Wednesday 8th of January 2025

power spruik...


From Senator Minchin website:

"Ensuring energy security is one of the great challenges we face as a nation, but it also presents exciting new opportunities across the energy sector including in the field of renewable energy.

"My home state of South Australia is playing an important role in this regard, with the development of geothermal energy as a potential source of base load power generation," Senator Minchin said.

"The resources and energy sector plays an important role in our economy and in supporting jobs and communities in rural and regional areas.

"I look forward to working with the sector to ensure that we capitalise on the economic and social opportunities provided by Australia’s abundant resources and to also help secure our energy future."


Isn't it beautiful spruiking?... "The great challenges we face as a nation"... revelations of the "exciting opportunities in the field of renewable energy" and "geothermal energy", as South Australia has some possibility there... and the whole spiel seems reasonable enough: "capitalisation of", "social opportunities" and "security of"... It brings tears of guilt to my cartooning eyes... How can I be so hearless as not to trust such polished offerings...? Why do I sense a vision plodding along from the 1950s, with odors of impeccable old suits laced with mothballs and hanging in the kauri wardrobes of sleepy country towns...? Why oh why?... The over-waxed polished termite-ridden floor planks? No mention of global warming?

Have I seen that speech before, twenty years ago...? Or the same words — in the same order...?

seniors club...

from the Herald Sun


Conservative powerbroker Nick Minchin takes on responsibility for resources and energy, while Eric Abetz - another Abbott backer - becomes shadow employment and workplace minister.

Abbott supporter Sophie Mirabella will go into shadow cabinet, taking responsibility for industry and innovation.

Mr Abbott defended Ms Bishop's appointment as seniors spokeswoman despite the kerosene baths controversy in 2000.

Residents at Melbourne's Riverside private nursing home suffered blistering after being bathed in a weak kerosene solution as a cure for scabies.

"In working with seniors she will be one of them as well as someone who is working for them," Mr Abbott said.


Abbott's flog'em bath'em gang, still smelling of Rattus oil...

wishing him well...

Liberal Party conservative powerbroker and Senate leader Nick Minchin has announced he will resign from politics at the next election.

Senator Minchin said today he would not be a candidate for preselection for the South Australian Liberal Party Senate ticket, which will be determined on April 30.

Recent events involving his immediate family have been a factor in his decision, he said in a statement.

It is believed he was referring to the need to care for his son, Oliver Minchin, who sustained shocking injuries while on a Defence training exercise in February.


Gus: over the years, we've bagged Senator Minchin for his bad political stances... Under the circumstance of his departure, we only can wish him well and wish his son the best recovery possible. Meanwhile may Senator Minchihn realise that global warming is a reality that we, humans, have created at this point in geological time and that we have to deal with it, and that workers do not need to be hit with a basebal bat.

Tell me I am dreaming...