Thursday 16th of January 2025

from follywood .....

from follywood .....

I spent 23 years in the CIA. I drafted or was involved in many of the government's most senior assessments of the threats facing our country. I have devoted years to understanding and combating the jihadist threat. 

We rightly honor as heroes those who serve our nation and offer their lives to protect ours. We all 'support the troops.' Yet the first step for any commander is to understand the enemy.

The next commander in chief should base his counterterrorism policies on the following realities: 

We do not face a global jihadist 'movement' but a series of disparate ethnic and religious conflicts involving Muslim populations, each of which remains fundamentally regional in nature and almost allof which long predate the existence of al-Qaeda

Osama bin Laden and his disciples are small men and secondary threats whose shadows are made large by our fears. Al-Qaeda is the only global jihadist organization and is the only Islamic terrorist organization that targets the U.S. homeland. Al-Qaeda remains capable of striking here and is plotting from its redoubt in Waziristan, Pakistan.  

The organization, however, has only a handful of individuals capable of planning, organizing and leading a terrorist operation. Al-Qaeda threatens to use chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear weapons, but its capabilities are far inferior to its desires. Even the 'loose nuke' threat, whose consequences would be horrific, has a very low probability. For the medium term, any attack is overwhelmingly likely to consist of creative uses of conventional explosives. 

Overstating Our Fears 

meanwhile, at the Obama Christian killing machine.. Obama says bin Laden must not be a martyr ….

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Wednesday he would bring Osama bin Laden to justice in a way that wouldn't allow the terrorist mastermind to become a martyr, but he may be killed if the U.S. government finds him. 

'First of all, I think there is an executive order out on Osama bin Laden's head,' the Illinois senator said at a news conference. 'And if I'm president, and we have the opportunity to capture him, we may not be able to capture him alive.' 

But we will...

Obama Will Kill Bin Laden 

and recently he said he will kill the man after due process of law, I believe ... which is nothing new in the US camp since Clinton would kill Bin Laden with her bare hands and John McCain would kill Osama as well without asking too many questions....

But back to the top story...

double-twist and pike in cartooning...

Obama team decries cartoon image
New Yorker cartoon depicting Mr Obama as a Muslim and his wife as a terrorist
The magazine said the image "combines... fantastical images"

Barack Obama's team has decried The New Yorker magazine for a cartoon cover depicting him in traditional Muslim garb and his wife as a terrorist.

The magazine says the cartoon is intended as a satirical comment about some of the distorted right-wing attacks on the Democratic senator.

An Obama campaign spokesman said the cartoon was "tasteless and offensive".

A spokesman for John McCain, Mr Obama's Republican rival in the presidential election, also criticised the cartoon.

The image, drawn by Barry Blitt and featured on the front cover of this week's New Yorker, shows Mr Obama wearing traditional Muslim dress, while his wife, Michelle, is dressed in combat trousers and carrying a machine-gun.


see most toons here and blog truth in cartooning 

the unholy animals who claim to be Muslim...

The second-in-command of Islamic militant network al-Qaeda has called on Muslims to harm "criminal" America.

In a message purportedly from Ayman al-Zawahiri, the al-Qaeda deputy accused US President-elect Barack Obama of betraying his Muslim roots.

He likened him to a "house slave" - who had chosen to align himself with the "enemies" of Islam.

Mr Obama has said stamping out al-Qaeda "once and for all" will be a top priority during his administration.

On Sunday, he said capturing or killing Osama Bin Laden was "critical" to US security.


The only fellow who has betrayed his Muslim roots big time has long been Bin Laden.

That Bin Laden chose to follow the path of "terrorism", under claims to be more Muslim than the Pope's mule, is idiotic. To make people believe that becoming a suicide bomber will take them to Allah's banquet is viciously hypocritical. Sure the man and his merry band of bandits are dangerous, but inhumanely twisted.

And being Muslim has nothing to do with whatever even if he has brainwashed himself to believe so. He's just a sad little twerp, dangerous by his interpretation of archaic writings that have nothing to do with modern life on a small planet, presently in danger. Same goes for Bush who lied to go to war. They are delusional lower forms of animals who are taking the world for a cesspool for them to crap in, with their twisted dark imagination, fuelled by narrow-minded brainwashing.

Unfortunately people like Bin Laden and his acolytes — or Bush and his mafia — are clever at manipulating the spirit of honest gullible folks. But they are no more than common thieves, albeit dangerous and somewhat powerful. Highly unholy despite claiming being bigger than Allah's (or God's) boots. They are cursed for a long time to come, unless they stop their nasty deeds.

PEACE to the people of goodwill.

All the warring rest are unholy idiotic monsters, that, lets hope, will wake up from their self-inflicted nightmarish delusions and thus demand our forgiveness... We might be kind but weary of their forked tongues for a while.