Friday 10th of January 2025

proof of our lord climate...

Climate change no longer 'crap': Abbott says man makes a difference


Tony Abbott, who famously declared the "so-called settled science" of climate change to be "crap" has told environmental business leaders he is now "confident ...mankind does make a difference to climate".

In a speech to the National Business Leaders Forum on Sustainable Development in Canberra, Mr Abbott repeated his view that natural variations in the climate have been happening since the beginning of time, but added that he also believed humans have influenced recent climatic fluctuations.

"I am confident, based on the science we have, that mankind does make a difference to climate, almost certainly the impact of humans on the planet extends to climate."

He said his opposition to an emissions trading scheme was not based on climate scepticism but on an objection to Australia adopting a scheme when other countries had not.

He said he "would only accept an ETS in the unlikely event it became an established part of the world economy", advocating his alternative policy of direct government grants for emission reductions, which would involve "purchasing ... undeniable environmental improvements as well as a reduction in emissions".

Mr Abbott said he believed Kevin Rudd's "abandonment" of his carbon pollution reduction scheme was the biggest contributor to the prime minister's declining political fortunes.

the saving bejesus?...

But not long ago, say a couple of weeks ago...:

TONY ABBOTT is under pressure to justify telling students it was considerably warmer when Jesus was alive after leading scientists said his claim was wrong.

He urged year 5 and 6 pupils at an Adelaide school to be sceptical about the human contribution to climate change, saying it was an open question.


Gus: so it's not an open question anymore?... So why did that deluded man sunk Rudd's effort to tackle climate change?... So Abbott could do it himself and claim to be the saving bejesus of our times?. Idiot...

As plain as the nose on your face.

Surely no one denies that the media elects governments in so-called democracies?  Democracy is a means that allows the media to convince the electorate in any way they wish - that is freedom and the American way?

In an ancient Monarchy, as I understand it, the "Town Cryer" passed on the information that the Crown had decided - and the activists cried "foul".

Then came the much publicized American West and their profit making news and books about the supposed heroism of the corrupt and murderous Marshals. Law and order our way - yes?  Entertainment but no basis in truth.

Then we had the various governments of the world, including Russia, China and many others, who, as the government for whatever reason, wanted their message to get across without being bastardized by the foreign interests in their wealth and take-over value. China in particular survived.

A case in point would be Indonesia where the US was paying something like a penny a barrel at the well head for the Sumartran sulphur free crude oil.  I cannot remember which President decided to nationalize that resource, whether it was Sukarno or Suharto.  They may have strange names but they cared for their country, their people and their resources.  There was no following disaster as predicted,

In the current world of depleting resources that are not renewable, why should our federal Government destroy a well-conceived and sensible budget, without any genuine argument, for the demands of a foreign entity?

I truly feel sorry for the Labor government because, ignoring the political influences of the foreign media, they have done a sterling job.

The Rudd/Gillard federal Labor government has returned the Australian people to the euphoria of the “Lucky Country” and we should not allow it to be high jacked as it was in 1975.

Kevin Rudd and his very competent front bench, have weathered enormous pressure and claims tantamount to defamation or sedition, but this man and his deputy have done us all proud.

Don’t let their efforts, always for the benefit of the Australian people, to go wasted. God Bless Australia and demand freedom from the foreigners.  NE OUBLIE.

As the respected old Senator in the US, Senator Byrd once said  "I weep for my country".