent on changing that unprecedented bastard act of refusing of Supply by the Liberal Senate  and ensured that it should never happen again.

Perhaps the answer is simply that the Government of Australia has refused to be controlled by the powerful Jewish Lobby, even as they now control the US with bribes and euphemistically call it “lobbying”.  Fair dinkum.


“Phoney Tony” Abbott and his Howard left-overs have joined the foreign enemies of Australia’s national interests in openly trying to seize the Prime Ministership by means very similar to the Liberals and Frank Packer in 1975.


Our economy is sound, unemployment is falling and Kevin Rudd with his very accomplished front bench have been hyperactive since they were elected and led the rest of the world in saving our employment and living standards from the recession. We hardly felt it but, do we give the Government credit?  Not according to the Murdoch Polls.


When Howard was stuffing up the worker’s lives, the very same media that is assassinating the best Prime Minister in my living memory, their cronies falsely exhibit wonder at how such a popular person could lose so much respect in such a short time!!! Bloody hypocrites, they were all in it and paid to do so.


Unregulated media definitely elects governments but, only in “democracies” and then, only because we let them. 


God Bless Australia and may our young voters remember that it was Labor’s Gough Whitlam who gave them the vote they will exercise in the near future.  NE OUBLIE.



Let us get fair dinkum. Is "worker" a Communism?

Again after 80 years I get sick and tired of the Menzies' media backed accusations against any politics but the Capitalists.  What choice did that give us? Over the years the stigma of being "Australia for Australians" became "Reds under the beds" and "McCarthyism" and "Zillions" of blatant injustices, especially in the "land of the free".

I am hoping that, with the better education of the Conservative considered  "middle to lower classes" we will hopefully see a change in the attitude of our youngsters.  The policies of the rich and powerful, in all nations so subjugated, is that you do not educate the "untermenschen" otherwise you encourage them to think and to consider what is actually happening to them and their right to enjoy the fruits of their labors.

This current attack on the Labor Party by the foreign Mining and Exploration Companies, is a perfect case of Class War which, only happens in a Sovereign Nation who has the courage of its convictions.

IMHO, Howard served his masters who did their utmost to keep him in power for those long and painful years.  During this time, the working families suffered major failures of Federal Government’s “duty of care”.  It was a situation like that which is festering now in exploited India and Pakistan.

I get the feeling that, if we can possibly throw off this foreign media attack on our independence, then maybe other nations will do the same.

An Abbott Foreign Mining vote will put us back to the 1950’s.  And Abbott will be their Prime Minister – again preventing our independence.



I am Australian and nothing Australian is alien to me.

Seditious Intention

Section 24 defined a seditious intention as [a]n intention to effect any of the following purposes:

(a) to bring the Sovereign into hatred or contempt;

(d) to excite disaffection against the Government or Constitution of the Commonwealth or against either House of the Parliament of the Commonwealth;

(f) to excite Her Majesty's subjects to attempt to procure the alteration, otherwise than by lawful means, of any matter in the Commonwealth established by law of the Commonwealth; or

(g) to promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different classes of Her Majesty's subjects so as to endanger the peace, order or good government of the Commonwealth;

Today, an "Australian" citizen and foreign mining Corporation Magnate, Andrew Forrest, addressed a reported crowd of 2000 "miners" to intimidate the Prime Minister of our country.  To blackmail, excite disaffection and to promote ill-will and hostility between different classes of Her Majesty's subjects. (All timed for that purpose).

Further - the foreign interests had the Howard “New Order” alter the traditional Sedition laws as thus:

Australia's sedition laws were amended in anti-terrorism legislation passed on 6 December 2005, updating definitions and increasing penalties.

In late 2006, the Howard government proposed plans to amend Australia's Crimes Act 1914, introducing laws that mean artists and writers may be jailed for up to seven years if their work was considered seditious or inspired sedition either deliberately or accidentally.[3] Opponents of these laws have suggested that they could be used against legitimate dissent.

In 2006, the then Australian attorney-general Philip Ruddock had rejected calls by two reports — from a Senate committee and the Australian Law Reform Commission — to limit the sedition provisions in the Anti-Terrorism Act 2005 by requiring proof of intention to cause disaffection or violence. He had also brushed aside recommendations to curtail new clauses outlawing “urging conduct” that “assists” an “organisation or country engaged in armed hostilities” against the Australian military. The new laws, inserted into the legislation December 2005, allow for the criminalization of basic expressions of political opposition, including supporting resistance to Australian military interventions, such as those in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Asia-Pacific region. [4]


COMMENT.  I accuse Andrew Forrest of Sedition under the construction of these laws and this will

be copied and sent to the Federal Labor Party representative in Eden Monaro, the Hon. Mike Kelly and has my imprimatur to use it in any way that it might help save the sovereignty of Australia.


Australia is in serious trouble not of our making.

The forked road is here - it is Australia or the rest.  NE OUBLIE.




What the Zionists claim is not what they do or have done.

As I have said before, if I want to know what the Corporation's and their Liberal representatives in parliament are thinking, I browse through the Jewish "Australian" and if I want to know how normal Journalists are writing, I go to the SMH or The Age.  But never the Daily Smellygraph.

Mostly I currently wish for a little bit of a fair go for Kevin Rudd whose courage under fire has been exemplary. I also care about the possible loss of the marvelous Labor Federal representatives, especially the cabinet.  Gillard; Swan; Tanner; Ferguson; Nicole Roxon; Tanya Pleberset and so on.  Votes for Abbott and his non-policy rabble would wipe out that entire solid group from any decision making.

However, I seem to sense a slight change in the Fairfax media (I hope) in that it doesn’t have the same vicious and spineless streak about it as does the Zionist Murdoch empire and I am hopeful that middle to lower class working families will also take notice that irresponsible and untrustworthy Abbott is waiting for the Corporation's media to get him into power - then we have gone back to the bad old days of 1950's.

For Murdoch, this is all about his power to change governments but only in democracies where his Jewish Zionist views can be thrown everywhere like confetti without any legal regulation to stop him.  He has absolute unelected power in Australia - and absolute power corrupts absolutely - as we are witnessing the Character Assassination of a man, simply because he is an experienced statesman; an academic; speaks like a professor and, most of all he wants to raise the standard of living for working Australian families.

Big deal - "he can't get his message across, but he shouldn't have the right to defend himself".  Struth.  With all of the Corporation's media against him he was forced to go to the very few unaligned domestic papers.  But that is all that the Prime Minister of our nation is allowed?

The wonderful way that the Rudd Labor Government handled the world financial meltdown has been lauded by all independent financial institutions including the IMF, OECD, and the World Bank; Wayne Swan's budget was given an Aaa rating, the highest one can get; the mining companies are enjoying massive profits; the Share Market has recovered well; Xtrata renews its contract for the very investment it claimed was in jeopardy; unemployment keeps falling and yet - Kevin Rudd lacks the knowhow to get his message across?  Fair dinkum.

The accusations leveled at him are invariably the ones that Abbott is guilty of - blame your opposition for doing what you're doing. Flip flops and indecision from a Liberal leader who has no alternative policies at all.

Like consultations. No Prime Minister, in my life time, forms and uses the Committees of all stakeholders in important issues as does Kevin Rudd.  He has been ridiculed by the shambles Coalition so many times for being too "consultative" - and now - not enough.  Fair dinkum.

So the issue now is as it always was - about the election.  The outcome of which will dictate the future of our generations and generations after them.  It will be decided on whether or not Murdoch can abuse his power and misinform voters to the point of "unelecting" Kevin Rudd by deception while installing his Liberal colleagues by default.  I "weep for my country".

In the case of the Whitlam Dismissal, the very same accusations were used against Gough by the Packer media when they claimed that “he was a traitor to his class!” Because he was intelligent, an ex-serviceman Officer and a diplomat.

So our voters haven’t learned from that should they turn on Kevin Rudd just because Murdoch wants it that way and that’s a fact.

God Bless Australia and all who stand up to the foreign Corporations.  NE OUBLIE.