Thursday 9th of January 2025

chugga chugga...


Speaking to the Herald after announcing his plan on Thursday night for a permanent environmental workforce of 15,000, Mr Abbott said he would work out the details in conversation with green groups.

When asked how much an employee could expect to earn in the green army, Mr Abbott cited current standards for trainees and minimum wage-earners '' from $12,000 to $26,000''.

''The minimum award wage I think is about $28,000,'' Mr Abbott said. ''So some of them would be on, I presume, trainee wages, some of them would be on close to minimum award wages, some would be on higher wages, which is why I said up to $50,000 a head.

''It would depend very much on the proposals that we got from the organisations, organisations like Conservation Volunteers Australia and Greening Australia. They are used to deploying environmental work-forces and they would give us a lot of guidance on this.

''The pay would depend upon the position. But it would never be anything other than the standard pay for that kind of a position.''

In his speech, Mr Abbott said employees in the green army, which would tackle problems such as deforestation, noxious weeds and pests, would likely cost an average of $50,000 each.


Abbott's climate policy to contain 'ideas'

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has indicated his much-anticipated climate change policy will contain concepts and ideas rather than "exhaustive detail".


For someone who does not believe in global warming, Abbott does a good impression of a pedalling greenie in a hat... Pity, it's all for show — it does not add up in his party of rabid right liberals...


In a move reminiscent of John Howard’s “headland” speeches ahead of his successful 1996 campaign, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott last night delivered the first of his direction statements ahead of this year’s poll. And he adopted a decidedly green hue, saying it was time to scotch the misnomer that conservatives could not be good environmentalists.