Thursday 16th of January 2025

bipartisanship .....

bipartisanship .....

The Anchor Baby summarizes the wingnut pushback on the unmasking of the diseased Republican base:  

The Obamedia is attempting to set yet another false narrative: The narrative of the McCain "mob." McCain-Palin rallies are out of control, they wheedle. Conservatives are mad! They're yelling mean things about Obama and calling him names! It' scaaaaary! ...  

Let's talk about "insane rage" and "violent escalation." This is insane rage -- Madonna bashing Sarah Palin and shrieking "I will kick her ass..." 

Did you see what AB just did? She went from "McCain-Palin rallies" to a Madonna concert. (Glenn Reynolds used the same tactic -- an NHL game and an Obama campaign rally are the same thing!)  

Um, since when do we hold Madonna concerts to the same standards of decorum as presidential campaign events?  

Conservatives Conflate Official McCain Events With Random Sh*t They Find On Google

blood on the banners

Candidate Banners Can Leave Clients, Businesses Bruised

By Avis Thomas-Lester
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, October 12, 2008; C01

The sign went up Sunday evening, bold black letters against the stark white background of the marquee at the Colony South Hotel & Conference Center in Clinton: "Country First. McCain/Palin."

By daybreak, pandemonium had broken loose all across heavily Democratic Prince George's County. Many local supporters of Democrat Barack Obama, jolted by the message as they headed down Branch Avenue on their Monday morning commutes, grabbed cellphones and BlackBerrys to notify friends. Operators of neighborhood e-mail group lists cried foul to their memberships. The NAACP logged calls. Community leaders demanded boycotts of the hotel, a common venue for Democratic events.

"Businesspeople have to be mindful of the sentiments and sensibilities of their market trading area, and Prince George's County is overwhelmingly for Obama," said community activist Arthur Turner of Kettering, who was among those advocating a boycott. "People I have talked to look at the sign as a slap in the face. They feel it was blatant disrespect. . . . I have heard people say they will no longer patronize Colony South because of that disrespect."