Thursday 16th of January 2025

policy vapours .....

policy vapours .....

Turnbull pledges support for petrol tax cut plan …… 

The Opposition's Treasury spokesman, Malcolm Turnbull, has been forced to publicly declare his support for the Coalition's policy to cut petrol tax, after a damaging email leak.

It has been revealed Mr Turnbull argued against the 5 cent excise cut before it was announced in Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson's Budget reply speech. 

Mr Turnbull emailed Dr Nelson's office saying the policy was a bad idea. 

He has denied leaking the email, but has refused to comment on its content. 

'We all support the policy,' he said.

leaky transfusion....

Trail of blood leads to Turnbull

Paul Sheehan
September 29, 2008

I spent last week following a trail of blood. It took me to Canberra, to the Federal Parliament, and the politicians and staffers who I know well. They were able to clear up a mystery, and in the process flesh out a picture of political bastardry, animosity and aggression. I now understand why Dr Brendan Nelson took what at the time appeared to be a dangerous and illogical decision to open up his leadership position to a vote less than 10 months after becoming his party's leader. He couldn't take the pressure any more. And the pressure was unrelenting.

It began within minutes of him becoming leader of the Liberal Party and leader of the opposition on November 29 last year, the first time the party had regrouped after being shattered by the double decapitation of its long-standing leader and deputy leader. Even before the Liberals had filed out of the room, having just installed Nelson over Malcolm Turnbull by a vote of 45 to 42, the pressure began.

Turnbull walked up to Nelson and gave him a negative review of his first performance as leader. Soon after, unable to contain himself, Turnbull walked into Nelson's office and dressed him down in front of his wife and staff. Nelson was stunned. So were his staff.


see toon at top...