Thursday 9th of January 2025

no laughing matter...

no laughing matter

From the BBC

The police say they have identified 15 more suspects - using British, French, Irish and Australian documents - over the killing, taking the total to 26.

Mr Rudd said Canberra would retaliate against any country found to be involved in forging its passports.

He said that Australia would first try to establish the facts, but that this was not "a minor matter."

read more at the BBC


diplomatic surmise...

Australia has summoned the Israeli ambassador to explain the use of Australian passports by three suspects in the killing of a senior Palestinian.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said Canberra would "not be silent on the matter".

Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a senior member of the Palestinian militant group Hamas who helped supply arms to the Gaza Strip, was killed in Dubai in January.

Police in Dubai earlier said they had identified 15 more suspects in the killing, taking the total to 26.

read more at the BBC


Surmise of diplomatic friends?... Meanwhile a grave murder has been committed but somehow omitted from mention by the powers whose passport were used to commit a crime. "Please do the crime but do not use our passports please."...

hot fakes from the factory...

A former Mossad officer has alleged the Israeli spy agency has its own "passport factory" to create or doctor passports for use in intelligence operations.

Relations between Australia and Israel are under strain after three Australian passports were apparently used by suspects in the killing of top Hamas leader Mahmoud Al Mabhouh in Dubai last month.

Dubai police say they are 99 per cent sure Mossad was behind the operation to smother Mabhouh with a pillow in his hotel room.

Victor Ostrovsky, a case officer at Mossad for several years in the 1980s, says he has no doubt Australian passports have been forged or fraudulently used for similar operations in the past.

"They need passports because you can't go around with an Israeli passport, not even a forged one, and get away or get involved with people from the Arab world," he said.

"They'll shy away right away. So most of these [Mossad] operations are carried out on what's called false flag, which means you pretend to be of another country which is less belligerent to those countries that you're trying to recruit from.

"If they can obtain blank passports, which they have in the past from Canada, from England, they do. If not, they just manufacture them."

see toon at top... And I'm sure Mossad is not the only spy org with a hot press...

So - what's in a word?

I agree completely with your statement viz: "Please do the crime but do not use our passports please."

What’s in a word.

Everyone knows that you can change the implication of a sentence with the alteration of just one word.

Example: “ Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a senior member of the Palestinian militant group Hamas who helped supply arms to the Gaza Strip, was killed in Dubai in January.” (Why not murdered?)

In your article Gus, the murder of a Palestinian citizen in an independent country is semi-justified by the words “a senior member of the Palestinian MILITANT group Hamas WHO HELPED SUPPLY ARMS TO THE GAZA STRIP……

Surely this is almost justifying the crime? What are the murderers called?

He is a MILITANT – not a resistance fighter?  Not a defender of his homeland, his people and their just rights to exist?  Not one who helped his people to have some means to at least oppose the Jewish revolution in Palestine and the subsequent foreign Jewish invasion.

And to use the Gaza Holocaust to imply wrongdoing by the Palestinians is a bit rich.

I become tired of the US, UK, and Zionist lies regarding the true issue of Palestine with which the GOYIM have failed to come to terms.

And I still wonder WHY?

God Bless Australia and may we return to the values of right and wrong – no matter who is involved.




we should be ashamed .....

Australia - otherwise known as Apartheid Australia because of its horrific race-based laws against Indigenous Australians - is a "good friend" of the race-based state known to the civilized world as Apartheid Israel.

However the recent Israeli use of 3 forged Australian passports to murder a Hamas official in Dubai has excited great anger in the extreme right wing, pro-war, pro-Zionist Australian Government. The pro-Zionist UK Government has similarly reacted angrily to the Israeli use of forged British passports to commit a terrorist outrage in Dubai .

This is a particularly sore point with pro-Zionist Australia and pro-Zionist Britain for which "border security" is a passionate obsession. Thus while Apartheid Australia and neo-imperialist Britain are happy to invade and devastate other countries (notably Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan) they are desperate to control entry into their Home Territories of any of the 20 million Muslim refugees they have helped engender in US Alliance Asian wars (the breakdown being 7 million Palestinian refugees, 5-6 million Iraqi refugees, 3-4 million Afghan Refugees plus a further 2.5 million Pashtun refugees from NW Pakistan due to US war policies).

The neo-con- and Zionist-beholden Australian, UK and Western Mainstream media and politician version of the history of Zionist colonization of Palestine (Jewish "right" to colonize Palestine, Jewish David versus Arab Goliath, Israeli self-defence versus Arab terrorism, Jewish Holocaust-conferred Israeli "right" to ignore International Law, UN Conventions, ICJ judgements and UN Resolutions ) has become the "standard received version" .

meanwhile ..... while our Kevin fulminates about a couple of forged passports .....

Israel approves the building of 600 new homes in East Jerusalem (Al-Quds), the latest in a series of projects Tel Aviv has given the go-ahead to despite a 10-month construction freeze.

The new housing units are planned to be erected near Pisgat Zeev, one of a dozen Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem (Al-Quds), and the Palestinian neighbourhood of Shuafat.

The number was scaled back to 600 from the original 1,100 after it came into light that much of the land was owned privately by Palestinians, the Israeli daily Ha'aretz reported.

The news follows demolition orders delivered earlier in the week to families living in two homes in the adjacent Palestinian neighbourhood of Beit Hanina and eight other families in Silwan.


The present attitude of the zionists — unfortunately supported by a majority of morderate jews — is that of their former nemesis Julius Cesar ""Veni, vidi, vici"" — which loosely translate in Yiddish as "Gonna, goggla, schtickaschitck". On a serious note, I know some "moderate decent" jews who think that they won the "6 days war" and tough luck to the loosers. The new conquerors can do as they please with the spoils and no-one is going to stop them "as this is part of the Israeli survival". Of course this is a lot of bull-schtick... But our masters in politcaldom in the western world still bend the knees in front of money, the god of spending grease, itself being mostly in the pocket of the schtickomen... see toon at top.

stolen identities....

British police officers are in Israel to investigate the use of fake British passports by suspects in the killing of a Hamas leader in Dubai.

They will interview six British-Israeli nationals whose identities were stolen by the suspected killers.

The officers said the men were being treated as potential witnesses to a crime and not as suspects.

It is widely believed Israel's secret service, Mossad, killed Mahmoud al-Mabouh in a Dubai hotel last month.

Israel has declined to confirm or deny that it was responsible.


meanwhile at Aussieland Central:

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has criticised the Israeli embassy's explanation about how Australian passports were used in a murder plot.

The passports of three Australians living in Israel were allegedly used by suspects in the murder of top Hamas operative Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.

Mr Rudd says Foreign Minister Stephen Smith met with the Israeli ambassador yesterday, but that the explanation he gave for the identity scandal was not satisfactory.

But Mr Rudd failed to answer questions about why Australians caught up in the affair have not yet been contacted by Australian officials.

"I wish to tread very carefully with the security and intelligence matters which arise in relation to each of the individuals and families concerned with this matter," he said.


not pointing a finger yet...

AUSTRALIA has softened its traditionally staunch support for Israel in the United Nations but denied it was linked to tensions over the country's apparent use of forged Australian passports in an assassination in Dubai.

At a vote in the UN General Assembly - where Australia has been one of Israel's strongest supporters - the government abstained from a resolution demanding that Israel and the Palestinians investigate possible war crimes during the assault on Gaza that Israel began in December 2008.

Three months ago, Australia voted against a similar resolution which sought to endorse the Goldstone report - a UN-sponsored paper which accused Israel and Hamas of war crimes.

The Foreign Affairs Minister, Stephen Smith, said yesterday that the change was not related to the passport scandal and that Australia abstained because the latest resolution did not specifically endorse the Goldstone report.

''Our vote on the resolution was neither determined nor influenced by recent events,'' he said. ''The Australian government always considers UN resolutions on a case-by-case basis and on their merits. Australia abstained on this resolution because, unlike previous resolutions, it did not endorse the Goldstone report.''

Six other countries also changed their votes, including Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. Some countries, such as Britain, France and New Zealand, shifted from abstention to support. Others, such as the United States and Canada, voted against both resolutions.


see toon at top

Well might we say.....

Good one John!


IMHO it would be somewhat disingenuous for people like myself to try and maintain a “holier than thou” obsession with right and wrong while supporting a government of our people which is yet to correct (if they intend to do so) the shameful behavior of the US puppets - the Howard “New Order” and the tragic Bush administration.

We Australians, as a nation, have not learned a damn thing from history.

Of course we are fed Bushit (Gus) but so are the opposing nations – so, not only does the “free” media control the information fed to the people but it supports the stupid government which brought about the conflict – and probably elected it!

Indeed we should be ashamed John – and I for one still feel that way.

After WW I, the unbelievably stupid war of the pride of Monarchies - (the war to end all wars) and the ignorance of the “democratic governments” to stop that absolute waste of resources and to draw civilians into battle for the first time.  

We followed it with the confrontation of the US with Japan - while the rest of the world was trying to deal with the Nazi invasions in Europe -was it a calculated provocation?

So, like the "Jesus Christ" Woodrow Wilson in 1917 - then, the attack on Hawaii, with the US fleet (the power behind the US threat) and the entire (but two) assembly of the US air force in one convenient group – should make one wonder at the most powerful nation in the world and the absence of the basic rule of “don’t hold a gun to my head unless you intend to use it”.

The continuation of the blockade of the Japanese by the US is now a sad reminder that politicians don’t go to war themselves.

And as Eisenhower said inter alia at his retirement….

This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence – economic, political, even spiritual – is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government.  We recognize the imperative need for this development.  Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications.  Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society”. Emphasis added.

Yes John I am ashamed – at the unnecessary Menzies’ “ballot of death” for the Vietnam War – for Howard’s boast that Australia’s SAS were in Iraq and killing Iraqis before the illegal invasion.

Possibly since the beginning of the 20th Century, the US has been totally involved with major and minor world wide wars of choice – was Eisenhower right?

So I ask John – can you name for me even one nation that is true and totally democratic?

God Bless Australia and are we worthy of a democratic independence that we falsely believe we already have?  NE OUBLIE.



special friends .....

The Australian government is far from satisfied with the response so far from Israel on the alleged use of Australian passports by a Mossad death squad.

In an interview with the Herald, a restrained Kevin Rudd said no more information had been forthcoming since Australia first protested last week.

''There is a way to go yet with our friends in Israel to resolving these matters to the satisfaction of the Australian government,'' the Prime Minister said.

''We continue to be in contact with them. We'll continue to work with our friends in Israel through multiple agencies and at the political level as well.''

The government sent three federal police officers to investigate claims that three members of a 26-member Israeli hit squad used passports based on stolen identities of three Australians in the assassination of a Hamas leader, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, in a Dubai hotel. Australia has complained at a diplomatic level of a violation of its sovereignty and its passport system. It is understood Mr Rudd has also become involved.

The facts Israel has not bothered to deny the allegations and has form with Mossad using stolen passport identities have left little doubt in government and security circles that its state secret service was the culprit.

all point to... Israel...

A fourth Australian has been named as a suspect in the assassination of a Palestinian militant in a Dubai hotel room in January.

Dubai police last week revealed a 27th suspect in the team of assassins it believed was responsible for killing Hamas commander Mahmoud Al Mabhouh.

More than half those identified share names with Israeli citizens with dual nationality.

Now, Interpol has released details of most of the suspects on its website and has named the latest suspect as Joshua Aaron Krycer.

The real Joshua Krycer apparently lives in Jerusalem and moved to Israel from Australia a few years ago.

A 2006 online newsletter of the Zionist Federation of Australia contains a photograph of Joshua Krycer.


Meanwhile, the press:

Media Watch


see toon at top.

killer bad taste...

An Israeli supermarket chain is using a spoof of surveillance footage showing the alleged assassins of a Hamas commander in a television advert.

The advert's fake grainy surveillance footage shows actors wearing elaborate disguises.

Dubai police released footage they said showed the assassins of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, some dressed for tennis, as they followed him through his hotel.

Israeli's secret service is widely suspected of being behind the killing.

But the government says there is not enough proof that its agents were involved.

In the advert for Mahsanei Kimat Hinam shops, disguised customers prowl the supermarket's aisles and an actress wearing a wide-brimmed hat says she: "cannot admit to anything". The final line is: "We offer killer prices".