Thursday 9th of January 2025

Of coffee, wine and cheese parties, coca cola and sex…


Of coffee, cheese and wine parties, coca cola and sex…

These events explain the great Coca Cola scare in Belgium in the second week of June 1999, when forty-three schoolgirls mysteriously became ill after drinking Coke products. In its slow reluctant reaction to this news, Coke followed the example of Perrier in a similar case in 1990, when the French company was slow to recall batches of its mineral water containing traces of benzene.

Coke tested its products and found no health problem, but other people across Belgium and then France reported illnesses. A week after the first reported illnesses, 101 people reported being ill. Some were admitted to hospitals for “hemolysis” or “excessive dissolution of red blood cells”.

As reactions spread across Europe, the next week 249 more people claimed to be sick, and Coke realised it had a big problem on its hands. Three weeks into the crisis, Coca-Cola CEO flew from Atlanta to Europe, closed the bottling plants in Belgium, and announced that the cause of the reactions had been found: an inferior kind of carbon dioxide used to produce bubbles in Coke had inadvertently created a smell of rotten eggs. In addition, creosote on some wooden pallets had gotten on some cans. Evidently, the victims had smelled rotten eggs or creosote while drinking Coke and concluded that they had ingested something rotten.

Although no microbial infection was ever discovered, Coca-Cola suffered a public relations disaster because Europeans perceived the problem as one of trust, not of evidence.

From Designer Food: Mutant Harvest Or Breadbasket of the World?
By Gregory E. Pence
In chapter:


Creosote is a mix of various chemicals:

Aromatic hydrocarbons Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), alkylated PAHs, benzenes, toluenes, ethylbenzenes, xylenes (BTEX), tar acids / phenolics Phenols, cresols, xylenols and naphthols being the main ones…

There is two major kinds of creosotes, those from hydrocarbon/petroleum processes and those from wood burning.

Another source published in 1976 discretely suggested that CREOSOTE was one of the secret ingredients in Coke. I don’t know. It could have been since the invention of Coca Cola. Creosote has been used in various ways, including as an antiseptic, way before the invention of the famous drink.

Creosotes from hydrocarbons are used in the preservation of woods, especially those timbers driven in soil such as fence posts and those immersed in water such as in timber jetties. It was discovered that these creosotes are strong cancer inducing substances. These days, many timber exposed to the elements are treated with arsenic — with colour added to let the public know the timber is thus poisonous. The improvements we do…

Creosotes from wood burning are used in food preservation such as in smoking fish and meat. Various artificially made “natural” products help the use of creosotes in a cold manner to cure fish such as salmon. Too often, too much of the substitute product is used and this gives a bitter taste to the food. The Danes thus export (dump) some of their dud bitter smoked Danish salmons from Chile (the Danes own most of the salmon production in Chile) to Australia where it is sold bargain cheap in supermakets. The poor people can afford smoked salmon. Yoohoo !

But in Coca Cola, the “secret” ingredient woud be used in very very minute quantity as not to appear obvious. The sugars would also soften the unique attractive taste in low quantity and make it more palatable as well as addictive. I don’t know. 

It is most likely that there are creosotes in coffee, or in any drinks or foods that use burning, toasting and roasting. Creosotes contain “aromatics” that give pleasant or edgy smells. One of the main manufacturers of such tastes and smell is IFF. If my record is correct, IFF can make glorious chicken-taste by burning onions.

What could have happened in Belgium is that the local maker of Coke let far more secret creosote in the mix, giving it a rather nasty taste. This extra creosote also interfered with the CO2 bubble making process. In the carbonation of water, bottlers often add small amounts of table salt, sodium citrate, sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, potassium citrate, potassium sulfate and disodium phosphate in minute quatities. Add too much of these salts, to counter the burnt taste of the creosote, and they could release hydrogen sulfide (H2S) which smells like a sewer gas. This is my theory. Only the makers of Coke really know what happened, but I can guess that creosoted wooden pallets had not much to do with the 1999 Belgium problem.

In 17th century Europe, English women complained that coffee had a bad influence on “their’ men who tended to become idle, drinking coffee all day long and “in conversation” with other men rather than do any work or pay attention to the ladies. The French women complained that coffee made men less enthusiastic about sex. There was no truth to this latter claim, considering that some men were still bi-sexual, or indulged in masculine love, even platonic love like the English men “in coversation” — a situation with a bit of buggery which was at times alternatively tolerated or was rejected by law, but regarded as a sin by the church.

Modern life comes in… and people are still interested in sex. Sex is everywhere. Women powder, make-up and pluck to make themselves attractive. There is sexy look galore, except in the Muslim women who dress with a tent as not to tempt the males. In our Western societies, sex sells and is sold, though not so much for pro-creation, contrarily to what the “old man in the clouds intended”. A lot of what we do is “sexy” oriented from advertising to magazines and porn. 

But Europe like Australia suffers from population decline by not procreating enough. This lack of procreation can be masked by immigration and all the problem this import entails, not so much through “racism” but in “culturalism”, including having Muslim women using tents for clothing in the middle of the capital of fashion, Paris. Immigration can change the idea of whom we are but can eventually improve the plain english sausage with spicy delicacies. On the Aussie barbecue, more creosotes would be created and consumed, with the chef(a male)’s special secret BBQ sauce. 

Presently, some European countries are launching sex drives, such as Denmark and Spain, inviting people to make more babies, like our own Costello did a few years ago. Remember? “Get under the doonah, Please. Action.”

Drinking alcohol has more effect than coffee on people’s behaviour, including diming their sex drive,  though some males can become like brutes, while others just vanish in their own mind or go blotto. Many other “recreational” drugs are useless as they twist comprehension beyond consciousness in often dangerous manners. People die. Thus we need more traditional cheese and wine parties. They are a hoot… as seen in that cartoon of Hagar the Horrible. 

So what is the prognosis? Many intelligent people propose the idea that there is an overpopulation of humans on this little planet. This overpopulation is achieved irregularly by mostly the poor and the uneducated breeding more than the “clever” people. This could be seen as a major problem. But one has to ask what is the purpose of humans on the planet: consume products. 

Considering that all the philosophical discourses have been replaced by women’s magazines promoting glam, royalties and movie stars to dazzle the average girls waiting forever for their own price charming, shouldn’t we help the ugly and lazy single girls to be the procreator of more of us, so we can consume more Coke and drive self-driving cars? 

Education would of course have to be basic. No need for creating more Einstein. The lazy brats would consume, become fat and die of whatever fat diseases, including diabetes. No need for expensive hospitals and health management, except for the rich who want to live a bit longer and enjoy their toys of luxury.

Shouldn’t we supply these ugly and single women with an official alternative regular dose of valium and excitants to help them survive long enough for the brats to become breeders themselves?

Good question. This would address the need for immigration. Considering that 40 per cent of us will be replaced by robots in 2030, we need more lazy people to buy the products made by the robots. The robots might otherwise become unemployed and revolt. 

Where will this proposal of deliberate dumbing down of our social structures take us to, who knows, but who cares as long as we burn more fossil fuels, watch crazy TV and fart while buying more and more plastic gadgets in 3D. 

It was said that the Roman Empire fell because people had become lazy and had lost the drive to fight. So we need to find a new balance: young men should be sent to war and die, after having impregnated the young girls, the state should provide minimum societal support to the one parent families, by printing cash for Coke and hamburgers, and the robots will be happy, now drinking creosote by the truck loads, while making more weaponry. Welcome to the future.

Yep, could not get better than this…

Crazy Gus

Cartoon at top from Hagar's swordid history N0. 3.

breeding more people to prevent an AI takeover...

birds and the bees bus in spain...birds and the bees bus in spain...
Artificial intelligence has the capability to transform the world - but not necessarily for the better. A group of scientists gathered to discuss doomsday scenarios, addressing the possibility that AI could become a serious threat.

The event, 'Great Debate: The Future of Artificial Intelligence - Who's in Control?', took place at Arizona State University (ASU) over the weekend.

"Like any new technology, artificial intelligence holds great promise to help humans shape their future, and it also holds great danger in that it could eventually lead to the rise of machines over humanity, according to some futurists. So which course will it be for AI and what can be done now to help shape its trajectory?" ASU wrote in a press release. 

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the irish solution...

Excavations at the site of a former Catholic home for unwed mothers, their children, and orphans in Ireland have uncovered “significant quantities” of human remains buried on the grounds.

An investigation was launched after reports surfaced in 2014 of a mass grave on the grounds of the former ‘mother and baby’ home in Tuam, Co Galway.

Excavations carried out between November 2016 and February 2017 uncovered two large structures hidden underground at the former home in the west of Ireland – one apparently a large sewage tank filled with rubble, while the second contained 20 chambers.

“Significant quantities of human remains have been discovered in at least 17 of the 20 underground chambers which were examined,” The Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation said in a statement Friday.

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sex education...

Children will be taught about healthy adult relationships from the age of four, with sex education made compulsory in all secondary schools, though faith schools will still be allowed to teach “in accordance with the tenets of their faith”, the government has announced.

Politicians and charities welcomed the radical overhaul of sex and relationship education but some secular campaigners expressed concern about the opt-outs that could be available for faith schools, saying the government needed to ensure some pupils were not left vulnerable.

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an isolated incident...

Police are investigating how faeces ended up in the cans, which arrive at the plant without tops on. The cans are filled with the beverage on site before being sealed and sold across Northern Ireland.

Coca-Cola confirmed there was an incident involving empty cans at the plant, but said it was an “isolated incident” and did not affect products on sale.

READ MORE: French Coca-Cola workers discover $56mn worth of cocaine in shipment 

“Coca-Cola takes the safety and quality of our products extremely seriously...We are treating this matter extremely seriously and are conducting a thorough investigation in co-operation with the PSNI (Northern Ireland police),” it said in a statement to The Journal.

The Food Standard Agency said it was aware of the contamination but noted that there was no evidence to suggest the product had reached the market.

The local environmental health unit is also investigating the matter.

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Read from top.

artificial sweeteners ...

Diet soft drinks might not actually be better for you, as a recent study finds drinkers face a higher risk of stroke and dementia just for the taste of the real thing.

A team of scientists from Boston University School of Medicine studied nearly 4,400 adults and found those who consume one artificially-sweetened beverage (ASB) a day have three times the risk of stroke and dementia than those who consume sugar sweetened beverages (SSB), according to a study published Thursday in the American Heart Association's journal Stroke. 

The study used data provided by the Framingham Heart Study, which had the participants fill out a detailed questionnaire on their food and drink intake in the 1990s. Ten years later, scientists found that the adults who had one more diet drink a day were 2.9 times more likely to develop dementia and three times more at risk of strokes compared to those who consumed less than one a week.

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and in bad taste pepsi...


Two weeks ago, social media lit up in a fever dream of outrage. This time, because a corporation hijacked the imagery and aesthetics of resistance movements as part of a daft strategy to sell soft drink to millennials. Most disturbingly, Pepsi’s ad appropriated the imagery of the Black Lives Matter movement, ultimately trivialising police brutality, which continues to devastate black communities across the US. No doubt, as many activists have pointed out, the ad is racist as all hell – a kick in the face to anyone deeply committed to anti-racist and anti-police struggles – and deserves its mass condemnation. However I suspect that there’s another hidden, murkier reason that this ad got the left – particularly the white, woketivist left – into such a tizzy: because it draws attention to our own always-already co-opted, neutered gestures of resistance.

The ad itself is like an old Marxist professor’s dystopian nightmare: activist youth appear as soulless avatars of trendy-materialistic individualism, engaging in politically meaningless outbursts of dissent and self-empowerment. This is a world where our material manifestations of dissent – slogans, signs, marches – have become empty signifiers, devoid of content, and disconnected from any concrete struggle. It’s a world where the logics of branding and commerce are completely interwoven with all aspects of our daily lives, even our rebellions. And when we take an honest look at popular progressive actions – some of which have started to feel more like parties than protests – this world is not so dissimilar from our own.

Some of us on the progressive left earned our weekly wokeness badges by claiming we would boycott PepsiCo, even though that’s almost physically impossible. Such a boycott arguably embodies the kind of vapid activism that drove us all to such distress in the first place: it is the type of protest that’s flashy and public, where you can brand yourself as ‘doing something’ without committing to working towards substantial change. It’s been remarked that ‘protest is the new brunch’ for a newly outraged left that practices social activism by ‘gramming themselves wearing ethical paperclips and holding witty posters.’ In the individualised, entrepreneurial ethos of neoliberal capitalism, it appears that political participation has become part of our own self-realisation project.


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of booze....


Trump is no fan of alcohol
Brent D. Griffiths

  • Donald Trump will have a chance to leave a big imprint on the alcohol industry.
  • On Friday, the Biden administration moved to expand the warning on alcoholic drinks to list cancer risks.
  • Only Congress could force such a change, but how Trump will react remains to be seen.

Donald Trump once said that not drinking was "one of my only good traits." President Joe Biden, a fellow teetotaler, and his administration have left the president-elect an opportunity to leave a lasting imprint on the billion-dollar beverage industry.


US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy on Friday released a bombshell report warning that alcohol consumption can increase cancer risk. Murthy also called for an expanded warning label on all alcoholic beverages that would include cancer risk, similar to the warning label on cigarettes.

Trump's aversion to alcohol is well documented. He was once observed toasting his fellow world leaders with Diet Coke during his presidency. Trump has said that his brother Fred's struggle with addiction led him to avoid drinking and smoking entirely. Fred Trump Jr. died in 1981 at the age of 42, the result of a heart attack attributed to alcoholism.





Why life Is better without booze: A year of sobriety in Russia
The radical New Year’s resolution you didn’t know you needed
By Dmitry Samoilov



The start of a new year is the perfect time for new beginnings. We’ve all made New Year’s resolutions: cut out sugar, stop texting exes, find a better job, or finally call our parents. But let’s talk about a change that could be truly transformative: giving up alcohol.

In Russia, booze is deeply embedded in our culture. It’s expected at celebrations, a staple of socializing, and even seen as a symbol of vitality. Not drinking can make people think you’re sick, while knocking back two bottles of vodka earns admiration. But after 25 years of drinking, I decided to try a different approach: I spent this New Year’s Eve completely sober. For the first time in my adult life, I wasn’t nursing a hangover on January 1st.

A year ago, I realized I wanted to live long enough to see how the world’s unpredictable story unfolds. Alcohol, it seemed, was an obvious risk factor. It felt like it was doing more harm than good. And the data backs this up: according to the World Health Organization, the demon drink is linked to 2.4 million deaths annually, with two million of those being men. This doesn’t even include car crashes, domestic violence, and suicides triggered by alcohol.

Still, giving up booze felt like a radical idea. After all, drinking is often seen as essential for having fun and socializing. But here’s the truth I’ve discovered over the past year: life is better without it. The supposed benefits of liquor are just illusions.

Alcohol’s Place in Culture and Social Life

In Russia, alcohol is often the centerpiece of any gathering. If people are drinking, it’s a “good” event. If they’re not, it’s something to endure, like a children’s birthday party. Free time, especially during holidays, is seen as a void that must be filled with drink. Otherwise, it’s considered wasted.

But alcohol doesn’t actually create fun or social connection. It numbs the brain’s frontal lobes, lowering our inhibitions and making almost everything seem funny. This isn’t genuine enjoyment; it’s just an altered perception that comes with a price – hangovers, regret, and lost time.

The idea that alcohol helps with socializing is also a myth. If someone needs a drink to feel comfortable in a group, it’s not the booze creating connections – it’s masking a lack of social skills. And alcohol doesn’t help build those skills; it just creates an illusion of ease.

Life Without Alcohol: What Changes?

When you quit drinking, you realize just how much of life has revolved around the sauce. At first, it can feel like a loss. But as you adjust, you see that alcohol is completely unnecessary. Social ties don’t weaken–they actually become stronger and more meaningful. Your health improves, and you stop waking up with hangovers or regret. There’s no more guilt about wasted weekends or broken promises to yourself.

Without alcohol, I’ve experienced a greater clarity and sense of control over my life. I’ve also realized that fun and joy aren’t tied to drinking. Celebrations, even New Year’s Eve, can be just as festive without booze. The difference is, the next day you feel refreshed instead of drained.

A Simple Experiment for the New Year

I’m not here to preach or judge. I spent years drinking and understand the appeal. But if you’re looking to try something truly new this year, I encourage you to experiment with sobriety. Even for a short time, it can give you a different perspective on life.

What I’ve learned is simple: alcohol doesn’t improve life. If anything, it holds us back. By letting it go, you might discover a world of possibilities that were always there, just waiting for you to see them clearly.

Why not give it a shot? At the very least, it’ll be something new.








         Gus Leonisky