Sunday 9th of March 2025

the end is nigh .....

the end is nigh .....

From all the uproar, you would think that the government's new super tax on the resource companies was the greatest moral challenge of our generation. To coin a phrase.

The miners want us to believe they face a disaster of biblical proportions. There would be floods, fire and famine, earthquakes and plague, the veil of the temple rent in twain, widows and orphans begging in the streets, the horsemen of the Apocalypse thundering by.

The Queensland magnate Clive Palmer, a billionaire who is fifth on the BRW magazine rich list, says the Rudd government is worse than you get in Communist China or the old Soviet Union. He is threatening to take himself off to Indonesia. This might not be a major blow. Palmer has not actually mined anything in Australia yet, although he keeps promising to.

But it would be a sad loss to our democracy. He was the country's biggest political donor last year, forking out $865,000, mostly to the Tories. Federally, the Liberal Party got $400,000 from him, and the National Liberal Party in Queensland, which he seems to run as a privately owned subsidiary, got $280,000.

Andrew ''Twiggy'' Forrest, the West Australian mining tsar richer even than Palmer, says Kevin Rudd has not told the truth. It's ''a nationalisation of 40 per cent of the mining industry and the next step towards where the despotic economies go when they start nationalising industry'', he spluttered on Thursday. Whatever that might mean.

With leaden inevitability, The Australian - also owned by a billionaire - had a fit of hysterics with a story claiming that Rio Tinto had ''shelved plans to spend $11 billion expanding its massive iron ore operations in Western Australia because of the wave of uncertainty'' sparked by the tax.

That was a total fabrication. Mindful of the share price, Rio Tinto hastily trundled out a flack to say that nothing had been shelved and that no decision had been made on expansion in the Pilbara.

There will be more panicky billionaires in coming weeks. Best to ignore them.

Mike Carlton

This subject is too important to ignore.

My complaint of continually arguing that the media in post Howard Australia has become the unelected governing power seems to be festering again.  Shades of 1975.

Firstly, I notice that the Conservative News Ltd and all of it's State representatives, have been instructed to impose a different Federal Government on us by stealth, lies and misinformation.

Another "Dismissal"?  Given that that option was raised by Jolly Joe then he may not be aware that after 1975 when the Governor General imposed the government of Malcolm Fraser - he  immediately legislated to stop a repeat of such gutter tactics by forbidding the refusal of Supply - to protect himself?  Or am I wrong?

The unfortunate situation in Australia is that ALL of the media outlets (including the ABC) are now controlled by primarily the foreign owned Murdochracy.

The Australian attitude of Mike Carlton is swamped by the lies and misinformation of the Murdoch minions who should be named and shamed - IMHO Barry Cassidy; Fran Kelly; Chris Urlman; Piers Ackerman; Malcolm Farr; Andrew Bolt; Gerard Henderson and lesser identities in other states.  It is a nation-wide complex of Corporation rule.

At the moment, the accusations against the Australian People's government is being put without proof or reasonable interpretation, and those doing so are not informing the public to whom they owe their existence.  Their obligation to truth or proof or otherwise is simply gone due to the fact that Murdoch owns them all. 

There are so many warnings in history that all of us should be concerned.  The Mudochracy has even  played the "gender war" card - simply to destabilize.  Julia strikes me as too smart for them.

We are told that every single thing that the Rudd government has done, suggested or planned is contrary to the National Interests of the Australian people.  Give us a break!

We elected a Government of the People to rid the excesses and slavish behavior of the Howard "New Order" - so far they have performed admirably but, if the dissatisfied want a return to the "Workchoices" then that will be the banner AFTER the Liberals (heaven forbid) are elected.

Right and wrong; good and bad; black and white - if only the voting public realized the enormous gap between the haves and have not’s - no conservative government would be elected in Australia.

I recommend that from now on, people substitute "the Labor or Rudd government" with the "Australian people" in anything they read from Murdoch or his trained clowns.  Not including Paul Kelly.  Because, that is the heart of this dispute. 

If we still have any doubt as to the overriding power of News Ltd, consider the change in the "Australian" newspoll since Murdoch made up his mind as to who he would "crown"?  Consider that the "Mad Monk" is almost persona non grata and the Liberal election machine is, in fact, the media.

 In America I believe there are some media outlets that are inclined to support the Democrats but they are few and far between.

We are indeed at the crossroads of independent responsible information or subservience to the "powers that be" who undeniably have the Australian public confused and on the back foot.

If the News Ltd. continues their dictation of what the public should or will know is what they decide, then this nation could be another Thailand within three years.

Any government in this day and age who takes on the "powers that be" can only have one objective, the welfare of the people who are being exploited.  Think about it.  Who benefits from the Rudd/Gillard policies?  And who opposes them at every opportunity?

God Bless Australia and let us try to create an Australian source of information without foreign control.  Our small tourist towns have them, why shouldn’t we?  NE OUBLIE.