Thursday 9th of January 2025

healthcare for some...


from the BBC

A day-long televised healthcare summit in Washington hosted by President Barack Obama has ended without a deal to break the deadlock between parties.

Mr Obama outlined his reform plan but Republicans said it was not acceptable and called for a fresh start.

The president and his allies want to expand health coverage to include millions of uninsured Americans.

Republican Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell said he was "discouraged by the outcome" of the summit.

He said it was "pretty clear" that Democrats and Mr Obama wanted to revive the healthcare bill passed by the Senate last December but now stalled in Congress.

read more at the BBC

conservative, when it lines thy pockets...

But the issue [Health Care] has become a rallying standard for conservatives, who say Mr Obama is bent on introducing European-style big government.


Gus: AH AH AHA HA!... Are these guys serious? Afraid of "Big Government"? The US has the BIGGEST government interfering with the rest of the world, the BIGGEST government armament budget in the world, the BIGGEST MONEY printing presses in the world... The BIGGEST etc.. AH AH AHA HA!....