Sunday 9th of March 2025

just gotta luuv those secret police .....

just gotta luuv those secret police .....

If a Jewish state were run by the secret police, Israelis could disappear without a trace. No contact with lawyers. Court-ordered muzzles on broadcast and print news media.

If a Jewish state were run by the secret police, there were be gag orders forbidding journalists to write even of the existence of the gag orders.

Thank God such a thing couldn't happen here.

If a Jewish state were run by the secret police, its agents would meet Spain's most prominent clown on his arrival at the airport. They would confiscate his passport, interrogate him on and off for six hours, and tell the Interior Ministry to order him expelled without entry.

Thank God such a thing wouldn't happen anywhere.

Because if the secret police ran the Jewish state, it would also run - and run with - the Interior Ministry. Which, in turn, would undermine and overrule the Foreign Ministry and even the Prime Minister's Office, changing the course of Israel's international diplomacy, its global public relations, and its relationship with Washington.

And because if the secret police ran the Jewish state, any and every move could be explained in two words and never more than two. Security reasons.

Moreover, if a Jewish state were run by the secret police, the chief of the secret police would hold an effective veto over the resumption and the substance of peace talks with the Palestinians, or over such issues as easing a crippling embargo on every one of Gaza's million and a half people.

No way we would let that happen here.

Or, if the defense ministry of the Jewish state were run by a furtive autocrat, in close cooperation with the secret police, the army might decide to bypass decisions of the High Court of Justice on such issues as the West Bank barrier or highway use by Palestinian motorists - thus gutting the court, and the separation of powers, of meaning.

And if, by some twist of fate, the Jewish state were run by the secret police, we would, all of us, be in danger of becoming Prisoners of Zion, our movements monitored and curtailed, our freedoms of the press, of free assembly, of due process, of religious expression, all placed in doubt.

We can only thank our lucky stars that none of this can ever befall us.

Enough of this fantasizing for one morning. Time to get back to work.

Time to grab a cup of coffee and leaf through the gag orders.

If The Secret Police Ran A Jewish State


Simplistic but there has to be a logical reason.

The more I read about the history of the Hebrews from "independent" scribes, the more I am convinced that the hatred they seem to inspire only began after they conquered Canaan and made it their chosen home.

From that it is recorded that they negotiated with the Elders of Zion which arguably created the Protocols. I cannot imagine why that religious group had the power to demand negotiation from the conquers.  What did they promise?

As far as I can determine, no reason for that victory for the Zionists is explained or even acknowledged in Hebrew history that I have read.

Somewhere and somehow, the perceived or real persecution of the Hebrew/Canaanites took root in the minds of a race of people who seem only to have originated as an entity at that time?

What I am trying to say is that I can easily believe that the uncivilized and unconscionable cruelty of the Zionists may have been sparked by the Hebrews being offended by the lack of respect of the lesser peoples of their time.

This would mean to me that the Zionists are and have been the controlling body in the International Jewish organizations.

Their ability to organize the US involvement in WW 1 - their declaration of war against Germany in 1933 - their deal with Hitler to persecute German Jews to force them into what was then Palestine.  From where does this power over a people come from?

I believe that the biggest resentment against Jewish people is in their value of citizenship.  With the current affairs of the Zionist's in occupied Palestine and their apparent acceptance of the Nazi principles, even their original Swastika, seems to indicate a dispute between one and the other as to superiority.

I do not believe that the ordinary Jewish people throughout the world are individually responsible for the actions of their governing bodies in the US and occupied Palestine.  But where is their loyalty?

Germans; Italians; and Japanese were placed in "concentration camps" in the US because of security fears borne of the fact that the loyalty of those people - even with American citizenship - was doubtful. 

How does that apply to the Hebrews - it doesn't. They had the best of all worlds in that they, even as a race and religion could not be reasonably considered as an enemy "nation".  They were not and still are not a legal nation.

So, I assume that the Zionists are technically a rogue organization of Jewish origin that only allows the richest and most powerful to become privy to their universal financial/power objectives.  And ordinary people of Jewish origin are burdened by the actions of secret power bases that care not of the welfare of the "Diaspora" Jews.

People are judged by the company they keep. God Bless Australia. NE OUBLIE.